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(In plain English, that means that if you drink Jesus in, your spirit will be satisfied forever. You’ll find happiness, peace, and a reason.

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9 (In plain English, that means that if you drink Jesus in, your spirit will be satisfied forever. You’ll find happiness, peace, and a reason for living. And on top of it, when you die, your spirit will live forever in the most fantastic place you can imagine.) When When Jesus met a woman getting water from a well, He told her something something AWESOME that has ROCKED through TIME. He said (& get this ):

10 “Jesus, I’ve tried lots of things, but I’ve never really tried you. I want you in my life so I can experience true happiness, peace, and a reason for living. I wouldn’t mind going to that fantastic place after I die either. Please come into my heart and wipe away all of my mistakes as only you know how. Amen.”

11 For more powerpoints visit:

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