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UC Admissions: Systemwide Messages, Requirements & Comprehensive Review Michael Treviño Director of Undergraduate Admissions, UCOP September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "UC Admissions: Systemwide Messages, Requirements & Comprehensive Review Michael Treviño Director of Undergraduate Admissions, UCOP September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC Admissions: Systemwide Messages, Requirements & Comprehensive Review Michael Treviño Director of Undergraduate Admissions, UCOP September 2013

2 Presentation Overview Budget Context Fall 2013 Outcomes Looking Ahead to Fall 2014 and Fall 2015 Enrollment Management The Application Process Freshman Admissions Requirements Freshman Admission Selection Process

3 State Budget Context Passage of Proposition 30 Modest increases in UC’s base budget No tuition increases for 2013-14 No funding for enrollment growth for California students Middle-income scholarship program Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan

4 Fall 2013 Outcomes for California Residents Applicants: 99,129 ( 5,893) o Average # of Campuses Applied to: 4 Admits: 62,212 ( 91) Admit Rate for System: 62.8% ( 3%) o Does not include 10,000+ referral offers Statements of Intent to Register (SIR): 35,964 ( 176)

5 Diversity of Incoming California Class Race/Ethnicity20122013 African American4.3%3.9% American Indian0.6% Chicano/Latino26.7%28.2% Underrepresented31.6%32.7% Asian American41.3%40.0% Pacific Islander0.2%0.3% White/Other24.3%24.0% Unknown2.6%3.0% TOTAL100.0% Underrepresented: 33% ( 1%) First–Generation College: 46% ( 1%) Low Income: 39% ( 1.5%)

6 Nonresident Admission and Enrollment The University’s admission of International and out- of-state students does not displace CA residents 10 percent of enrolled undergraduates will be nonresidents Enrolled beyond state-funded spaces for CA students Bring a diversity of perspectives and experiences Nonresident tuition is used to benefit all students

7 Transfer Path to UC Applicants: 29,447 ( 70) Admits: 20,837 ( 4) Admit Rate for System: 70.8% ( 0.1%) Statements of Intent to Register: 17,332 ( 104) Admits from CA Community Colleges:92% Transfer is an important pathway for California students to the University

8 Looking Ahead to Fall 2014 and Fall 2015

9 Process Updates FALL 2014 Improvements to “a-g” Faster turn-around Online COLLEGE courses can satisfy VPA & Lab Science Alignment with Common Core Campuses will continue to have waitlists July 1 deadline for final, official transcripts FALL 2015 Application for Admission Opening date moves to August 1 Submission dates unchanged – November 1-30 Southwest Asian & North African (SWANA) ethnic category

10 Enrollment Management

11 Factors That Affect Enrollment Management Campus Capacity Considerations Students Graduating Re-enrollment of Former Students Previous Year New Student Yield Funding Level from the State (CA residents) Enrollment Goals

12 Enrollment Management ApplyAdmitEnroll

13 The Requirements

14 Systemwide Admission Requirements Subject RequirementsYears a. History/Social Sciences2 years b. English4 years c. Mathematics3 years d. Laboratory Science2 years e. Language other than English2 years f. Visual & Performing Arts1 year g. College-Preparatory Elective1 year GPA Requirement Weighted 3.00 Examination Requirement ACT Plus Writing or SAT Reasoning

15 Admission to the System Statewide Path Top 9% of California high school graduates Applicants meet general requirements and achieve the appropriate UC score on UC’s admission index Local Path Top 9% of students in local high school Applicants have a 3.0 GPA or better in a specific set of courses Applicants meet or exceed the 9% benchmark gpa of their high school Index to be recalibrated for fall 2015 applicants

16 Local Context (ELC) Requirements Subject RequirementsYears a. History/Social Sciences1 year b. English2 years c. Mathematics2 year d. Laboratory Science1 year e. Language other than English1 year f. Visual & Performing Arts g. College-Preparatory Elective (or other a-f courses) 4 years GPA Requirement At least 3.00 fully weighted Meet or Exceed Benchmark GAP for the High school Examination Requirement ACT Plus Writing or SAT Reasoning 11 Specific Courses

17 Statewide Requirements Subject RequirementsYears a. History/Social Sciences2 years b. English4 years c. Mathematics3 years d. Laboratory Science2 years e. Language other than English2 years f. Visual & Performing Arts1 year g. College-Preparatory Elective1 year Examination Requirement ACT Plus Writing or SAT Reasoning GPA Requirement Weighted 3.00 Admissions Index UC Score Required based on GPA and exam scores

18 Top 9% Statewide Applicants in the Top 9% of all high school graduates in California must meet the general admission requirements and have an appropriate UC Score on the admissions index. The admissions index is a sliding scale based on the applicant’s UC “a-g” GPA and UC Score. Will be offered admission from a campus that has space available

19 Top 9% Local Context  Applicants in the Top 9% of their class at a participating California high school who also meet ELC requirements: Complete a specific pattern of 11 UC-approved “a-g” courses Earn a specific GPA or higher in the 11 courses Complete the full a-g pattern by end of the senior year  Will be offered admission from a campus that has space available.

20 The Application Review Process

21 Comprehensive Review  UC’s process to review applications in context  In use since 2002  14 factors established by UC faculty  Allows consideration of each applicant’s achievements, both academic and non-academic, in light of the opportunities and resources available to them in their educational and personal environment.

22 What Can Students Do? Have an inclusive high school experience Take challenging courses and earn strong grades Take advantage of other academic opportunities Take initiative in pursuing passions and interests Seek “fit” in school activities and community involvement Explore leadership opportunities at school, in activities, in the family and the community Students should endeavor to do their best in all things

23 What Else Can Students Do? Apply Across the UC System To multiple campuses, if possible Find the “right fit” for themselves Know the range of selectivity across UC

24 Tips for Students Presenting Themselves in the Application Carefully complete the application: – Tell us everything they want us to know – Major(s) of interest, if decided – Family background – Participation in activities – Use transcript(s) – don’t guess about grades – Avoid abbreviations/acronyms All of these tips provide context and clarity

25 The Application Process Application opens October 1 Filing period November 1-30 One application for entire UC system – Student can apply to all 9 campuses – Fee waiver for up to 4 campuses available to qualifying students Each campus makes its admission decision independently for every applicant

26 UC’s Message “NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Regents direct the President, in consultation with the Academic Senate and campus admissions professionals, to ensure that all applicants receive an individualized review that ensures trained readers examine applicants’ full files to evaluate their accomplishments in the context of opportunity...” “BE IT RESOLVED that University of California campuses must remain committed to recruiting students from the full range of California high schools and regions in order to achieve the potential of the University’s admission policy for California’s students...”

27 Resources University of California Admissions Comprehensive Review Factors – Admissions Index Calculator – index/index.html index/index.html ELC Information – Transcript and Student Contact Information Submission Process ELC Help Desk - Call: 800-839-8507 Questions, ELC Coordinator, Julie Lind – Email: Counselors Tab – Downloadable Guides –

28 UC thanks you for your efforts in helping students find their path.

29 Future Questions Contact us: We appreciate your help sharing this important information regarding preparation and access.

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