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Buying Better Outcomes Workshop 3 Equalities, Procurement and Corporate aims.

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1 Buying Better Outcomes Workshop 3 Equalities, Procurement and Corporate aims

2 Remember, procurement should not be carried out in isolation. It should be a corporate activity carried out to achieve corporate and service aims. This includes equality priorities It should clearly feed into and be instructed by your organisation’s corporate plan and by government policy Information should flow both ways - procurement being instructed by and conditioned by the corporate environment. The latter should be informed about markets and the supply chain by procurement

3 Corporate Need and Strategic Fit


5 The Bicycle c

6 The procurement cycle 1.Identify Need 2.Develop the Business Case 3.Define Procurement Approach 4.Supplier Appraisal 5.Tender Evaluation 6.Award Contract 7.Manage Implementation of Contract 8.Closure/Review

7 Process for joint planning and commissioning 1.Look at particular groups of service users 2.Develop need assessment with users and staff 3.Identify resources and set priorities 4.Plan pattern of services, include prevention 5.Decide how to commission services efficiently 6.Commission – including use of pooled resources 7.Plan for workforce and market development 8.Monitor and review services and process 9.Look at outcomes for children and young people

8 Delivering social value and other benefits One of the most difficult aspects is actually identifying and realising the potential benefits and social value you create Ensure (as part of your performance management process) that these are not only identified as targets but clearly recorded to demonstrate that benefits and social value have been realised and contributed to policy outcomes and the community

9 Delivering social value and other benefits It is also important to recognise the benefits that were gained by the supplier not only in terms of reputational value but also for example access to a larger workforce pool and often ultimately a wider customer base It is sometimes forgotten in the quest for VfM that not all added value has a £ sign in front of it. Try to find ways of recording other benefits such as individual self esteem and achievement, well being and the improved status of protected groups.

10 Discussion/ Exercise Within your procurement activities, consider whether or not your authority’s overall corporate vision and aims supports compliance with the equality duty adding value by achieving wider corporate equality aims Are relevant equality matters and the requirements of the equality duty addressed in your procurement /commissioning strategy? What steps can you take to improve your performance?

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