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New approach to infrastructure Proposed LDP policies on Delivery Role of Action Programme New guidance on Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing.

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Presentation on theme: "New approach to infrastructure Proposed LDP policies on Delivery Role of Action Programme New guidance on Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing."— Presentation transcript:

1 New approach to infrastructure Proposed LDP policies on Delivery Role of Action Programme New guidance on Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing Corporate budget role New officer action group to coordinate 1

2 The aims of the LDP are: AIM 1: Support the growth of the city economy AIM 2: Help increase the number and improve the quality of new homes AIM 3: Help ensure that the citizens of Edinburgh can get around easily by sustainable transport modes to access jobs and services AIM 4: Look after and improve our environment for future generations in a changing climate AIM 5: Help create strong, sustainable communities, enabling all residents to enjoy a high quality of life. 2

3 LDP Delivery: Recognising that adopting the plan isn’t the end of the story and growth does not pay for itself Approach which: focuses developer contributions on a reduced range of infrastructure measures acknowledges that development value is frequently not sufficient to meet the full cost of associated infrastructure enhancements take advantage of requirement for a statutory Action Programme 3

4 Action Programme Approach Lists essential infrastructure improvements and actions to deliver the LDP Updated at least annually Developer contributions will be taken towards relevant actions in the Council’s Action Programme Contribution Zones for actions which are needed to mitigate impact of development across a wide area 4

5 A corporate approach To be successful the AP need to be prepared and approved as a corporate document – agreed at Corporate Policy & Strategy Committee Future APs will be reported corporately for approval and as a input to the budget setting process. Corporate Action Group set up to deliver AP 5

6 LDP Action Group Approve annual updates Refer actions for implementation Consider cumulative viability Identify funding gaps arising, borrowing and budget implications Identify where actions will rely on Key Agencies and/or Scottish Government Explore a range of funding solutions 6

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