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Food and nutrition security policies in Brazil social participation in the formulation and monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Food and nutrition security policies in Brazil social participation in the formulation and monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and nutrition security policies in Brazil social participation in the formulation and monitoring

2 National policy of FNS – characteristics and goals  Strategic and permanent goal  Wide range of concerns - From production to nutritional adequacy - FNS and hunger  Respecting diversity (regional/ethnic)

3 Main challenges  Introducing FNS approach  Promoting inter-sectoriality - Intra-government dialogue - Government - civil society dialogue  Mobilizing social actors (capabilities)  Creating institutional spaces - FNS councils (national, state and municipal levels)

4 National Council on FNS Nature/status  Consultant to the President of the Republic  Supra-ministerial + civil society majority Composition ( 59 members ): i.17 Ministries of State (Social Development, Education, Health, Agrarian Development, Agriculture, Fishery, Environment, Labour, Planning, Economy, Cities, National Integration, Women, Racial Equality, Human Rights, SG/PR, Ad/PR) ii.42 Civil Society Representatives (NGO’s, Social Movements, Churches and Business) iii.15 Observers (Intern. Organ. and other national councils)

5 National Council on FNS Structure  President: civil society representative  3 thematic chambers: Production and provisioning; Health and nutrition; Programmes for specific groups  4 working groups: Right to food; Monitoring and database; National system and framework law; Harvest plan;  5 permanent comissions: Indigenous people, Black people, Northeast region, Social mobilization, Relationship with state councils

6 National Council on FNS: main themes I International agenda: - International agreements - International actions against hunger and poverty National provisioning policy Family farming Urban agriculture Genetic resources and agrobiodiversity Access to water

7 National Council on FNS: main themes II Healthy feeding (FLV): family farming + healthy and sustainable food consumption Monitoring system of nutritional condition (children, mothers and pregnant women) Income transfer programmes School meal programme

8 National Council on FNS: main themes III Special actions for black communities and indigenous people Database and monitoring indicators of food programmes Implementing the right to food Building up of a national system on FNS

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