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 SAP AG CSU Chico Introduction to Report Writer Fall 1998 RW: Lecture 1.

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1  SAP AG CSU Chico Introduction to Report Writer Fall 1998 RW: Lecture 1

2  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Introduction Copyright 1998- Gail Corbitt Contents of this file are for the exclusive use of the special MINS 298C class dealing with SAP software at CSU Chico for the Fall 1998 semester. Any other use in either electronic or hardcopy form is prohibited without the express written permission of the author. This material is confidential. Do not share it with anyone not enrolled in the class. Lecture #3: Report Writer 1 Lecture #3: Report Writer 1

3  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Introduction Objectives: Define Sets Develop Examples of Sets and How They Are Used Build a Simple Report

4  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Introduction Advantages of Report Writer over Report Painter More Flexible  Can Control Level of Detail Better (RP Explode or Not)  Can Modify RP Reports with RW (not the reverse) Can Put Any Kind of Data in Rows OR Columns (RP has particular things in Columns and other things in Rows) Extra Functionality  More Levels of Reporting  More Ways to Label and Use Text Disadvantage: Not as User Friendly

5  SAP AG CSU Chico Converting a Report Painter Report Column Set: 1-C-IP Actual Plan Var. Row Set: Selection Set 19961 to 12 REPORT PAINTER Z-GJAHRZ-PERBL 400000 400100 400200 400300 Z-KSTAR

6  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Set is the RW Building Block Set = A Group of Values Having at Least One Common Characteristics Example: Cost Elements 420000, 422000, 431000 are all Wages Sets are Dynamically Linked to Report Definitions Set Types: Basic Single Dimension Multi-Dimension Data

7  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Definitions of Types: Basic Set = A Group of Specific Values of a Single Characteristic, I.e. All Cost Elements for Wages, etc. Single Dimension Set = A Group of Values Based on Only One Characteristic but it can be Broken Down Further, as in Cost Center Group or Cost Element Group Multi-Dimension Set = A Group of Values Based on More Than One Characteristic, Products Sold in the US Through Retail Channel Data Set = Key Figures or the Number Values You Want in a Report, such as Quantities, Dollars, etc.

8  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Components to Building Sets Menu Path: Info systems --> Ad Hoc Reports --> Report Painter --> Report Writer --> Set --> Create, Change, display, Delete Specify:  Set Definition  Header  Basic Entries  Additional Entries (optional special functions)

9  SAP AG CSU Chico Set Definition : Set ID : Report Writer table : Set type : Field name : Set text : Ambiguity check : Authorization check : From value : To value :Special Report Writer functions Basic entries Headerinformation Additionalentries Set

10  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Set Definition: Set ID: Up to 12 Character Name (Start with Z) Link ID to Reporting Structure, I.e. CCSS, LIS, SIS, etc. Define the Set Type If Basic or Single Dimension Set you Name the Field from the Reporting Structure

11  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Basic Entries: Varies with Set Type Order That You Enter Things Matters Defines Selection Criteria for Data  What to Retrieve from the Database  Based on View (Reporting Structure) and Library (Sub-view) If Entries are Expressed as a Range of Values..  As a Row Set the Default in that the Interval is Discrete Values (Broken Down for Each Value)  As a Column Set the Default is in Aggregate

12  SAP AG CSU Chico OAS-Cost elements Basic Sets: Example Material costs 430000 434000 420000 422000 431000 432000 440000 SalariesInc. costsWages Energy Personnel costs

13  SAP AG CSU Chico Basic Set: Header Entries Set ID:  Wages Field type: AlphanumericPredefined Numeric Data-Dictionary CharacterFormat Ambiguity check: Overlapping values allowed? Authorization group:  GRP1 TABLE TBRG ObjectAuthorization G_800_GSEGRP1 HeaderHeader USER Authorization

14  SAP AG CSU Chico Basic Set: Basic Entries Report layout 420000Direct labor costs20.000,00 421000Indir. labor costs15.000,00 422000Part-time salaries9.500,00 431000Overtime pay25.500,00 *Wages70.000,00 420000...422000 431000 420000...422000 GXX-WAGES BasicEntriesBasicEntries Random Order Set...GXX-WAGESWages Field...KSTARCost element No.From valueTo value 001XXXXX 002XXXXXXXXXX 003XXXXX `X` : Selection option for set lines that are to be processed (for example, deleted) together

15  SAP AG CSU Chico ComponentsComponents Basic Set Components Set ID:  GXX - WAGES Table:  CCSS Set type: X  Basic set Ref. set: Field name: (Basic or single-dim. set) Selection KSTAR Table CCSS Field nameDescription : VERSNVersion GJAHRFiscal year KSTARCost element KOSTLCost center :

16  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Single Dimension Sets Can Define a Hierarchy of Values Within a Characteristic Similar to Hierarchy in the Module. I.e. Co, SD, etc. depending on the Reporting Structure You Use Each Node in the Hierarchy Represents a Total in the Report

17  SAP AG CSU Chico Single-Dimension Sets OAS Cost elements Personnel costsMaterial costsEnergy WagesSalariesInc. costs WagesSalariesInc. costs 420000430000432000 ::: 422000 431000

18  SAP AG CSU Chico Single - Dimension Set Single-Dimension Set: Hierarchy SD BBB BB BBBB B B B B BB B

19  SAP AG CSU Chico Single-Dimension Sets: Examples OAS Structure: Organizing cost element sets in a hierarchy Example Set: GXX-OAS-CELM= Personnel, material, energy and other cost element sets Set: GXX-PERSONNL= Personnel costs OAS cost elements Material costs Report Layout: Total Costs WagesSalariesInc. costs 420000 430000 432000 421000 434000 440000 422000 431000 *Wages70.000,00 420000Direct labor costs20.000,00 421000Indir. labor costs15.000,00 422000Part-time salaries9.500,00 431000Overtime pay25.500,00 *Wages70.000,00 *Salaries99.000,00 430000 Salary85.000,00 434000Vacation pay14.000,00 *Salaries99.000,00 *Inc. costs19.000,00 432000Sick pay8.500,00 440000Legal social exp.10.500,00 *Inc. costs19.000,00 **PERSONNEL188.000,00 : ***TOTAL COSTS3.255.570,00 Personnel costs

20  SAP AG CSU Chico Single-Dimension Sets: Basic Entries 001 420000 - 422000 002 431000 BasicEntriesBasicEntries Set ID:GXX-PERSONNLField: KSTAR Set text:Personnel Display contents No.Set IDSet text 001GXX-WAGESWages 002GXX-SALARYSalaries 003GXX-INCIDENTIncid. costs Set ID entries Double-click

21  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Multi-Dimension Sets Uses Multiple Characteristics to Define Data Needed in the Report Order Determines What is Selected from the Database (like a where clause) Order Determines the Presentation Levels in the Report Can Consist of Basic Sets, Single Dimension Sets and/or other Multi- Dimension Sets If an Error Occurs (Report Runs but Output is not What you Want check the Order of this Type of Set)

22  SAP AG CSU Chico Defining Multi-Dimension Sets BasicEntriesBasicEntries GXX-WAG-ADMI Set ID:GXX-WAG-ADMI X Set type: XMulti-Dimension Set Wages / Admin. Header:Set textWages / Admin. Multi - Dimension Set No.Set IDSet textField name 001GXX-WAGESWagesKSTAR 002GXX-ADM-CSTAmin.KOSTL Set ID entries

23  SAP AG CSU Chico BasicSetBasicSetBasicSetBasicSetBasicSetBasicSetBasicSetBasicSet Combination of Different Set Types Multi- Dimension Set Actual/Plan/Periods Single- Dimension Set (Period) Year Single- Dimension Set (Period) First Half Single- Dimension Set (Period) Second Half Data Set Actual total & Plan total PeriodPeriod Period Period 001004007010 002005008011 003006009012

24  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets Data Sets Similar to Pre-Defined Columns in Report Painter Specify Key Figures (Types of Numeric Data, I.e. Dollars, Quantity, Units, etc.) Names Starting with 100 are Supplied by SAP  Copy to Modify  F4 Gives you a List of These in SAP Defines What Goes into the Report Cells

25  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Sets GXX-ACT-PLAN ISWKG PSWKG Database value fields Actual costs total (CO currency) Plan costs total (CO currency)

26  SAP AG CSU Chico ACTUAL TotalPLAN Total 3200Personnel dept.50,000.0045,000.00 3400Accounting60,000.0080,000.00 3500Purchasing40,000.0039,000.00 3600Cafeteria25,000.0024,000.00 Actual/Plan costs Salaries / Administration ACTUAL TotalPLAN Total 3200Personnel dept.50,000.0045,000.00 3400Accounting60,000.0080,000.00 3500Purchasing40,000.0039,000.00 3600Cafeteria25,000.0024,000.00 *Salary175,000.0018,000.00 3200Personnel dept. 20,000.0022,000.00 3400Accounting15,000.0017,000.00 3500Purchasing10,000.0011,000.00 3600Cafeteria6,000.005,550.00 *Vacation pay51,000.0055,550.00 **Salaries226,000.00243,550.00 Data Sets: Example Report ISWKGPSWKG The example shows a report with a data set of the following structure: DATA SET DATA SET

27  SAP AG CSU Chico Defining Data Sets BasicentriesBasicentries X Set ID:GXX-ACT-PLANSet type:X Data set Actual/Plan Costs Set text:Actual/Plan Costs30-character text description Authorization group No.Name in data setSet line text 001 001 ISWKGActual costs 002 002 PSWKGPlan costs : : : HeaderHeader

28  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (1) Required columns in report Current year Cumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000

29  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (2) Required columns in report Current year Cumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 DATAFIELD SWKGSWKG DATA SET ENTRY ZCY-PLAN-CUM Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000

30  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (3) Required columns in report Current year Cumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 DATAFIELD SWKGSWKG DATA SET ENTRY ADDITIONAL SET CY-PLCUM ZCY-PLAN-CUM Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000

31  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (4) Required columns in report Current yearCumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 DATAFIELD SWKGSWKG DATA SET ENTRY ADDITIONAL SET CY-PLCUM CurYear &CYR ZCY-PLAN-CUM Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000

32  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (5) Required columns in report Current year Cumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 DATAFIELD SWKGSWKG DATA SET ENTRY ADDITIONAL SET CY-PLCUM CurYear &CYR ZCY-PLAN-CUM Percum 1...... &PER Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000

33  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (6) Required columns in report Current year Cumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 DATAFIELD SWKGSWKG DATA SET ENTRY ADDITIONAL SET CY-PLCUM CurYear &CYR ZCY-PLAN-CUM Percum 1...... &PER Valpln 01 Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000

34  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (7) Required columns in report Current year Cumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 DATAFIELD SWKGSWKG DATA SET ENTRY ADDITIONAL SET CY-PLCUM CurYearFyear &CYR CYR-PLAN-CUM PerblPercum 1...... &PER ValplnValtyp 01 VersnVarvers &VERSPLN MULTI-SET DATA SET ENTRY other conditions CYR-ACT-CUM ADDITIONAL SET CY-ACTCUM ZPYR-ACT-CUM ADDITIONAL SET CY-ACTCUM Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000

35  SAP AG CSU Chico Data Set Entries (8) Required columns in report Current year Cumulative Total plan Version Variable Current year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 DATA SET ENTRY Data set CYR-PYR-PLCUM ZCY-PLAN-CUM DATA SET ENTRY ZCY-ACT-CUMZPY-ACT-CUM Previous year Cumulative Total actual Version 000 *D 001 ZCY-PLAN-CUM 002 ZCY-ACT-CUM 003 ZPY-ACT-CUM LI XX Predefined columns: NameShort description xISWKGTotal actual xPSWKGTotal plan...... XZCY-PLAN-CUMCurrent year plan cum. XZCY-ACT-CUMCurrent year act. cum. XZPY-ACT-CUMPrev. year act. cum.

36  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Sets - Exercise Create Some Sets to do the Following: Basic Set for Wages: Uses CCSS, KSTAR (field name), Values 420000-422000 and 431000 Basic Set for Salaries: Uses CCSS, KSTAR, Values: 430000 & 434000 Single Dimension Set for Personnel costs: Uses CCSS, KSTAR, and the 2 Basic Sets you created above. In Order to Make Sure Your Names are Unique Use the Naming convention Zxxx-Name, where xxx is your intials and Name is like Wages, or Salaries, Etc. Menu Path: Information Systems > Ad Hoc Reports >Report Painter > Report Writer > Set > Create

37  SAP AG CSU Chico Report Writer: Formulae Formulae Belong to Sets (Basic or Data Sets only) Data Used in Formulae are Referenced in single quotes by line number, I.e. ‘001’ - ‘002’ subtracts line 2 from line 1. Operators are available (see handout) SAP Delivered Names start with a 1 Your names = &+name (Makes the Formula a Variable) You can activate and give it a Default Value You can activate and assign a default by user through PID

38  SAP AG CSU Chico Defining Sets: Formulas Complete Set Complete Set Set: GXX-ACT-PLAN No.ID in data setLine text 001ISWKGACTUAL Total 002PSWKGPLAN Total 003= '001'- '002' Variance BasicEntriesBasicEntries Set :GXX-ACT-PLANSet text: Actual/Plan/Var. No.ID in data setLine text 001ISWKGACTUAL Total 002PSWKGPLAN Total 003 Formula in line 003 '001' - '002' Set lines 001ISWKG 002PSWKG 003= InsertFormula

39  SAP AG CSU Chico Formula Variables: Example 1 MILLER 1. Current year? 2. Previous year? Default values from system Formula variable 1GJAHLJ:Systemexit that determines current fiscal year from controlling area and fiscal year variant. Formula variable 1GJAHVJ:Internal variable that determines previous year 1GJAHVJ = '1GJAHLJ' - 1

40  SAP AG CSU Chico Formula Variables: Example 2 Salaries / Administration 3200Personnel dept.50,000.00 3400Accounting60,000.00 3500Purchasing40,000.00 3600Cafeteria25,000.00 *Salary175,000.00 3200Personnel dept. 20,000.00 3400Accounting15,000.00 3500Purchasing10,000.00 3600Cafeteria6,000.00 *Vacation pay51,000.00 **Salaries226,000.00 1. Quarter ? 2. Quarter ? 3. Quarter ? 4. Quarter ? 1. Quarter ? 2. Quarter ? 3. Quarter ? 4. Quarter ? Value variable ZQUART Value variable ZQUART Formula variables ZQUPERV: 'ZQUART' * 3 - 2 ZQUPERB: 'ZQUART' * 3 Quarter X Period ZZ to YY

41  SAP AG CSU Chico Variables in Report Writer Increases Flexibility at Run Time Defined Once Used Many Times Example of Good Variables: Fiscal Year, Controlling Area, Period(s), Version(s), Cost Element Groups, Sales Region, Project Number, et.c Type of Variables: Value (a Specific Characteristic) Set Variables

42  SAP AG CSU Chico Defining Set Variables Variable Field Cost center Default set Description Variable type Table Authorization group Variable Field Cost center Default set Description Variable type Table Authorization group 1KOSET KOSTL 1-S-KOSTL-AL Cost center group Set CCSS

43  SAP AG CSU Chico Set Variables 1 WAGES Act Plan 420000 421000 420000 Personnel dept. Accounting Purchasing Cafeteria 421000 Personnel dept. Accounting Purchasing Cafeteria : GXX-CELM-CST Set Variable -Personnel dept. -Accounting -Purchasing -Cafeteria GXX-ADM-CST&GXX-CEG Selection:... Cost element group GXX-WAGES Multi - Dimension Set

44  SAP AG CSU Chico Set Variables 2 Salaries ActPlan 430000 434000 430000 Personnel dept. Accounting Purchasing Cafeteria 434000 Personnel dept. Accounting Purchasing Cafeteria : GXX-CELM-CST Set Variable -Personnel dept. -Accounting -Purchasing -Cafeteria GXX-ADM-CST&GXX-CEG Selection:... Cost element group GXX-WAGES Multi - Dimension Set GXX-SALARY

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