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September 11, 2009 Ms. Shana Gass, MSLS Reference Librarian MNGT 483 – Prof. Y. Ji Human Resources Research.

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Presentation on theme: "September 11, 2009 Ms. Shana Gass, MSLS Reference Librarian MNGT 483 – Prof. Y. Ji Human Resources Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 11, 2009 Ms. Shana Gass, MSLS Reference Librarian MNGT 483 – Prof. Y. Ji Human Resources Research

2 This presentation highlights some of the key sources for your term project. Click the screenshots to try sites/databases. For additional sources, see the Research Guide: > MNGT > 483 > Researching HR Management & Strategy

3 Where are they now? ( & why?) 1971 – SWA starts flying 1994 – Fortune cover story, Is Herb Kelleher America’s best CEO? 1998 – Nuts published 2000 – Hidden Value published 2009 -- ???

4 A Great Place to Work?

5 Q: Where can I find out more about my company & its HR Strategy over the last decade? A: Try the library databases for news and analysis of your company over this time period.

6 Cook Library Web Site: …and Subject Gateways: Note: “Quick Search” for Articles searches only in general -- not business – databases. You’ll need more info for this project!

7 Get into the Databases from Off-Campus! Click Towson University Log in with 14-digit number from front of TU OneCard + last name

8 Q: What’s going on with my company now? (news, stock performance, # of employees, etc.) A: Try Factiva Build-a-Report

9 Factiva* – Build a Report & More *Available from the Management Subject Gateway.

10 Q: Where can I find information about my company’s overall strategy?

11 Strategy Source: Annual Report/10K* For Strategy – look for “Letter to Shareholders” section. Management Discussion & Analysis *for public companies only

12 Strategy from the Horse’s Mouth: Finding Interviews in Library Databases In Factiva: – Select Company – Select: Subject > Content Type > Interview – To narrow further: Type a keyword in the Free text box In Business Source Complete [on Mngt & HR Gateways] : – Use Advanced Search – Type company name in one box (you may select field: CO Company Entity) – Type interview* in another box [the * lets you find interview, interviews, interviewing, etc.] – To narrow, add terms in additional boxes

13 More Research Challenges Corporate web site is not an intranet HR “behind the scenes” Search term vs. concept Example: horizontal alignment “Get” the concepts, use your imagination, and be ready to read! Not all concepts make good search words. “Lay” term vs. subject assigned by database Example: Layoff vs. Employees – Dismissal of Euphemisms / jargon Again, think of all the different ways to say “layoffs” Develop “synonym power” and be flexible in your searching!

14 Industry Interlude Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage database - Industry Surveys (includes an archive back to ~1998) ValueLine Investment Surveys database Industry Association web pages – Example: Air Transport AssociationAir Transport Association

15 What Do You Want to Know? What, where, when? Newspapers, news magazines, newswires; trade publications reporting on an industry How should I…? Practitioner (“professional”) publications (often categorized with trade publications) Why? What would happen if…? Scholarly AKA Academic AKA Peer-Reviewed Journals All of these kinds of publications can be found in the library databases. (Individual databases may vary in the mix of publications.)

16 Background on HR Topics: Sage Reference Online* Articles in Sage Reference Online include useful lists of “further reading” – often scholarly -- to deepen your understanding of the topics. * Available on MNGT & HR Subject Gateways

17 Chasing Down Citations on “Further Reading” & Other Bibliographies - I Cascio, W. F. (2002). Responsible restructuring: Creative and profitable alternatives to layoffs. (2002). San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler and the Society for Human Resource Management. This is a book. (Note place of publication info.) Search for title in Books + (catalog search) on library web site.

18 Chasing Down Citations - II Leana, C. R., Feldman, D. C., and Tan, G. Y. (1998). Predictors of coping behavior after a lay-off. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19(1), 85–97. This is a journal article. Note volume/issue info. First, search for the title of the journal in the Journal List on the library web site. Check the date coverage. If available online, click link & drill down/search to find article.

19 Finding Articles: RDS Business Suite* Articles from: Business magazines, newspapers, trade publications, statistics (in TableBase section) Business & Management Practices section great for articles on how company operates, including their HR practice! * Available from MNGT Subject Gateway

20 RDS: Steps to Search Business & Management Practices Click Advanced Search Uncheck other databases, leaving Business & Management Practices checked Select Department: Human Resources Type company name, and/or select industry Search Enjoy HR-specific articles on your company/industry!

21 Finding Articles: Business Source Complete What You’ll find in BSC: – Newspaper articles (Wall Street Journal – citations only. To access complete articles, click FindIt button) – Trade publication articles – Scholarly articles – Company Profiles & SWOTs – Industry Profiles

22 Finding Articles: Business Source Complete* * Available from MNGT & HR Subject Gateways

23 BSC Tips Try a simple search, then narrow by document type, subject, on the left side Don’t simply string search words together: – Connect essential concepts with the word and – Connect synonyms with or Keep an eye out for the subjects that tag an article – useful to plug in to your search as appropriate Try Advanced Search for more precision & power!

24 Sample Advanced Search in BSC

25 Finding a SWOT in BSC #1: Searched for a company #2: Then Narrow to SWOT Analyses Click box, then PDF icon to see a sample SWOT!

26 Cross-Searching Multiple Databases Choose databases link in EBSCO databases Some useful non-biz databases in EBSCO: – ERIC – PsychINFO – SocINDEX – Communication & Mass Media Complete Off Campus Access link from library web site (Research Port) also has cross-searching capability – worth a try.

27 Finding Articles: Emerald* Electronic journals from publisher Emerald, all in full text Rich source of scholarly articles Be sure to choose “My subscribed content” before searching * Available from HR Subject Gateway

28 See a Sample Search in Emerald

29 Questions? Shana Gass Reference Librarian for Management Cook Library, Towson University / 410-704-2395 Thanks and good luck!

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