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First Aid Volunteer Tammy Kastner Blast to the Past - 2015 VBA.

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid Volunteer Tammy Kastner Blast to the Past - 2015 VBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid Volunteer Tammy Kastner Blast to the Past - 2015 VBA

2 Hi, my name is Tammy, and I am honored to serve as first aid volunteer again this year. The First Aid station will be located in the Ministry Center Office. I will be there Tuesday through Friday, and will have my cell phone on me. That way if I am needed in the ECA or step away from the office for any reason, you will be able to reach me. My cell number is (206) 200-0843 Please pray for the safety and protection from injury, for our children this VBA, as well as, for them to know Gods love and saving grace.

3 WHEN A CHILD CRIES Show empathy toward hurt child – not all hurts are physical Respond quickly, but calmly – children will mimic your response If in need of a bandage &/or ice bag o Have a Leader escort the injured child to the first aid station in the Ministry Center’s office – preferably the Leader who saw what happened o Be prepared to explain what happened to the fist aid volunteer and complete the appropriate Incident Report Form o Either wait to escort the child back to class, or leave the child with the volunteer If the hurt is emotional o Get eye level with the child o Talk softly and ask how you can help o Do not hug unless you have an established relationship with child and family If the child cannot be consoled o Find the area Coordinator Always let other CREW LEADERS know when you leave; and let them know which child is with you

4 REPORTING A HURT If you suspect that a child has been hurt (at VBA or elsewhere) o Do not discuss with any other person o Take your concerns to a Coordinator or a Director only, and as soon as possible If a child approaches you and makes a statement that causes concern o Do not interrogate the child o Listen empathetically o Ask if the child would like to continue with the day  If yes, return the child to activities and then leave to talk with a Coordinator or a Director.  If no, take to a Coordinator or a Director

5 ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS Please be aware of possible food allergies that children in your group may have. I know that food containing peanuts is not provided by the church, but there are many other allergies to be aware of. Older school age children usually know to ask if a snack contains an ingredient they can’t eat but some of our younger children may not. In the past, children with severe food allergies have been told to bring a snack from home. This should be encouraged especially if a child has multiple allergies.

6 Hope everyone has a safe and fun time this year!

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