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Digitizing and Delivering Audio and Video Jon Dunn Jenn Riley IU Digital Library Program Digital Library Brown Bag Series February 11, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Digitizing and Delivering Audio and Video Jon Dunn Jenn Riley IU Digital Library Program Digital Library Brown Bag Series February 11, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digitizing and Delivering Audio and Video Jon Dunn Jenn Riley IU Digital Library Program Digital Library Brown Bag Series February 11, 2005

2 Some questions to ask when starting a project What is the purpose of digitization? Preservation/archiving Delivery to users: network, CD-ROM, DVD Both Who are the users and what is the use? Affects quality requirements Where are the users? Network bandwidth How will they get to the content? Metadata, searching, browsing

3 Presentation Outline Digitization and capture Audio Video Delivery What’s going on at IU? Available digital audio/video services Digital library projects involving audio/video

4 Presentation Outline Digitization and capture Audio Video Delivery What’s going on at IU? Available digital audio/video services Digital library projects involving audio/video

5 Typical Audio/Video Workflow Source Master file Digitization/ Encoding Compressed derivative files for delivery Transcoding Editing/cleaning possible

6 Tools for Digitization Computer workstation Audio/video source equipment VCR, tape deck, turntable, etc. Analog-to-digital converter May be internal or external (connected to computer via USB or Firewire) Wide range of quality: consumer, professional Audio/video editing, compression software Audio examples: Sound Forge, Bias Peak Video examples: Adobe Premiere, Apple Final Cut Pro, Apple iMovie

7 Audio: Source Formats Analog Discs: LPs, 78s, etc. Tapes: open reel, cassette, 8-track Other: wire recordings, cylinders Digital Discs: CD, DVD-Audio Tapes: DAT, ADAT

8 Digital Audio Basics Sampled waveform Pulse code modulation, or PCM PCM characteristics which determine quality Sample rate (hertz) Determines frequency range reproduced Sample rate = 2 * frequency range (Nyquist) Sample size (bits) Larger sample size = less quantization noise Number of channels

9 Digital Audio: Sampling audio sampling quantization noise Barlow, Multimedia Systems, p. 77.

10 CD Audio Sample rate: 44.1 kHz (44,100 samples/second) Sample size: 16 bits Number of channels: 2 (stereo) Bitrate 44100 samples/second * 16 bits/sample * 2 channels = 1.4112 megabits/second

11 Master Audio File Formats Two main formats (actually many more) WAV (Microsoft/IBM) AIFF (Apple) All essentially interchangable Header + sample data No true standard (i.e. ISO standards process) in common use WAV is defacto standard Broadcast WAV gaining use

12 Audio Compression Most audio compression schemes for music are lossy, based on ‘psychoacoustic’ techniques Based on understanding of human hearing and audio processing Masking principle Subband coding

13 Audio Compression: Masking Effect Barlow, Multimedia Systems, p. 73.

14 Audio Compression: Standards MPEG-1 Layers 1, 2, and 3 (‘MP3’) Typically 128-384 kilobits/second (for stereo) MPEG-2 Layers 1, 2, and 3 and AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) Typically 96-384 kilobits/second (for stereo) MPEG-4 Improved AAC Synthetic audio Low bit rate parametric audio

15 MPEG-1 Audio Compression From the MPEG Audio FAQ

16 Audio Compression: Proprietary Formats (Codecs) QDesign Music Used with Apple QuickTime RealAudio Used with RealPlayer Windows Media Audio Used with Windows Media Codec: compressor/decompressor

17 Video: Source Formats Analog Tape: VHS, Betamax, 8mm, Hi8, Umatic, Betacam SP Disc: Laserdisc, SelectaVision :-) Digital Tape: MiniDV, Digital8, DVCAM, Digital Betacam Disc: Video CD, DVD

18 Video is just like a series of still images, right? Scanned images Represented as grid of Red-Green-Blue values Master images are uncompressed, lossy compression used for derivatives See Jenn’s Fall 2003 Digitization of Photographs brown bag presentation for more info Digitization of Photographs No.

19 Video is somewhat like a series of still images Video uses Red-Green-Blue color space Pixel resolution (width x height), number of bits per pixel, and frame rate are factors in quality But there’s much more to it…

20 Digital Video Basics A video signal consists of luminance and chrominance information Luminance – brightness, varying from white to black (abbreviated as Y) Chrominance – color (hue & saturation), conveyed as a pair of color difference signals: R-Y (hue & saturation for red, without luminance) B-Y (hue & saturation for blue, without luminance) Where’s the green?

21 Digital Video Basics 4:2:2 sampling4:2:0 sampling 4:1:1 sampling 4:2:2 – High End DV (Digital Betacam, DVCPro50) 4:2:0 – MPEG 1 & 2 4:1:1 – DV and DVCAM

22 Digital Video Basics: Scary Math Why not 4:4:4 sampling? 720 x 486 resolution = 349,920 pixels per frame 349,920 pixels x 10 bits/sample x 3 samples/pixel = 10,497,600 bits per frame 10,497,600 bits/frame X 29.97 frames/second = 314,613,072 bits per second 314,613,072 bps x 3600 seconds = ~141.58 GB/hour For 1920x1080 HDTV, more like 840 GB/hour 4:2:2 sampling drops that rate by a third with almost no perceptible difference in quality. 4:2:0 and 4:1:1 drop it in half about 70 GB/hour for normal resolution video

23 Digital Video Compression 70 GB per hour (155 Megabits/second) 4:2:0 video is still big and expensive Additional compression techniques Downsample from 10 bits/sample to 8 bits/sample Use typical image compression techniques (like JPEG) Interframe compression MPEG-2 Compression Good quality: 50 Megabits/second, no interframe compression Typical (DVD, cable box, satellite): 6-12 Megabits/second

24 Master Video File Formats: No Good Choices Lossy MPEG-2 DV Motion JPEG Motion JPEG2000 Lossless QuickTime “Raw” Motion JPEG2000

25 Presentation Outline Digitization and capture Audio Video Delivery What’s going on at IU? Available digital audio/video services Digital library projects involving audio/video

26 Downloading User must wait for the entire file to transfer before viewing any part of it Seeking within the file almost immediate User gets the entire file, and can use it in any way they choose Quality is dependent on how long you’re willing to make your users wait for the file to download

27 Streaming File transferred to user in small parts, can view once the first part has been delivered Seeking within the file requires communication with the streaming server and a delay while a new chunk of the file delivered User does not receive a complete re-usable copy of the file Quality dependent on the network bandwidth between the user and the streaming server

28 Streaming media players QuickTime Limited in codecs it can play back Comes with Mac operating systems No version for Unix/Linux RealPlayer Limited in codecs it can play back Free version hidden on download site Windows Media Player Limited in codecs it can play back Comes with Windows operating systems No version for Unix/Linux Latest version not released for Mac

29 Streaming servers Apple QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server Open source (free!), uses open standards Streams QuickTime and MPEG-4 content RealNetworks Helix Universal Server Expensive, proprietary Streams Real, Windows Media, MPEG, and QuickTime content Microsoft Windows Media Services Free with Windows Server, proprietary Streams Windows Media content

30 Other forms of delivery Tethered download DRM in effect iTunes, for example DVD uses MPEG-2 ease of distribution

31 Presentation Outline Digitization and capture Audio Video Delivery What’s going on at IU? Available digital audio/video services Digital library projects involving audio/video

32 Digital audio and video services at IU DLP DMNS DMS TLTC Radio/TV Services

33 Digital Library Program (DLP) Can handle these formats: – VHS – DVD – Laserdisc – CD – Cassette – Open reel tape – DAT – LPs Digitization and consulting services as part of the Digital Media and Image Center (DMIC) Contact: Kara Alexander, Digital Media Specialist,

34 Digital Media Network Services (DMNS) Division of UITS Hosts IU streaming media servers Service is free for IU academic and administrative units Can stream Real, QuickTime, and Windows Media content

35 Digital Media Services (DMS) Division of UITS Digitization and derivative creation services for still images, audio, and video System-wide service, based in Indianapolis For-fee service

36 Teaching and Learning Technologies Centers (TLTC) Sponsored by: Office of Academic Affairs Office of the Vice President for Information Technology “Provides consulting and development for integrating technologies into university teaching and learning.”

37 Radio/TV Services Audio and video digitization in support of public radio and public television production services Performs digitization for campus units for a fee Contact: Scott Carmichael,

38 VARIATIONS Digital Music Library Online since 1996 Master audio file format: CD-quality WAV (stored in MDSS) Delivery audio format: MP2 (MPEG-1 layer 2) @ 384 Kilobits/second Streaming: IBM VideoCharger server

39 Variations2 Digital Music Library NSF-funded research project evolving into production system for summer 2005 Need to convert 10,000+ hours of audio from VARIATIONS Master audio file format: CD-quality WAV Delivery audio formats: MP3 (MPEG-1 layer 3) @ 192 Kilobits/second MPEG-4 AAC @ 32 Kilobits/second Streaming: Apple QuickTime Streaming Server

40 EVIA Digital Archive Ethnomusicology field video Master file formats: MPEG-2 @ 50 Megabits/second Digital Betacam tape at ATM (not really a file!) Delivery file formats: MPEG-2 @ 8 Megabits/second (on-campus, Internet2) MPEG-1 @ 1 Megabit/second (on-campus, Internet2) MPEG-4 @ 300 Kilobits/second (cable, DSL) Streaming: Apple QuickTime Streaming Server

41 Video E-Reserves Project Pilot tests performed Spring 2004 (2 classes) and Fall 2004 (5 classes) Classes chosen for high enrollment and need to view videos outside of class Pilots covered VHS and DVD Digitization and transcoding performed in DMIC 2 videos in Fall 2004 sent to DMS for comparison

42 Video E-Reserves Workflow Master file MJPEG-A @ 10 Megabits/second Master file not kept after streaming files created and checked Delivery files MPEG-4 and RealVideo @ 1 Megabit/second MPEG-4 and RealVideo @ 300 Kilobits/second MPEG-4 and RealVideo @ 100 Kilobits/second MPEG-4 and RealVideo @ 40 Kilobits/second Streaming: Apple QuickTime Streaming Server RealNetworks Helix Universal Server

43 eres password Video E-Reserves Access UITS Streaming Servers eres password course number

44 DAAP: Digital Audio Archives Project IMLS-funded partnership: Johns Hopkins University Digital Knowledge Center IU Digital Library Program IU Cook Music Library IU School of Music October 2004 - September 2006 R&D: Workflow for efficient high-quality audio digitization Digitizing items from School of Music performance archive

45 Sound Directions NEH-funded partnership: IU Archives of Traditional Music Harvard Loeb Music Library IU Digital Library Program Harvard University Library OIS Research and development: Best practices for digital audio preservation Creation of interoperable audio preservation packages

46 Questions? Jon Dunn: Jenn Riley: bbspring2005.htm bbspring2005.htm Thanks to Jerry McDonough of NYU!

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