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MELLON SPECIALIZED SERVICES WITH THE HELP OF ITS CONTACT CENTER 8 th of June 2005 Delivered by Dragomir Mihaela Office Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "MELLON SPECIALIZED SERVICES WITH THE HELP OF ITS CONTACT CENTER 8 th of June 2005 Delivered by Dragomir Mihaela Office Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 MELLON SPECIALIZED SERVICES WITH THE HELP OF ITS CONTACT CENTER 8 th of June 2005 Delivered by Dragomir Mihaela Office Manager

2 Mellon Group of Companies 10 years 7 countries 13 companies over 1.000 employees

3 Who is Mellon Romania The Romanian subsidiary of Mellon Technologies, called Mellon Romania, has started to offer:  Products -Banking&non-banking Cards -POS terminals -ATMs -Bank branch automation equipments  Services -Technical maintenance& service for automation mail processing systems -Technical maintenance&service for POSs and ATMs -Direct Mailing -Direct Sales (Financial Products, POSs) -Contact Center Services Since December 2004 Mellon Romania is offering a complete range of Contact Center Services

4 Clients Banks Public Organisations Telecommunication Organisations Insurance Companies Commercial Companies

5 Mellon Contact Center Aim Fully modernized contact center which has the ability to cover any possible today’s and tomorrow’s needs of the customers with the lowest possible cost.  Assure a consistent quality of services across all interaction channels – voice, e-mail, web, IVR.  Provide the right service level  Operational efficiency  Maximize profit

6 Mellon Contact Center Technology o Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) o Interactive Voice Response (IVR) o Predictive Dialer o Voice Recorder o Internet Integration o e-mail and Web handling o Fax Server MMS Technology o Virtual Contact Centers o Call Management Reports For Supervision

7 Mellon Contact Center Solution

8 Mellon Contact Center Services 1.Telemarketing 2.After sales service 3.Collections 4.Telephone Banking 5.Customer care services 6.Data Base creation and cleaning 7.Instant credit support 8.Surveys

9 1.Telemarketing Modern, alternative and innovative channel for the sale of financial products and services Channel with immediate and fast results Direct, Personal, Bi directional communication through Inbound and Outbound Calls Allow to NEW Customers to communicate with the Bank via a simple Phone Call Allow to call your EXISTING customers to offer them your products and better service Cross selling actions Creation of Data Base Exploitation of Existing Data Base Maximize the effects of advertising campaigns

10 2.After Sales Service  The possibility given to the customers of the banks to have exceptional telephone services after they acquire a product from professional and specially trained Call Center agents  Easy route for the customer -No wrong dialing -Immediate response -Direct answers to the questions of the customer  Giving information on their application status  Informing all the clients on approval or rejection of their applications

11 3.Collections Services Collection = An organized contact with the customers that have been overdue with their payments of installments  Collections of due debts of all buckets of delays (early, late, write-offs)  B2C Debt Collection  B2B Debt Collection  Additional Collections Services:  Skip tracing  Documents authentication  Results analysis  Fully Reports

12 3.1.Methods of Collections  Outbound and inbound calls  Written notices  Pre-Legal and Legal actions

13 3.2. Make Collection from Day One ! No contact : -delay 1-30 days =>50% of customers will enter in 30-60 days delay -delay 30-60 days=>60% of customers will exceed the 60 days delay With contact : -delay 1-30 days =>15% of customers will enter in 30-60 days delay -delay 30-60 days=>25% of customers will exceed the 60 days delay FACTS: If collection services are in effect during the 1 – 60 days delay, the accounts that become more than 60 days overdue can be only about 3,7%.

14 3.3.Additional Collection Services  Skip tracing Identification of current (up-to-date) data of end customers in case the debtors cannot be informed through the billing process, nor be contacted through the collection process. If time is wasted, the debt will become a write-off, with few chances of recovery.  Documents authentication for applications fraud protection For avoiding the acceptance of such false applications. The document verification department is equipped with up to date information on common forgery errors, case studies and algorithms or special identification marks used in official papers

15 4.Telephone Banking The possibility given to the Bank ’ s customers to perform all their banking monetary and non-monetary transactions via a simple phone call, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week THE BANK THAT NEVER CLOSES

16 4.Telephone Banking  Can work remotely or complementary to the bank (I.e. after hours)  Full guarantee of security  Minimum to maximum services depending on the decision of the Bank  Designed on the needs of the Bank  Possibility of applications on a fully CTI platform (voice,fax,mail,web,sms)

17 5.Customer Care Service The possibility given to the customer to contact His/Her Bank 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for any kind of service he may need Is a special project of creating a real relationship between the Company and the customer in order to solve their problems and develop a sentimental dependence of the customers

18 5.Customer Care Service  Can work remotely or complementary to the bank (i.e. after hours)  Full guarantee of security  Minimum to maximum services depending on the decision of the Bank 1. Customer service for all Banking products 2. Internal Customer Service for the Branches of the Bank 3. Customer Service for collaborators of the Bank, i.e. merchants etc  Designed on the needs of the Bank

19 6.Data Base Cleaning & Creation  The rectification and update of customer lists of the Bank / Organization – Checking for the wrong recordings – Correction and completion of recordings – Identification of double recordings  Categorization of customers per product/service etc  New customer Data Base  CRM

20 7.Instant Credit Support  TRAINING of Instant Credit users  Provision of CONTINUOUS SUPPORT in case of problems, queries or training of new users

21 8.Surveys Allows the Organizations to find out and measure information such as:  Customer Satisfaction  Awareness  Needs for new products  Response on new products or services

22 What Mellon could offer?  Outsourcing  Co-sourcing or combined solution  Set-up Turn Key Contact Center

23 Why Outsourcing  The companies can focus on their core business  Cost advantage – staff, assets, infrastructure  Keeping pace with the speed of market  Business risk mitigation  Rapid access to high quality practices  Gain in employee productivity through skilled and trained personnel  Shorter project delivery time  Better control over operations  Increased customer satisfaction

24 Benefits from High Quality Service THE SATISFIED CUSTOMER: Becomes a loyal customer Is willing to be charged extra for the one he knows and trusts Recommends new customers Gives less attention to competition Other Benefits: Clear and up to date clients ’ database Surveys through the conversation allow the Client to find out and measure information such as: - Customer Satisfaction - Awareness - Needs for new products - Response on new products or services

25 Conclusion Why outsource to a professional Contact Center? Because it can offer you complete contact center solutions that can make you a leader in your field!!

26 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! YOU CAN CONTACT US AT: 6-6A, Calea Vitan, 10 th floor, 3 rd district Bucharest Tel. +40 21 320.89.00 Web site:

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