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Paul Bunyan part 2 Week 28. (Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for voc slides.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Bunyan part 2 Week 28. (Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for voc slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Bunyan part 2 Week 28

2 (Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for voc slides.

3 Something called a behemoth is extremely large. What animal is a behemoth?

4 To say something cordially is to say it in a warm, friendly way. Would you speak cordially when inviting a friend to your birthday party? Why or why not?

5 If a meal is hearty, it is satisfying and includes plenty of good food. What foods might be part of a hearty dinner?

6 Something that is fanciful is not real but comes from the imagination. Would you expect to see pictures of fanciful buildings in a cartoon show, or on the news?

7 A scenic place has lovely natural features, such as trees, cliffs, or bodies of water. What is one scenic place you have visited? What did you see there?

8 Something that is colossal if huge. What would you put in a colossal sandwich?

9 An illusion is something that is not really what it appears to be. Who would be more likely to show you an illusion – a magician or a doctor?





14 Now I suppose that you have heard about the mighty logger Paul Bunyan and his great blue ox named Babe. In the early days of our country, Paul and Babe cleared the land for the settlers, so farms and cities could spring up. And you probably know that Paul was taller than a redwood tree, stronger than fifty grizzly bears, and smarter than a library full of books. But you may not know that Paul was married and had two fine children. 1 Page 728

15 1. How does the author begin this tall tale? Why do you think the author begins the story in this way?

16 Page 728

17 One day when Paul Bunyan was out clearing a road through the forests of Kentucky, a great pounding began to shake the earth. Looking around, Paul discovered an enormous hole in the side of a hill. The lumberjack pulled up an acre of dry cane and fashioned a torch to light his way. Page 729

18 Paul climbed inside the hole and followed the sound underground for miles, until he came to a large cavern glistening with crystals. By the flickering light of his torch, he saw a gigantic woman banging a behemoth pickax against a wall. Page 729

19 It was love at first sight. 2 ‘‘I’m Carrie McIntie,” the gigantic woman said. “I was sitting on the hill when my lucky wishbone fell down a crack into the earth. I’ve been digging all day trying to find it.” Page 729

20 What does the idiom “ love at first sight “ mean?

21 With a grin on his face as wide as the Missouri River, Paul reached into his shirt pocket. ‘‘I’ve got one too,” he said, pulling out his lucky wishbone. “Marry me, Carrie, and we’ll share mine.” 3 Page 729

22 3.In what ways is Carrie McIntie similar to Paul Bunyan?

23 Page 729

24 Carrie agreed, and their wedding invitations were mailed out right away. The invitations were so large, only one needed to be sent to each state. Everyone could read them for miles! Page 730

25 The invitations said: You are cordially invited to the mammoth wedding of Paul Bunyan and Carrie McIntie. The couple were married in the enormous crystal chamber that Carrie had carved, and after the ceremony, folks began to call it “Mammoth Cave.” The giantess had dug more than two hundred miles, making it the longest cave in the world, so the name fit perfectly. 4 Page 730

26 According to the tale, how was Mammoth Cave created? How did it get its name?

27 Page 730

28 Paul and Carrie settled down on a farm in Maine, and soon there were two new Bunyans. While Pa Bunyan traveled with his logging crew, Ma Bunyan worked the farm and cared for their jumbo boy, named Little Jean, and their gigantic girl, named Teeny. 5 Page 731

29 Why are Little Jean and Teeny humorous names for the children?

30 One morning when Pa Bunyan was home between jobs, Ma Bunyan cooked up a hearty breakfast of pancakes and syrup. Teeny was wrestling with her big purple puma named Slink and accidentally dumped a silo of syrup on her head. 6 Page 731

31 What do you think will happen to Teeny now that she has syrup in her hair?

32 Page 731

33 Teeny’s hair was so sweet, bears crawled into it and burrowed deep in her curls. Try as they might, Pa and Ma Bunyan couldn’t wash them out. “We’ll need a forceful shower of water to get rid of those varmints!” Ma Bunyan declared. Page 733

34 Page 732

35 Pa Bunyan had an idea. He placed his daughter on Babe, and he led them to the Niagara River in Canada. The gargantuan father scooped out a huge hole in the middle of the riverbed. As the great river roared down into the deep hole, Teeny cried out in delight, “Niagara falls!” Teeny showered in the waterfall, and the pesky bears were washed downstream. 7 8 9 Page 733

36 7. Why does Paul Bunyan create Niagara Falls?

37 8.Do you think this is a good explanation for how Niagara Falls was formed? Explain.

38 9. Why do you think the author has Teeny say, “Niagara falls!”?

39 When Little Jean was five, he wanted to work too, so he followed his pa out to his logging camp in Montana. Thinking his son was too young to do much of anything, Paul set Little Jean down in a barren canyon in Utah to play for the day. When the lumberjack went to fetch him, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Little Jean had carved the canyon into a wonderland of fanciful shapes. Page 733

40 Pa Bunyan got tongue-tied and said, “That’s a mighty brice nanyon, coy, I mean, a mighty nice canyon, boy!” Somehow part of the mix-up stuck. 10 To this day the canyon is known as Bryce Canyon. Page 733

41 10.What does “tongue- tied” say about Paul Bunyan? What does the idiom “tongue-tied” mean?

42 Page 733

43 After all that sculpting, Little Jean’s shoes were full of sand. Pa knew Ma Bunyan wouldn’t want her clean floors dirtied up, so he told Little Jean to sit down and empty out his shoes. 11 Page 734

44 11. What does Paul Bunyan do on page 734 that shows he is a considerate person?

45 The sand from Little Jean’s shoes blew away on the eastern wind and settled down a state away. It covered a valley ten miles long, making sand dunes eight hundred feet high. Everyone knows that’s how the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado came to be. 12 Page 734

46 12. How does the author explain how the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado were created?

47 Page 734

48 One summer, Little Jean and Teeny wanted to go to the beach. Ma Bunyan told them to follow a river to the ocean. But all the rivers flowed west back then, so they missed the Atlantic Ocean and ended up on the other side of the country instead. 13 Page 735

49 13.Based on what you know about the Bunyans, what do you think they will do to get to the Atlantic Ocean? What do you predict will happen?

50 Ma Bunyan tracked them out to the Pacific Ocean, where she found Teeny riding on the backs of two blue whales and Little Jean carving out fifty zigzag miles of the California coast. Page 735


52 When Ma Bunyan saw what her son had done, she exclaimed, “What’s the big idea, sir!?” From that time on, the scenic area was known as Big Sur. Page 735


54 Ma Bunyan knew she had to put up a barrier to remind her children not to wander off too far. So, on the way home, everyone pitched in and built the Rocky Mountains. Teeny gathered up and sorted out all the rivers, letting some flow east and others west. Page 736

55 After that, the children had no trouble following the eastern rivers down to the Atlantic Ocean. And when they wanted to go out exploring, Ma Bunyan would call out, “Now don’t cross the Continental Divide, children!” 14, 15 Page 736

56 14. What earlier event made Ma Bunyan decide to build the Rocky Mountains?

57 15. What does the description of how the Bunyans built the Rocky Mountains tell you about the kind of family they are?

58 Page 736

59 The best thing about camping is sleeping outdoors, and the worst thing is not having enough hot water. That’s why the Bunyans always camped in Wyoming. By the time their camping years were over, Ma Bunyan had poked more than three hundred holes in the ground with her pickax and released tons of hot water from geysers. Page 737

60 But Ma got tired of poking so many holes, so she made a geyser that blew every hour on the hour. After that, there was a steady supply of hot water to keep the giants’ clothes and dishes sparkling clean. 16

61 16.What type of figurative language is every hour on the hour? What does it mean?

62 Teeny named the geyser Old Faithful, and to this day, Old Faithful still blows its top every hour in Yellowstone National Park. 17 Page 737

63 17. Why do you think Teeny named the geyser “Old Faithful”?

64 Page 737

65 As our great country grew up, so did the Bunyan children. When the kids left home, Ma and Pa Bunyan retired to a wilderness area, where they still live happily. Page 738


67 Teeny hitched a ride on a whale over to England and became a famous fashion designer. Her colorful skirts made from air balloons and her breezy blouses cut from ship sails were a sensation at the first World’s Fair in London. Page 739


69 Little Jean traveled to Venice, Italy, where he studied astronomy and art. Every day, the gondoliers would take their passengers down the Grand Canal to watch the giant artist chiseling his marble sculptures. Page 739

70 After graduation, Little Jean decided to explore new lands, as his parents had done. So he took two great jumps and one flying leap and bounded up into outer space. 18, 19, 20 Page 739

71 18. Compare the Bunyans’ activities to those of a normal family.

72 19. What do pages 738- 739 tell you about what happened to the Bunyan family?

73 20.Did your predictions about the tall tale turn out to be true? Explain.

74 Page 739

75 In 1976, the year of our country’s bicentennial, a spacecraft sent by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was on a mission to study Mars. The spacecraft was named Viking I, and it took many photographs of the surface of the planet. One mysterious photo looked like a face carved out of colossal rock. Page 740

76 Some say the photograph is not a face, but an illusion caused by light and shadows on the rock. Others think the famous “Martian face” is just the spitting image of Little Jean Bunyan. If that’s so, who knows what he’s up to on the other planets. Only time will tell! Page 740




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