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Authors: Hsiu-Yuan Wang and Yi-Shun Wang Report: 楊茹絜 GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE PERCEPTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF ONLINE GAMES British Journal of Education Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Authors: Hsiu-Yuan Wang and Yi-Shun Wang Report: 楊茹絜 GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE PERCEPTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF ONLINE GAMES British Journal of Education Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authors: Hsiu-Yuan Wang and Yi-Shun Wang Report: 楊茹絜 GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE PERCEPTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF ONLINE GAMES British Journal of Education Technology Vol.39 No.5 2008 pp787-806

2 OUTLINE Introduction Theoretical background Research Methodology Data analysis and results Discussions Conclusions and limitations

3 PURPOSE The main purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the antecedents of perceived playfulness and to explore the gender differences in the perceptions and acceptance of online games.

4 RESEARCH MODEL Challenge Feedback Speed Computer Self-Efficacy Computer Self-Efficacy Computer Anxiety Perceived Playfulness Behavioral Intention Gender System Characteristics Individual Differences

5 PERCEIVED PLAYFULNESS(1/2) The main purpose of participating in online games community is for leisure and pleasure, not to achieve specific goals nor improve performances. (Hsu & Lu, 2007) It’s defined as the extent to which an individual perceives that his or her attention is focused on the interaction with the information system. (Moon & Kim, 2001)

6 PERCEIVED PLAYFULNESS(2/2) The current study defined perceived playfulness as a state of mind that can change. Perceived enjoyment is a significant determinant of online game continuance behavior. (Hsu & Lu, 2007) Males reported loving to play video games more than females. (Lockheed, 1985; Scott & Rockwell, 1997)

7 HYPOTHESIS H1: Men’s rating of behavioral intention to play online games is higher than women’s. H2: Men’s rating of perceived playfulness of online games is higher than women’s. H3: Perceived playfulness positively influences behavioural intention to play online games more strongly for men than for women.

8 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES RELATED TO COMPUTER SKILLS Individual differences refer to user factors that include traits (personality and demographic variables), as well as situational variables that account for differences attributable to circumstances (experience and training). (Agarwal & Prasad, 1999, P362) Prior studies have suggested that computer self- efficacy/computer skill is an important antecedent of playfulness-related construct.

9 Computer self-efficacy is defined as the judgment of one’s ability to use a computer. (Compeau & Higgins, 1995) Computer anxiety is defined as emotional fear, apprehension and phobia felt by individuals towards interactions with computers or towards the thought of using computers. (Herdman, 1083; Howard, 1986; Marcoulides, 1989)

10 H4: Men’s rating of computer self-efficacy is higher than women’s H5: Computer self-efficacy positively influences perceived playfulness of online games more strongly for men than for women H6: Computer self-efficacy positively influences behavioural intention to play online games more strongly for men than for women

11 H7: Women’s rating of computer anxiety is higher than men’s H8: Computer anxiety negatively influences perceived playfulness of online games more strongly for women than for men H9: Computer anxiety negatively influences behabioural intention to play online games more strongly for women than for men

12 SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Challenge is defined as the extent to which perceived positive challenges presented by an online games are matched to perceived playing skills of the user. If the system can offer the player such challenges that are in correspondence with his or her playing skills, the possibility of experiencing playfulness is higher. (Kiili, 2005)

13 Feedback is defined as the extent to which an individual perceives that playing online games has interaction between game players. (Chung & Tan, 2004; Hoffman & Novak, 1996; Webster & Ho, 1997) Speed Is defined as the extent to which an individual perceives that playing online games has a fast system response. (Chung & Tan, 2004)

14 Most game players would like to make new friends through playing online games, making ‘ fast system response’ and ‘live interactions’ between players’ important for promoting perceived playfulness. A slow system response and low level of interaction in the online game world decrease the likelihood of experiencing playfulness because the player has to sacrifice attention and other cognitive resources to inappropriate activity.

15 H10: Men’s rating of challenge of online games is higher than women’s H11: Men’s rating of feedback of online games is higher than women’s H12: Men’s rating of speed of online games is higher than women’s

16 H13: Challenge positively influences perceived playfulness of online games more strongly for men than for women H14: Feedback positively influences perceived playfulness of online games more strongly for men than for women H15: Speed positively influences perceived playfulness of online games more strongly for men than for women

17 MMORPGS Massive multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPGS) is an online computer role-playing game (RPG) in which a large number of players interact with one another in a virtual world. (Wikipedia, 2006) Ex: World of War craft, Lineage and Maple Story

18 Table 1: Characteristics of the respondents CharacteristicNumberPercentage Gender Female Male Age (years) <20 21–30 31–40 41–50 >51 Education Elementary school Junior high school Senior high school Junior college University Graduate (or above) Industry Manufacturing Service Student Government agencies Others 127 154 131 30 46 63 11 7 123 41 69 30 73 39 139 28 2 45.2 54.8 46.6 10.7 16.4 22.4 3.9 2.5 43.8 14.6 24.5 10.7 26.0 13.9 49.4 10.0 0.7  Lack of a reliable sampling frame  Non-random sampling technique  54.8% are male  281 usable responses  9.35 years of computer experience  5.63 years of Internet experience  Lack of a reliable sampling frame  Non-random sampling technique  54.8% are male  281 usable responses  9.35 years of computer experience  5.63 years of Internet experience

19 TABLE 2: RELIABILITY, AVERAGE VARIANCE EXTRACTED AND DISCRIMINANT VALIDITY FactorCR1234567 1. Computer self- efficacy 0.9630.868 2. Speed0.9600.2560.888 3. Feedback0.9470.1290.4060.856 4. Challenge0.9290.0940.2770.3810.814 5. Perceived playfulness0.9330.0980.1020.0860.1900.739 6. Computer anxiety0.9700.2460.0630.032 0.0450.916 7. Behavioural intention0.9690.2420.1250.1220.1720.2520.1550.914  Composite reliability for all the factors in our measurement model was above 0.90.  All of the factor loadings of the items in the research model were greater than 0.70.  Composite reliability for all the factors in our measurement model was above 0.90.  All of the factor loadings of the items in the research model were greater than 0.70.

20 STANDARDIZED PATH COEFFICIENTS FOR THE MALE AND FEMALE USERS Challenge Feedback Speed Computer Self-Efficacy Computer Self-Efficacy Computer Anxiety Perceived Playfulness Behavioral Intention System Characteristics Individual Differences 0.440** 0.281 -0.443 -0.332** -0.077 -0.006 0.149 -0.028 0.122 0.144 0.456** 0.035 -0.089 -0.037 0.294** 0.467** Male female * P<0.05 ** P<0.01  The results also imply that there may be some gender differences in the perception and acceptance of online games.

21 TABLE 3: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE TEST RESULTS Women (n = 127) Men (n = 154) Significance of difference between women and men (F statistics) Construct Mea n SD Mea n SD Behavioural intention4.581.423.621.6128.472*** Perceived playfulness4.591.184.931.166.027* Computer self-efficacy4.491.435.291.4221.851*** Computer anxiety3.361.492.861.457.933** Speed4.901.315.101.311.510ns Feedback5. Challenge5.271.035.401.180.926ns  Hypotheses 1, 2, 4 and 7 were supported, while Hypotheses 10, 11 and 12 were not supported.

22 TABLE 4: TWO-GROUP COMPARISON OF PATHS FOR MALE AND FEMALE USERS X2X2 dfdf groups. Dc2 from base model Unconstrained base model a 649.038450 Constrained paths b Speed→Perceived playfulness649.9570.919ns Feedback→Perceived playfulness649.1810.144ns Challenge→Perceived playfulness649.1660.128ns Perceived playfulness→Behavioural intention651.2642.226ns Computer self-efficacy→Perceived playfulness649.1210.084ns Computer self-efficacy→Behavioural intention659.16910.131** Computer anxiety→Perceived playfulness649.1480.110ns Computer anxiety→Behavioural intention656.5397.501**  Hypotheses 3, 5, 8, 13, 14 and 15 were not supported.  Hypotheses 6 and 9 were supported.  Hypotheses 3, 5, 8, 13, 14 and 15 were not supported.  Hypotheses 6 and 9 were supported.

23 DISCUSSIONS The results indicate that men’s ratings of perceptions with respect to computer self- efficacy, perceived playfulness and behavioural intention were all higher than women’s, and that women’s rating of perceptions concerning computer anxiety was higher than men’s. No gender difference in the perceptions of system characteristics (ie, speed, feedback and challenge) of online games was found

24 The results indicate that if the online games offer the game player such challenges that are in correspondence with his or her playing skills, the extent of experiencing playfulness is higher. In order to increase perceived playfulness, an online game should provide a player with challenges that are closely matched to his or her skill level of playing.

25 Authors also suggest that system characteristics may have different influences on perceived playfulness for different types of online games. Future research should individually examine the effects of specific system characteristics on perceived playfulness in various contexts of online games.

26 Men with high computer self-efficacy tend to have higher behavioural intentions to play online games than those with lower computer self- efficacy, but women with high computer self- efficacy do not have higher intention to play than those with lower computer self-efficacy. The effect of computer anxiety on behavioural intention was significant for women, but non- significant for men.

27 Women are usually anxious about the relatively advanced and complex computer technology and thus have lower intentions to play online games than men. Online learning game practitioners can increase men’s computer self-efficacy and decrease women’s computer anxiety by providing them with education and training courses in various computer technologies.

28 CONCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS First, investigating the gender difference in the acceptance of online games is a relatively new topic for educational technology researchers. Second, the sampling method has potential bias because a sample of willing respondents (ie, convenience sample) may not be generalisable. Third, the relatively low R2 reported by the current research represents another limitation. Finally, this study was conducted with a snapshot research approach, so longitudinal research efforts are needed to evaluate the validity of the proposed model and our findings.


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