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Strategies for Change Encouraging the Use, Support and Adoption of Digital Resources and Repositories Susie Henderson, Florida Distance Learning Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Change Encouraging the Use, Support and Adoption of Digital Resources and Repositories Susie Henderson, Florida Distance Learning Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Change Encouraging the Use, Support and Adoption of Digital Resources and Repositories Susie Henderson, Florida Distance Learning Consortium Miko Pattie, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education Marie Lasseter, University System of Georgia August 11, 2009 Vancouver, British Columbia

2 Topics Adoption of digital resources & repositories Barriers related to using and sharing digital content/repositories – Faculty – Organizational Support Discussion – panel and audience – Strategies for overcoming the barriers

3 Panel and Audience Discussion What successful or non-successful strategies have you used to – Encourage faculty use and adoption of OER/repositories? Gain organizational/institutional support?

4 What We Know About Change It’s DIFFICULT! Time consuming Most of us resist it The only thing constant is CHANGE Technology adoption requires behavioral changes

5 Rogers Diffusion Theory

6 Spectrum of Users of Digital Resources Non-User to Inexperienced-Novice To Passionately opposed Frustrated by technical and non- technical barriers Lack of time to think about or use technology in teaching Highly Proficient and Advanced Integrate faculty research and primary resources Improve student learning Opening Up Education Edited by Toru Liyoshi and M.S. Vijay Kumar (CC) ISBN 978-0-262-03371-8 Include unique materials or teaching methods

7 What’s important in Adoption Decisions? Age? Individual opinions? Attitudes? Type of Institution? Discipline? Answer – All have effect Individual opinions and attitudes may be most important factors* – Harley, D. Why understanding the use and users of open education matters. In T. Liyoshi & V. Kumar (Eds.), Opening up education (pp.197-211). Retrieved August 5, 2009, from

8 Four Universal Barriers to Faculty Adoption of Technology Lack of: – Institutional support – Financial support – Time – Knowledge Affective Factors have long been known to influence learning, and this is true for ALL learners, faculty included. – Rethinking, Restructuring and Reforming Faculty Technology Development

9 Why Faculty Say They Do NOT Use Digital Resources. Do NOT support personal teaching approaches/pedagogies Lack of time Difficult to use – find, manage, maintain, and reuse them in new contexts Technology may be a distraction to students – Undermine/compete with crucial skills of argumentative writing, critical reading of long texts, and oral argument – Harley, D. Why understanding the use and users of open education matters. In T. Liyoshi & V. Kumar (Eds.), Opening up education (pp.197-211). Retrieved August 5, 2009, from

10 Why Faculty Say They Do NOT Use Digital Resources. Availability, reliability and expense of equipment Lack of support for a variety of tasks Challenges to integrate digital resources into teaching Many prefer to maintain and manage personal collections Efficacy and interoperability of tools – Harley, D. Why understanding the use and users of open education matters. In T. Liyoshi & V. Kumar (Eds.), Opening up education (pp.197-211). Retrieved August 5, 2009, from

11 Organizational/Institutional Support Top Down or Ground Up? Both! Must have institutional/organizational support and buy-in for project Faculty use and support of repository is key factor for administrative support and funding Faculty are target audience and key stakeholders, but not the only ones Demonstrating need, use and benefits of repository is critical

12 Who are our stakeholders? FacultyFaculty LeadershipInstitutional LeadershipStatewide Education EntitiesLegislature and Governor

13 Panel and Audience Discussion What successful or non-successful strategies have you used to – Encourage faculty use and adoption of OER resources and repositories? Gain organizational and institutional support?

14 Contact Information Susie Henderson, Florida Distance Learning Consortium, Miko Pattie, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, Marie Lasseter, University System of Georgia,

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