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Welcome to Back to School Night! Mr. Russ 1A-3 Harry S. Truman School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night! Mr. Russ 1A-3 Harry S. Truman School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night! Mr. Russ 1A-3 Harry S. Truman School

2 By Phone: (732) 525-5215 By E-mail: How to Contact Me: My Website

3 Truman Folder Go Home/Stay Home Completed Classwork Completed Projects General School Notices Please empty this side and review work daily to make room for new papers. Homework Folder Homework Spelling Notebook Items on this side should be completed and returned to school in the folder.

4 First Grade Homework Policy Homework is assigned on a regular basis in First Grade. In the beginning of each marking period, your child will receive a homework grade of 100%for each subject. Each time a homework assignment is missing, points will be deducted. This includes written homework as well as practicing the reading /spelling notebook assignment!

5 Homework Monday – Spelling Words in Notebook, Spelling Word Activities Tuesday –Spelling Word Activities and Language Worksheet Wednesday – Spelling Word Activities and Language Worksheet Thursday –Spelling Word Activities, Rainbow words in notebook and STUDY!! Friday – Have fun! Go on XTRAMATH and RAZ-KIDS! In addition to a Math worksheet students should go on XTRAMATH every night.

6 Grading Policy Grades will be determined by: Tests/Quizzes Homework Classwork Assignments Participation G+=96-100 G=91-95 G-=86-90 S+=81-85 S=76-80 S-=70-75 N=0-69

7 Reading Curriculum Storytown - Reading Series Vocabulary Sight words Story of the week Character Cafe Raz-Kids Decoding Comprehension Phonics Fluency Making connections

8 Writer’s Workshop “Focus on the PROCESS not the PRODUCT” Small Moments How-to Books Author Study Realistic Fiction Persuasive Writing Research Poetry

9 Daily Five During our reading time this year, we will be doing "The Daily Five." The term "The Daily Five" refers to the five choices that the students will be able to choose once the program is up and running. Read to self- Students will get their book boxes (full of good-fit books of their choice) or choose from our classroom library, find a comfortable spot in the classroom, and will read to themselves. Children will try to increase their reading stamina. Read to Someone-Students will pair up with a partner. They will both get their book bags, find a comfortable spot in the classroom, and will take turns reading to each other. Work on writing- Students will use the strategies learned in writer's workshop in order to develop their writing skills. Word Work- Students will use different means to create words (play-doh, stencils, etc.) or will use different work studies such as sorting words or putting them in ABC order. Listen to reading- Students need to listen to examples of good readers so they will have many books on tape which they can listen to and read along with. Read to Someone-Students will pair up with a partner. They will both get their book bags, find a comfortable spot in the classroom, and will take turns reading to each other.

10 Math Curriculum- Envision New Common Core Standards Visual Tactile Problem Solve/ Analyze Data Develop A Strong Number Sense Work with Partners login.jsp?showLoginPage=true

11 Rewards Lots of praise/ Positive Reinforcement Stickers Visits to the Prize Box/ Marbles Good Citizenship Program Lunch Bunch

12 Individual Behavior Star Students Students will be challenged to make good decisions independently. Students will earn tickets and stamps for desirable behavior, going above and beyond what is expected, and helping others. Students will earn stars being taken away for forgetting homework, undesirable behavior, or hurting others. Students will be chosen once a month at random from the tickets collected. Those students will come to a lunch party.

13 Pa s to Read Implementing the Mutt-i-grees Program

14 Before you leave… Please fill out the following forms: Homework Buddy This will help your child keep up with their work if they must be absent. E-mail Contact This will help me to get in touch with you to share important information.

15 A note to your child… I know your child would love to read a note from you so if you can please write them a little something to make their day!!

16 Thank you for coming to Back to School Night!

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