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Lomax Elementary September Newsletter Super Sentence Starters to build stronger, more elaborate sentences with correct conventions. Set up Writers Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Lomax Elementary September Newsletter Super Sentence Starters to build stronger, more elaborate sentences with correct conventions. Set up Writers Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lomax Elementary September Newsletter Super Sentence Starters to build stronger, more elaborate sentences with correct conventions. Set up Writers Workshop and immersion in writing. Beginning Editing to make good choices in writing. Writing Scie nce Math English/Lan guage Arts Lunch 11:35-12:05 Specials 9:40-10:30 Mon/Th/Fri: PE (wear appropriate shoes) Tues: MusicWed: Computers Reading focus: Choosing just right books Building reading stamina Setting up readers workshop Identifying character traits, beginning middle and end of stories, and problem/solution. Reading and comparing fables Language Arts focus: Review of CVC and CVCe words with beginning and ending blends. What is a Scientist? Learn about science, the scientific process, types of science and scientists, and using tools/safety. Matter – types of matter (solids, liquids) and changes in matter. Lab experiments Building number concepts review basic concepts ( beginning place value, word form of numbers, odd/even) Place Value ID in standard form, written form, expanded notation, and pictorial form. Compare numbers using comparison symbols Data gathering/comparison use pictorial and bar graphs to record, compare and find differences about information and to write about those findings with words and pictures.

2 machajewskis@lpisd.or g 281.604.4324 Conference times: M,W,TH,F 9:45- 10:15 T,W,TH 3:20-3:50 Peek of the Week September 1-5 Monday is college day at Lomax Elementary. Our class represents Rice University. Students may wear a Rice U shirt or a navy or gray shirt to show we are on our way to college! Important dates and information Sept 8-12 Grandparents invited for lunch any day. Sept. 12 – Grandparents Day Celebration Sept. 15 – book order due Collect those box tops!!! Want to lend a helping hand? Rene’ Machajewski week of: Thanks to those who could help! Thank you so much for coming to open house last week, a big success for sure! A few things to remember. 1.Homework will continue to be spelling practicing the word pattern. Choose an activity each night from the menu in their home folder. Other subjects will be added at a later time. 2.First book order goes home today! Our class is trying to earn the free 10,000 points for our class library. There is a letter explaining this with the form. The online code is HZR3J. 3.We are DRA testing this week. Hopefully by the next week, levels and groups will have been determined. 4.Water bottles are allowed. They can bring them from home and they will return on Friday. 5.If you would like, please purchase water colors for your child. We will begin art on Friday The week of Sept. 8-12 is Grandparents week. We would like to invite any Grandparent/Grandparent figure to join the children during lunch. Sept. 12 will be a celebration to honor Grandparents! More info to come on this!

3 Homework word work pattern Short vowel words with beginning L and R blends. crib frog grab slip flat clap twig swim step plop 5 words will test on the spelling pattern. Each word will have been a word that we have practiced in class using the pattern These words are not practiced at home but instead shows that the kids can spell using what we have learned in class. High Frequency Words by or that was for M Create new spelling words according to word pattern T Choose an activity to practice in spelling spiral. W TH Choose an activity to practice in spelling spiral. F Spelling test on word pattern Homework Expectations Students are expected to practice the word pattern by choosing one activity from the menu and completing it with all the words in their spelling spiral. Spirals are turned in each Friday morning. Reading Each night is required.

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