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Aim: How do you make a line graph?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How do you make a line graph?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How do you make a line graph?
Do now: Take out the graphing packet or take one from the table

2 Aim: How do you make a line graph?
Why make a line graph? A line graph can be used to show the relationship between your independent and dependent variables after you have collected the data in your experiment

3 Step 1 figure out which variables to put on the X and Y axes
1) The Rules: The independent variables always goes on the X axis (horizontal) The dependent variables always goes on the Y axis (vertical) 

4 If you receive a data chart, the first column in the independent variable (cause) and goes on the x axis. No matter how many columns you get.

5 Step 2 if not already labeled, label your graph
Independent variable (cause) on x axis, Dependant variable (effect) on y axis. These labels also must include units Example: If you measured one variable in years then you unit is years. And the other in centimeters then the unit is cm Your graph must also have a Title. A basic formula for a good title is: The effect (independent variable) on the (dependent variable) Ex: “The effect of the amount of rainfall (independent) on the population of frogs (dependent) in Lake Wherever”

6 Step 3 Create a scale for both axis
You must choose a scale for each box to represent in your graph. The scales for your X and Y axes do not need to be the same. Always start at 0 Unless you data includes years (1995,1996) You must use the 75% rule, that is: your graph has to take up at least 75 % of the space provided to you. You do not need to include all the numbers from your data table in your graph but you must estimate the location of the point.

7 To create a scale, find the largest number on each column.
Then figure out a number patter than will allow you to reach to that number while using the 75% rule. Examples of Number patterns: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9… 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,… 0,5,10,15,20,25,30… 0,10,20,30,40,50… 0,15,30,45,60,75… (0), (.1), (.2), (.3), (.4), (.5), (.6), (.7), (.8), (.9), (1.0) … You can use as many squares at a time as your chart space allows. Examples: Using increments of 5 every 2 squares Using increments of 1 every 1 square

8 What would be a good title for this graph?
Effect of amount of Giberlin on corn growth

9 Step 4 put the Data on the graph?
Use the X and Y axes to locate the interception that most closely represent your data and plot it on the graph. Repeat for each piece of data. Once you have plotted all your data, connect them by drawing a line through each plot.

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