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Cancun Conference and Climate Justice National Seminar UNFCCC CoP 16 and Bangladesh perspective 13 November 2010

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1 Cancun Conference and Climate Justice National Seminar UNFCCC CoP 16 and Bangladesh perspective 13 November 2010

2 Objective of the seminar Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Raise critical mass awareness Raise CSO concern on government position Opposing counter force to climate justice A section of donors investing money to develop a naïve approach that Bangladeshi’s should not join growing global popular climate justice movement, based on claiming reparation of climate debt and mother earth rights.

3 Bangaldesh is the ground zero of climate impacts Cancun Conference and Climate Justice One third of land especially coastal districts will be submerged 30 millions will be climate forced migrants 35 % production loss in crop Increase level of health hazards, especially fever and diarrhoeal disease, Multifold increase of cyclone and floods Increased level of saline water intrusion as natural flow of rivers are hindered by upper riparian states, by the year 2035 Himalayan glaciers which is the major source of drinking water will completely melt,

4 Bangladesh is not at all responsible for this Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Per capita carbon emission 0.3 tons While per capita carbon emission of the citizens of developed countries 20 to 23 tons This historical responsibility has accepted and agreed by them as annex 1 countries.

5 What is global climate change scenario? Cancun Conference and Climate Justice

6 What is the survival theories for planet, plant is rally in perils Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Survival theoriesDillema / Contradiction - Hold the increase in global temperature below 1.5 Celsius. -Target concentration of GHGs in atmosphere of no more than 350 ppm. -Hold peaking of GHG emission by 2015 -Reduce GHG emissions by 45 % at 1990 level by 2020 -Reduce GHG emission by 95 % at 1990 level by 2050 -Provide 200 billion US $ to LDCs per year through UNFCCC for climate change adaptation. -Developed and emerging economics countries not agreeing less then 2 Celsius -Still it is within 400 to 435 ppm, no serious try out. -Different countries especially developed and emerging economics giving their own accounts target and definitions. -Even there is hardly any developed country effort implement Copenhagen consensus on of financing. -US and other seriously trying to canalized funding through IFI’s ( WB, ADB ).

7 Latest progress in CC negotiation Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Bali (2007) road map: Focus on the legal bindings, where worked two ad-hoc working group (AWG-LCA and AWG-KP) for searching long term cooperative actions for countries in terms of mitigation, adaptation and financing and also review the Kyoto Protocol that will be run beyond 2012 but not materialized. CoP-15 Copenhagen: Accord of discord because; A political decision that will never support the Bali Road Map Not legally binding on commitment on emission reduction and finance even LDCs benefits are not clear in case of future funds Level of funding not commensurate with developing countries need

8 Cancun CoP 16 scenario: what would be happened? Cancun Conference and Climate Justice No accord again, as there are no US Congress legislation, again heading toward to South Africa A relative consensus on financing mechanism for climate adaptation.

9 Bangladesh effort in climate fund, action plan delegation approach and composition Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Demand on compensation, basically there no much difference with CSO demands Appreciate demand on climate migrants rights ; it has a lot of passive positive implications, Costing and consultant dependency questionable Is really Bangladesh delegation can make any differences, then best approach is to give effort to global public attention, its needed cooperation with CSOs,

10 Bangladesh effort in climate fund, action plan delegation approach and composition Cancun Conference and Climate Justice In home front, if we will be unable to show democratic ownership, transparent and accountable use of climate funds then, we will loose credibility in getting development aid, Latest decision and management of climate change trust fund discouraging, no donor fund placement of any donor in resilience fund, We appreciate decision on MDTF / resilience fund, but we are doubtful on so called technical assistance from world bank, No tangible implementation and political coordination in BCCSAP

11 People centric approach Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Bolivia’s president proposal to prepare mother earth rights. April people conference in Cochabamba on Peoples Charter ; Reparation of ecological debt Mother earth rights Global citizen rights on planet global public rights, Rights for climate migrants Regeneration, rights of the global citizen on global public goods. Cochabamba to Cancun

12 People centric approach Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Is not legitimizing the carbon trade which is a false solution Is it not legitimizing that developed countries will not due compensation or reparation of ecological debt of developed countries, Is not legitimizing the new market development of MNCs in the name of green technology transfer, Is it not strengthening existing mode production and ownership structure, which is being proving repeatedly fails Is UNFCCC is representing common global public interest;

13 People centric approach Cancun Conference and Climate Justice Is it not the fact that it is necessary difference global governance or voting system to bound so called global leaders to reach an agreement. So, it is needed continuous effort for social and political mobilization on alternative social and economic paradigm, strengthening the voice for SYSTEM CHANGE NOT CLIMATE CHANGE and REPARATION FOR CLIMATE DEBT. Is UNFCCC is representing common global public interest;

14 Thank You All

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