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8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers1 Print, News, and Newspapers MIT202.

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1 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers1 Print, News, and Newspapers MIT202

2 Print/Modes of Reading 1. Individualism 2. “Dangers” of Private Reading 3. Mobile Reading 4. Silent/Vocalized Reading 5. Middle/Upper Classes Working Classes 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers2

3 Women Readers 1. Fear unleashed emotions 1. Novels/fiction 2. Bible/devotional works 3. Challenge to patriarchal authority 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers3

4 Print/Modes of Reading 1. Critical Reading 2. Intensive to Extensive Reading 3. Format Changes 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers4

5 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers5 Reformation/Printing (1520s to 1640s) 1. Printing Press not “causal” 2. Variety of Printed Matter 1. Information Supply, not advance Literacy 3. Illiterates and New Ideas

6 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers6 Reformation 1. Vernacular Bible 1. German, etc. 2. Catholic Prohibition 2. Bible Reading/Personal Salvation 3. Counter-Reformation

7 Censorship Catholic Church –Index of Prohibited Books Protestant theology Erasmus, Machiavelli, Dante England: Stationer’s Co. 1550s/1790s Inspect manuscripts before printing 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers7

8 Censorship Effects 1. Interest in banned titles 2. Clandestine publishing & communication 3. Printing abroad 4. Allegory 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers8

9 Print Culture 1. Fixity of Texts 2. Accumulation of Knowledge 3. Destabilize Knowledge 4. Additive not Substitutive 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers9

10 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers10 Pre-Newspaper/Printing Press Communication Networks (early 1400s) 1. Catholic Church 2. State/Political Authorities 1. Administration of Territory 2. Diplomacy 3. Commerce 4. Itinerant Peddlers 1. Balladeers, entertainers, merchants

11 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers11 New Communication Networks (15 th/ 16 th centuries) Postal Services France, 1464, Royal Post Hapsburg, 1500s England (1500s) 1700s: networks throughout Europe Slow

12 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers12 Printed News (late 1400s) 1. Leaflets, broadsheets, posters 2. distant news 3. hawkers

13 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers13 Early Newspapers (Corantos) 1. Corantos 1. weekly journals German cities, 1609- 2. Postmaster as news provider 3. Thomas Archer, 1621-

14 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers14 English Civil War & Newspapers 1. 1640-1660 2. Press freedom 3. Growth of newspapers 1. pamphlets, political tracts 4. Domestic news 5. Restoration (1660) & press control 6. Monopolies of Knowledge/dialectic

15 British Newspapers 1. Samuel Buckley, Daily Courant, 1702 2. Specialized papers 3. 1750: 5 dailies; 5 weeklies 1. some w/100,000+ circ. 2. postal/countryside 4. Coffee houses, taverns 1. Readership/Circulation 2. J. Habermas/Public Sphere 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers15

16 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers16 Stamp Acts/Press Freedom 1. Stamp Act, 1712- 2. State Revenue/Press Restraint 3. Curb Abuse of State Power 4. Stamp Act, 1765, (US) 5. Freedom of Press 1. First Amendment of US Constitution

17 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers17 British North America/Canada 1. None in New France 2. Halifax Gazette, 1752 3. Quebec Gazette, 1764 4. Upper Canada Gazette (1793) state 5. Canada Constellation (1798) private

18 Upper Canada, 19 th century 1. 1815-1860 Growth: 1. Immigration, economic development 2. Growth of towns with newspapers 1. 1819- 6 2. 1849- 39 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers18

19 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers19 Upper Canada Newspapers (pre/post 1820) Polite Sociability 1. Essays/letters 2. Morals/manners 3. History/literature 4. Genteel/Cultivate mind 5. Not discuss politics 6. State organs (some) 7. “Polite conversation” Democratic Sociability 1. Reflect/Create public opinion 2. Partisanship 3. Discuss Legislative topics 4. Government watchdog 5. Responsible Govt (Legislature/Council)

20 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers20 Newspapers/Rights of Citizens 1. Joseph Howe 1. Nova Scotian 1827- 2. Newspaper: defender of people vs. arbitrary state 3. Responsible Government 4. Publisher-Editor-Politician

21 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers21 Politicized Newspapers Editor-Politicians 1. Opinionated Press 1. Etienne Parent (Le Canadien) 2. William Lyon Mackenzie (Colonial Advocate) 2. Responsible Government 3. 1837 Rebellion Mackenzie: Publisher-Editor- Politician-Armed Rebel

22 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers22 Disseminating Newspapers 1. Postal Networks 2. Preferential rates 1. Heavily subsidized 2. Lax enforcement 3. Newspaper Agent 4. Media as Complex, Integrated Systems

23 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers23 Readers (Upper Canada) 1. Circulation rates: Growth 2. Social classes of readers 3. Subscription Costs 4. Reading aloud/sharing newspapers 1. Non-paying readers

24 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers24 Civic and Mass Newspaper

25 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers25 Yellow Press/Mass/Entertainment Newspaper Joseph Pulitzer (World), 1883- 1. Advertising over subscription 2. Sensationalism 1. Local news, crime, scandal 3. Entertainment 4. Self-Advertising 5. Illustrations 6. Large Headlines 7. ‘Use-paper’ 8. Commuter Friendly 9. Lead/Inverted Pyramid

26 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers26 Mass/Entertainment Newspaper (CDA) Hugh Graham Montreal Star 1880s John R. Robertson Toronto Telegram 1. Advertising 2. Higher Costs 3. Local news (crime, scandal) 4. Entertainment over information function

27 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers27 From Civic to Mass Newspaper Civic Newspaper (1820-1890) (Democratic Sociability) 1. Political advocate 2. Public defender 3. Public responsibility 4. Civic education 5. Editor-publisher, small shop 6. Opinion-making 1. Editorial pages 7. Public record of legislative proceedings 8. “public utility” Mass Newspaper (1890-) 1. Commercial Enterprise 2. Advertising reliant 3. Corporations & Chains (Southam, Sifton, Thomson) 4. Heavily capitalized 5. Decline of editorial pages 6. Less partisan 7. higher circulation, fewer newspapers 8. READERSHIP OVER PARTISANSHIP

28 8/8/2015 MIT200028 Space-Biased Media (Innis) 1. Dialectic 1. liberty & monopolies of knowledge 2. Printing Press 2. Balance: 1. time/space 2. centrifugal/centripetal 3. democratic society

29 8/8/2015 MIT202Newspapers29 Newspaper: Summary Corantos Press Freedom Democracy/Responsible Government Postal System Polite Sociability/Democratic Sociability Civic Newspaper/Mass Newspaper Public Opinion/Commercial Profit Circulation/Subscription/Advertising News as Commodity

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