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Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 T-25.

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Presentation on theme: "Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 T-25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 T-25

2 Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 T-25

3 -Announcements -Presentation Style and Feedback -In-class exercise -Lecture on Launch Vehicles (Best Lecture Ever) -HW #5 Due Today -Don’t forget about HW #7 -Don’t forget about Community Service Requirement Today:

4 Cameras… - Code is ready - Cameras modified - New batteries have not arrived yet - Switches still need to be attached and tested Announcements:

5 HOBOs, Insulation and Coolers… - Anyone done a HOBO test? - Insulation will be set out today - I will set out coolers for you to borrow for cold tests - WARNING on Dry Ice: Don’t miss use it or you will be caught Announcements:

6 Be sure to vote/RSVP for tonight’s Movie/Pizza event - Results are close so you vote counts - 20 still need to vote - Why I do this… Movie Night:

7 Colorado Space Grant Consortium Next Class… Guest Lecture Spacecraft Propulsion Steve Hevert, Lockheed Martin Next Class… Guest Lecture Spacecraft Propulsion Steve Hevert, Lockheed Martin

8 Colorado Space Grant Consortium Next Tuesday… Orbits and Mission Design – PART I Mid Semester Team Evaluations In-Class Next Tuesday… Orbits and Mission Design – PART I Mid Semester Team Evaluations In-Class

9 Colorado Space Grant Consortium Presentation Style & Feedback ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 Presentation Style & Feedback ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #15 T-25

10 -First a story…Space Hab 6 PM – 10 PM Presentation Feedback:

11 Opening Slide… - Someone should say clearly who you are “Team” - Everyone should introduce themselves (beginning) - No where you are going to stand and who is doing what before you get on stage (advance slides) Presentation Feedback:

12 Victorious Secret Critical Design Review Presentation Team Members Jake Broadway Tanya Hardon Crawford Leeds Dylan Reed Jannine Vela 6 October 2011 Project RoachSat

13 Format… - Should be clear, concise and easy to read and listen - Formatting should not get an the way of the message - EYE CHARTS - If it fits on the slide, doesn’t mean it’s good Presentation Feedback:

14 Mission Overview Objective: To send a BalloonSat capable of wireless energy transmission to an altitude of 100,000 feet and record data on the efficiency of transmission. Purpose: To evaluate the efficiency of wireless energy transfer at high altitudes for possible application on a larger scale. Hypothesis: The BalloonSat will transmit energy at a moderate efficiency to another satellite and provide it with electricity. Wireless energy transfer would negate several of the problems with photovoltaic arrays today. Weather, atmosphere and other events that block electromagnetic radiation render solar panels on the ground totally useless. However, in space, in the correct orbit, a solar cell bearing satellite could provide and endless stream of energy to Earth through any condition. With several receiving stations, or a high power microwave generator, energy could be produced constantly and consistently.

15 MISSION OVERVIEW The objective of our mission is to test the practicality and capabilities of a satellite return vehicle prototype as it falls away from our BalloonSat at an altitude of approximately twenty-six kilometers. Our secondary objective is to use a micro video camera to create a video of the high altitude environment around the BalloonSat from the point of view of the glider during the ascent, and also record the fall back to Earth after detachment We expect to prove the practicality of a glider-like vehicle that is designed to return a payload to Earth. A satellite return glider can provide companies a means of safely recovering their de-orbited satellites. Our paper airplane prototype will accomplish a task of the same nature. We chose to carry out this experiment because the need for a satellite de-orbiting vehicle is prominent in light of the decommissioning of the space shuttle. Much like the decommissioned shuttles, which relied on steering jets and its aero surfaces to control the vehicle for most of the re-entry, a paper glider relies on the aerodynamics in a continually densifying atmosphere to control its rate of descent and directional velocity. Our BalloonSat model however, is limited by weight constraints and a monetary budget; so it is incapable of carrying attitude correcting systems. Hypothesis: Our return vehicle will successfully transfer the payload from our BalloonSat safely to Earth in an affordable and efficient manner. Future developed products may implement a structure and simple control systems based on our findings, using air jets for near space altitudes, and ailerons and flaps in a lower altitude, higher density atmosphere.

16 Why? Explore the Origins of Life Find New Life Test Durability of Known Species Explore options of life in space and possible life on other planets

17 Mission Overview Effects of high altitude. Individual effects of high altitude Team hypothesis Space elevator protection. Lack of applicable information

18 Requirements… - Should be clear, concise and easy to read and listen - Should be numbered Presentation Feedback:

19 Requirement Flow Down 1Final flown weight of BalloonSat Helios shall not exceed 850 grams aLightweight materials shall be utilized in lieu of heavier selections. However, such materials shall be durable enough to ensure the satellite remains intact during launch and descent. bAll electrical components shall be designed and arranged in such a manner as to minimize the size of the external structure to reduce weight and increase durability without additional structure where possible. 2A maximum of $250 provided by the class shall be used in purchasing necessary components. aResearch shall be done to identify and purchase quality components for low prices. bWhere possible, components shall be made and/or assemble by the team to eliminate costs of pre-fabrication. For example, the circuit board for transferring power from the solar panels to the laser shall be etched on campus instead of ordered. 3BalloonSat Helios shall be able to record 90 minutes of data during its ascent to 30 km and remain intact during the following descent. aDurable materials that can withstand the shock experienced during burst and the continuous motion during all other points of the flight shall be used. bA carbon-fiber rod shall be used to maintain alignment between the two satellite structures, and the entire structure shall be tested to ensure it maintains its integrity during ascent and does not harm itself during descent. cFoam shall be used to ensure all electrical components are insulated from shock due to motion of the BalloonSat. dAll electrical components shall be able to continue their proscribed tasks at temperatures down to -10 o C, and shall have little to no drop in performance due to temperature where possible. eAn active heating system shall be fabricated and utilized to maintain a temperature of more than -10 o C in the top structure. fA radiating heating system shall be utilized in the bottom box to keep the microcontroller functioning and recording data. gInsulating foam shall be used to maintain a temperature above -10 o C in the upper box and in an appropriate range for the effective use of all electrical components. 4BalloonSat Helios shall record data on the efficiency of transfer of energy with lasers. aA system of six solar panels on the top of the first structure shall gather energy from the sun during ascent. The gathered energy shall then be run through a system designed and built by the team to provide energy to a 50mW laser. bA 50mW laser shall be emitting light from the bottom of the first structure toward a filtered solar panel on the top of the second structure. cThe energy collected by the solar panel on the second structure shall be measure with a volt and ammeter to provide the necessary data for the calculation of watts. dUpon retrieval, the data shall be collected and analyzed. The watts received by the lower panel shall be compared to the known and tested emissions from the laser. This data will also be compared to testing done on the ground to compare the change in efficiency. 5During the fight, a HOBO data logger shall collect internal and external temperature data. aThe HOBO shall be preprogrammed and placed in the top structure of BalloonSat Helios with a temperature probe within and a second sticking out of the structure about 1-2 cm. 6During flight, a Canon SD780 shall take pictures of the exterior environment. aThe Canon SD780 firmware shall be hacked to allow the camera to record images at 10 second intervals during the entire flight.

20 0.5.2Record pictures on Micro SD card0.5 0.5.3Fly a HOBO H08-004-020.5 0.5.4Measure temperature and relative humidity with sensors attached to HOBO0.5 0.5.5Record data on HOBO0.5 0.5.6Recover and analyze data and photos0.5 Requirement 0.6: Safety & Reliability #RequirementOrigin 0.6.0Always practice safe habits when working on BalloonSat and work in pairs0.6 0.6.1Test BalloonSat in cold test0.6 0.6.2Test and calibrate magnetometer0.6 0.6.3Test and calibrate current sensor0.6 0.6.4Test HOBO with sensing and recording data0.6 0.6.5Test BalloonSat with drop and whip tests0.6 0.6.6Test camera and programming0.6 0.6.7Practice retrieving and analyzing data from HOBO and Arduino Uno0.6 0.6.8Place indicator lights on exterior of BallonSat to show systems are running0.6 0.6.9Place contact information and U.S. flag on exterior in case someone else recovers the satellite0.6 Requirement 0.7: BalloonSat must be able to fly again #RequirementOrigin 0.7.0Design and test satellite to withstand the forces encountered at burst and landing0.7 0.7.1Make necessary repairs to satellie after mission is complete so BalloonSat is fully operational0.7

21 LevelRequiremen t DescriptionOrigin 1 A.1Build a cubical structure that measures 21 cm in height, width, and length out of foam core, hot glue, and aluminum tape. The structure shall contain a rod that shall attach the satellite to the flight string for the duration of the flight. Level 0 B.1The weights of all components shall be monitored during build and the entire satellite shall be weighed prior to launch. B.2Miranda Link shall maintain an updated budget and keep all team members informed of its status. C.1Three separate environments shall be created on board the satellite: one that is insulated and heated, one that has no heater, and one that has no heater and is expose to radiation. C.2Samples shall be secured to the structure of the satellite with velcro. C.3Samples shall contain the bacterium streptococcus mutan. C.4Temperature and radiation data shall be collected at regular intervals by a system on board D.1Obtain access to a microscope that is of sufficient power to analyze our microbes D.2Analyze microbes before and after flight as well as conducting a variety of ground control test. E.1Appropriate space for the system in design phases as well as a way for the camera to see out of the satellite. E.2Install on board the satellite and program with proper instructions. Requirements Flow-Down Level 1

22 Requirements Flowdown Mission Statement: Find an optimal altitude for wind power generation Mission Objective: Record data on wind velocity that we can analyze and interpret LEVEL 0: We will use a bike computer to record wind velocities with an anemometer we will make, we will also make sure its under 850 grams Level 1.1: Internal data storage for the bike computer 1.2: Make sure the heater works properly 1.3: No anemometer interference with string tube Level 2.1: Bike computers internal power is enough for entire flight 2.2: The heater works and has enough power for the entire mission 2.3 Light weight cage for small impact protection of anemometer

23 General… - Don’t read the slides; use the slides to emphasize what you know - Check your slides on a different computers to verify they display properly Presentation Feedback:

24 Design: Functional Block Diagram External Temp. Probe 2GB SD Card Switch Camera (internal 2 AA batteries) HOBO (Internal Temp, relative humidity, internal battery) Arduino Uno 9 V Battery Switch Current Sensor Solenoid Magnetometer Micro SD Heater 9 V Batt. 9 V Batt. Switch 9 V Batt.

25 Functional Block Diagrams Glider BalloonSat


27 Date Schedule 9/27/2011Turn in order form for mechanical components 9/29/2011Team Meeting (4-6pm) 10/3-7/2011Assemble satellite structure, Kinetic Energy Generator, and HW 05 heater 10/3/2011 Complete Design Document Revisions A/B and CDR 10/4/2011 Design Document Revisions A/B due 7:00 am, CDR Presentation 10/3-7/2011 Structure Testing (whip, kick, and drop tests) 10/6/2011 Team Meeting (4-6pm) 10/10-14/2011 Generator motion tests (vibration and sway tests) 10/13/2011 Team Meeting (4-6pm) 10/20/2011 Team Meeting (4-6pm) 10/24/2011 Complete testing; final satellite and generator completed 10/25/2011 Pre-launch inspection 10/27/2011 In-class mission simulation test; Team Meeting (4-6pm) 11/1/2011 Launch Readiness Review (LRR) presentation due at 7:00 am 11/1/2011 Design Document Revision C due at 7:00 am 11/3/2011 Team Meeting (4-6pm) 11/4/2011 Final Dynamo satellite weigh-in and turn-in 11/5/2011 Launch Day (4:45am-TBD) 11/5-28/2011 Data analysis and compilation 11/29/2011 Final team presentation and report 12/3/2011 Integrated Technology and Learning Laboratory (ITLL) Design Expo 12/6/2011 Hardware Turn-in in class

28 Schedule DateSchedule September 17, 2011Complete Request for Proposal September 18, 2011Turn in Request for Proposal September 19, 2011Complete CoDR September 20, 2011Conceptual Design Review Presentation September 21, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM September 22, 2011Authority to Proceed (ATP) September 27, 2011Hardware Ordering September 28, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM September 29, 2011-October 24, 2011Test Period and modifications to BalloonSat October 4, 2011DD Revisions A&B due pre- Critical Design Review due at 7:00 AM October 4, 2011 & October 6, 2011Pre-Critical Design Review Presentations October 5, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM -Begin creating foam structure -Begin use of hardware October 12, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM Complete Structure -basic foam structure without any hardware October 15, 2011Cooler Test/Drop, Whip, and Roll Test Cooler- 135 minutes with dry ice Drop- drop from two stories Whip- swing around on string Roll- roll down stairs October 18, 2011Mid-Semester Team Evaluations due in class October 19, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM Completed programming and general use of all hardware -finish programming arduino -link arduino with current sensor and solenoid -understand the HOBO -understand the magnetometer October 22, 2011Sensor Tests -Test for functionality of current sensor, magnetometer HOBO, and Arduino. October 25, 2011Pre-Launch Inspection October 26, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM Balloon Sat complete -without final repairs, complete final repairs after simulation October 27, 2011In-class Mission Simulation Test November 01, 2011DD Revision C Due 7:00AM Launch readiness Review due 7:00 AM November 02, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM November 03, 2011Balloon Sat Complete -all ready to launch! November 04, 2011Final BalloonSat weigh in and turn in Appointment 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM November 05, 2011Launch Day! 6:50AM Windsor, Colorado November 09, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM November 16, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM November 23, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM November 29, 2011Final Team Presentations and Reports Due 7:00 AM ALL Data Due 7:00 AM November 29, 2011 & December 01, 2011 Final Team Presentations and Reports November 30, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM December 03, 2011ITLL Design Expo 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM DD Revision D Due at Judging Team Video Due at Judging December 06, 2011Hardware Turn In December 07, 2011Team Meeting 5:00-7:00 PM The Schedule

29 Requirements Flow Down

30 Design or How… - Minds screams for pictures of design; put it earlier in your presentation - One team did this (Team #2 and #9) - Battery mounting can cause explosions - Use pictures of hardware if you have it Presentation Feedback:

31 Design


33 Arduino Uno – 9V battery through Voltage regulator – Source code written in open source Arduino compiler AttoPilot Current/Voltage Sensor Triple Axis Accelerometer Both Analog sensors – 10-bit ADC in chip allows for 1024 steps of accuracy in digital data values Arduino System

34 Design or How… - Minds screams for pictures of design; put it earlier in your presentation - One team did this (Team #9) Presentation Feedback:

35 Style Stuff… - Cue cards are for high school - Speak clearly and eye contact - Be excited (not in front of a judge) - Dress for success - Breathe - Practice and know your ending Presentation Feedback:

36 Swimming… Presentation Feedback:

37 Swimming… Presentation Feedback:

38 Swimming… Presentation Feedback:

39 In Class Exercise Before we get started…


41 Building a Rocket on Paper: - Please wait, everyone will be opening your envelopes in a minute - Not every rocket design will work... - YOU ARE A ROCKET ENGINEER: You make $70,000.00 a year and you have a masters degree and drive a company Viper

42 Building a Rocket on Paper: 1.)Build a rocket with the right people. You will need… Payload Specialist Thruster Specialist Fuel Expert Structural Engineer

43 Building a Rocket on Paper: 2.)Calculate total mass of your rocket, must include everything. Total mass = mass of fuel+payload+ structure+thrusters

44 Building a Rocket on Paper: 3.)Calculate the thrust needed to lift your rocket off the launch pad Needed thrust = total mass * gravity F = m * a [Newtons, N]) 1 N =1 kg*m/s2 1 pound-force = 4.45 N a=gravity=10 m/s 2

45 Building a Rocket on Paper: 4.)Calculate the total lift (thrust) capability of your rockets thrusters 5.)Does your structure support the total weight of the rocket? 6.)Do you lift off the ground or did you crash and burn? 7.)Could you lift off the surface of the moon? g (moon) = 1/6 g (earth)

46 Ion Engine: Max Thrust = 200 N Engine/Fuel Mass = 9,000 kg (90,000 N) Max Thrust ( minus Engine/Mass )= - 82,000 N Remaining Mass = - 8,200 kg Ashes (2 kg) Professor (180 kg) Stamps (2K kg) Water (20K kg) Tires (200K kg) Comments Wood = 5K kg (200 kg) NO Composite = 9K kg (20 kg) NO Iron = 500K kg (20,000 kg) NO Aluminum = 3M kg (2,000 kg) NO Titanium = 5M kg (2,000 kg) NO

47 Cold Gas Engine: Max Thrust = 22,000 N Engine/Fuel Mass = 1,700 kg (17,000 N) Max Thrust ( minus Engine/Mass )= 5,000 N Remaining Mass = 500 kg Ashes (2 kg) Professor (180 kg) Stamps (2K kg) Water (20K kg) Tires (200K kg) Comments Wood = 5K kg (200 kg) YES NO Composite = 9K kg (20 kg) YES NO Iron = 500K kg (20,000 kg) NO Aluminum = 3M kg (2,000 kg) NO Titanium = 5M kg (2,000 kg) NO

48 Propane Engine: Max Thrust = 100,000 N Engine/Fuel Mass = 8,000 kg (80,000 N) Max Thrust ( minus Engine/Mass )= 20,000 N Remaining Mass = 2,000 kg Ashes (2 kg) Professor (180 kg) Stamps (2K kg) Water (20K kg) Tires (200K kg) Comments Wood = 5K kg (200 kg) NO Structural Failure Composite = 9K kg (20 kg) YES NO Structural Failure Iron = 500K kg (20,000 kg) NO Aluminum = 3M kg (2,000 kg) NO Titanium = 5M kg (2,000 kg) NO

49 Liquid Engine: Max Thrust = 1,500,000 N Engine/Fuel Mass = 103,000 kg (1,030,000 N) Max Thrust ( minus Engine/Mass )= 470,000 N Remaining Mass = 47,000 kg Ashes (2 kg) Professor (180 kg) Stamps (2K kg) Water (20K kg) Tires (200K kg) Comments Wood = 5K kg (200 kg) NO Structural Failure Composite = 9K kg (20 kg) NO Structural Failure Iron = 500K kg (20,000 kg) YES NO Aluminum = 3M kg (2,000 kg) YES NO Titanium = 5M kg (2,000 kg) YES NO

50 Solid Engine: Max Thrust = 3,000,000 N Engine/Fuel Mass = 52,000 kg (520,000 N) Max Thrust ( minus Engine/Mass )= 2,480,000 N Remaining Mass = 248,000 kg Ashes (2 kg) Professor (180 kg) Stamps (2K kg) Water (20K kg) Tires (200K kg) Comments Wood = 5K kg (200 kg) NO Structural Failure Composite = 9K kg (20 kg) NO Structural Failure Iron = 500K kg (20,000 kg) YES NO Aluminum = 3M kg (2,000 kg) YES Titanium = 5M kg (2,000 kg) YES

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