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Approach to Hematuria zResident teaching rounds zSteve Radke :) zJuly 30, 2003 zReference: Cohen et al. NEJM 348;23 June 5, 2003. P 2330-2338.

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Presentation on theme: "Approach to Hematuria zResident teaching rounds zSteve Radke :) zJuly 30, 2003 zReference: Cohen et al. NEJM 348;23 June 5, 2003. P 2330-2338."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approach to Hematuria zResident teaching rounds zSteve Radke :) zJuly 30, 2003 zReference: Cohen et al. NEJM 348;23 June 5, 2003. P 2330-2338.

2 Hematuria zClinical case zClassification zDDx zHistory, Physical zInvestigations zApproach

3 Clinical Case z48 year old healthy female z5 rbc/hpf zDoctor….what’s going on?

4 Classification zGross hematuria zMicroscopic hematuria y>= 2 rbc/hpf zTrue zPseudohematuria xmenses xdyes beets, candy, juices xmeds (e.g.. rifampin) xmyoglobinuria, hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis

5 Classification zGlomerular zNonglomerular yupper urinary tract ylower urinary tract zDiagnostic

6 DDx (without the minutia) zOrigin 50 yo zGlomerularIgA nephropathy IgA nephropathy zNonglomerular z Upper tractnephrolithiasis nephrolithiasis y pyelonephritis renal-cell ca y polycystic kidney polycystic kidney yLower tract cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis y benign bladder tumors bladder ca y bladder ca prostate ca y prostate ca benign bladder y tumors

7 History zage ztiming zurinary sxs zSTI zflank pain ztrauma, exercise zobstructive sxs zRFs: smoking, chemicals, radiation

8 Physical exam zB.P. zabdominal exam zDRE

9 Investigations - glomerular zUrine dip yprotein, WBC, nitrites zUrine microscopy yrbc count ywbc count yred cell casts zIf Red Cell Casts, Protein or Increased Cr z ---> glomerular origin

10 Investigations - upper tract zU/S xlimited in detecting solid tumors <3cm yIVP xradiographic contrast die exposure xless sensitive and specific than U/S xsometimes can not differentiate solid vs cystic masses yCT xwith and w/o contrast xpreferred method

11 Investigations - lower tract zCystoscopy zUrine Cytology yless sensitive than cystoscopy, but ymore specific yAM void samples x 3

12 The Approach zMicroscopic hematuria zurine dipstick +ve z repeat urine dipstick -ve w/u ends unless z (several days later) RF for bladder ca z +ve zGross hematuria microscopy z red cell casts no red cell casts z z glomerular hematuria nonglomerular hematuria

13 The Approach z glomerular hematuria z NO protein or +ve protein or z renal insufficiency renal insufficiency z periodic medical follow-up Nephrology referral z monitor for proteinuria or for renal biopsy z renal insufficiency z (q 6-12 months)

14 The Approach z nonglomerular hematuria z CT +ve refer based z (or U/S) on lesion z -ve z urine cytology +ve cystoscopy z -ve z z >= 50 or <50 and z RF for bladder Ca or no RF for bladder Ca z gross hematuria z cystoscopy w/u ends (yearly urinalysis)

15 Take home messages z>50 yo R/o Ca zdo casts zCT (not u/s or ivp)

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