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A Holistic Approach to a Just Economy: Domestic Fair Trade and the Next Generation of Fair Trade Andrea Fütterer GEPA – The Fair Trade Company Milan, 25.05.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "A Holistic Approach to a Just Economy: Domestic Fair Trade and the Next Generation of Fair Trade Andrea Fütterer GEPA – The Fair Trade Company Milan, 25.05.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Holistic Approach to a Just Economy: Domestic Fair Trade and the Next Generation of Fair Trade Andrea Fütterer GEPA – The Fair Trade Company Milan, 25.05.2015

2 In Germany: Discussion about Fair Trade in the „North“  The topic "Fair Trade in the North“ becomes more and more important in Germany  “Fair Trade in the North” means the commercialization and certification of products from northern producers  There are two reasons for this development:  Regional initiatives (organic, regional & fair) and consumers increasingly focus on regionalism and demand a sustainable handling with local resources

3  Social and economic imbalances within the North increase to a greater extent, causing serious economic problems particularly for small producers (e.g. milk farmers in Germany)  Also working conditions, social and economic conditions for the majority of the population in a lot of northern countries are getting worse.

4 Opportunities of Domestic Fair Trade  Sensitising of new consumer groups for Trade, Development and Agrarian Politics and Policies  Composite Products with strategic and political importance (e.g. situation of german milk farmers)  Increase Fair Trade ingredients in composite products (which means that more producers can participate in Fair Trade)

5  Possibility of connecting with other topics, like climate change, food security, land grabbing, …  Networking and synergies with other movements/ organisations  Promotion of South-South Trade, increase of Fair Trade regionally and locally

6 Risks of Domestic Fair Trade  Confusion about traditional Fair Trade concept  Focus on the North, producers in the South may loose possibilities and markets  Direct competition with products like sugar, wine, honey, ….  Dilution of Fair Trade concept  Consideration of different levels of disadvantaged producers in the South and the North

7  2011: GEPA launched the first organic chocolates with fair milk!  2013: GEPA introduced the first fair cereal in the pasta products What did GEPA make out of it?

8  Discussion about name and concept  GEPA is including some ingredients/products with strategic and/or political relevance  The definition of “disadvantaged producers” has to be seen in the regional, cultural and social context respectively  We have to challenge the definitions of “disadvantaged” and “economic success” → e.g. Alternative Economy Movements like Degrowth are defining economic success independently from size and growth Fair Trade Global – Regional

9 A Just Economy, some challenges  Increase of value adding in the South is important, but difficult  For processing of different product groups, the Fair Trade Value Chain is different  Increasing Fairness along the Value Chain (e.g. processing, transport, retail) This will contribute to a Just Economy on global level

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