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Scientific Method & Paper Folding Mrs. Anna Ward James Martin MS.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method & Paper Folding Mrs. Anna Ward James Martin MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method & Paper Folding Mrs. Anna Ward James Martin MS

2 DO NOW!!!! Please come in quietly, find your seat Get out your Scientific Method Foldable. You will have ten minutes to complete it and attach it onto page 9 of your science notebook. NO additional time will be provided on your foldable, so please work diligently.

3 Announcements Today your parent info sheets are due to your 3 rd block teacher BRING SSR material for TUESDAY’s class. QUIZ Monday on Observations & Scientific Method Athletes: Sports Physicals are today in the GYM at 4:30 pm. The cost is $20.

4 Agenda Paper Folding Lab (Yes, REALLY!) MYTHBUSTERS: Paper Folding On DECK: Weather unit starts TUESDAY!

5 Paper LAB PLEASE LISTEN CLOSELY TO MY INSTRUCTIONS. An alternate lesson is available to those of you not meeting expectations. ASK A QUESTION (BACKGROUND RESEARCH) HYPOTHESIS EXPERIMENT ANALYZE DATA FORM CONCLUSION PAGE 10 of your science notebook!!!!

6 Mythbusters My thbuster’s attempt at folding more than 7 times!!!

7 Exit Ticket PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN COMPLETE SENTENCES: How many steps are in the scientific method? If your hypothesis is proven incorrect, does this mean your project was a failure? What is more reliable, qualitative or quantitative research? Why? CONGRATS on a WONDERFUL week of school! Let’s make next week ROCK!!! I have fun lessons planned for us!!

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