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2011 Practice Management Annual Conference Top 5 Time Matters Tech Support Issues Bill Ayres, Circle Management Group, LLC Laura McCord, Circle Management.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Practice Management Annual Conference Top 5 Time Matters Tech Support Issues Bill Ayres, Circle Management Group, LLC Laura McCord, Circle Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Practice Management Annual Conference Top 5 Time Matters Tech Support Issues Bill Ayres, Circle Management Group, LLC Laura McCord, Circle Management Group, LLC Andrew Sloan, LexisNexis September 23, 2011

2 1 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Agenda Introduction / Context Overview / Assumptions 1.SQL Connectivity 2.Exchange Sync 3.Workstation Performance Improvement 4.Time Matters Notification from PCLaw 5.Integration with Microsoft Office Questions & Answers Bonus: For CICs (Beyond the Top 5) Wrap-up / Conclusion

3 2 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Introduction Andrew Sloan, Senior Customer Systems Engineer Phone: 1-866-654-2381 ext. 2255 Bill Ayres, Partner Phone: 336-841-2187 x306 Laura McCord, Partner Phone: 336-841-2187 x301

4 3 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Overview Sources for Top CIC Issues: 1)Webstar 2)CIC Survey Results: 1)SQL Connectivity 2)Exchange Sync (Top 4 Issues) 3)Workstation Performance 4)Time Matters Notification from PCLaw 5)Integration with Microsoft Office

5 4 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Assumptions: Knowledge of Server Applications(Server 2003 and Server 2008) and network functions Knowledge of SQL Server and Associated Applications (such as SQL Configuration Manager and SQL Management Studio) Familiarity of working with the Windows Registry and backup procedures prior to any registry edits Calling into Technical Support or reaching out to other CICs or IT Professionals for help!

6 5 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference How do I resolve the error during installation or 3 rd Party Applications where TM is “unable to connect to SQL server” error 37 (v10) or 37000 (v11) ? Issue 1: SQL Connectivity

7 6 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference SQL Connectivity Turn off firewall on server machine that is hosting the TM SQL − Add exclusions to the firewall for TCP Port 1433 and UDP port 1434 − Add exclusions in your antivirus software for SQL Server

8 7 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference SQL Connectivity Check SQL Configuration Manager and make sure that TCP/IP is enabled for the instance of SQL that is hosting the Time Matters Database

9 8 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference SQL Connectivity − Check SQL Server Configuration Manager for the specific instance of SQL: If using TCP/IP Dynamic Ports, add a TCP port exclusion (however, because it is dynamic, this port may change) ** If you do not add the dynamic port to the firewall exclusions, it may cause connectivity issues from a 3 rd party add-in, such as Office and Adobe.

10 9 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference SQL Connectivity Make sure the SQL Browser is running. If not, start the browser service and set to automatic

11 10 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference SQL Connectivity Additional Thoughts regarding SQL Connectivity − If using SQL Express 2005, allow the Time Matters Installation process to install SQL Express. It should work without these issues through this installation − If using SQL Standard (or “full SQL”), verify that authentication is both Windows AND SQL, or Mixed Mode − Verify the DNS Ping the server using the host name (server name) from a client computer (workstation) Try entering the IP address (rather than the server name) in the file locations in the config file to see if it connects this way Flush the DNS and Register it; then go back and re-ping − ipconfig /flushdns − ipconfig /registerdns

12 11 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference SQL Connectivity Additional Troubleshooting Tip from Microsoft for SQL Connectivity Issues ps-to-troubleshoot-connectivity-issues.aspx

13 12 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference A) Service Startup Issues on Reboot B) User Password is Blank C) Failure of Exchange Sync Service & Orphan Contacts Document D) User Form Error Codes Issue 2: Time Matters Exchange Sync

14 13 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Q: Why doesn’t the service start when the server is rebooted? A: The service starts before SQL has fully loaded. Issue 2A: Service Startup Issues on Reboot

15 14 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Service Startup Issues on Reboot SBS/ Server 2008 or 2011: Set the TM Exchange sync service to Delayed Start

16 15 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Service Startup Issues on Reboot SBS/ Server 2003: Create a SQL Dependency for the TM Exchange Sync Service in the registry. 1.Determine the name of your SQL Server service, the default is MSSQLServer but if you have server instances, the service name is MSSQL$[instance_name] for example, MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS 2.Launch the windows registry editor 3.Locate the Exchange Sync service entry as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LNFOExchangeSync 4. Add a new registry key for the LNFOExchangeSync service: Select Edit menu (or right-click service name), select New, Multi-String Value, name the new key "DependOnService" 5. Double-click the newly created registry key then enter the name of your SQL Server service (from step 1) in the entry and save

17 16 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Q: Why is the user password blank in the Exchange Sync Application? A: The user’s domain password no longer matches the password in the Exchange Sync Application and the user did not properly change it when requested by Time Matters. Issue 2B: User Password is Blank

18 17 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- User Password is Blank Time Matters prompts the user for the Exchange Password (the password stored in the TM Exchange Sync is invalid), and there is only one opportunity to enter it from within Time Matters The user types in the wrong password when prompted, which will clear it out The user cancels in the window when prompted by Time Matters to enter their new password The user is not properly authenticated to both the SQL Server and the Exchange Server at the time the password is prompted

19 18 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- User Password is Blank Resolutions: − Within TM, Click the option for Exchange Password Change − Password must be manually reset in the Time Matters Exchange Sync Application − If it is a recurring issue for Laptop users, verify and validate that the user is properly authenticated to the network when logging into Time Matters after being off of the network

20 19 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Q: Why does the service stop responding or fail even though it still running? A: An environmental variable is timing out the service or shutting down the port between SQL and Exchange. Issue 2C: Failure of Exchange Sync Service

21 20 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Failure of Exchange Sync Service Each environment will be different, but here are some steps to evaluate the issue: Be sure all users are properly authenticated in the Exchange Sync Application Test each user and verify that they connect successfully Remove any user syncs for those that are no longer with the firm

22 21 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Failure of Exchange Sync Service Review the ExSync.txt log (C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\Exchange Synchronization\Logs) for errors and issues with synchronization and resolve the issues. EXAMPLE 1: − This error had to do with 12am being the “End Time” on the event.(The sync does NOT like this time as a start or end time) EXAMPLE 2: − This error had to do with “special characters” being in the description of the event, which will not allow the event to sync.

23 22 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Service Stops Responding For this error, do a search on the description field in the Time Matters event list for “DNT Seminar” and then update the record to remove the offending character. The record will now synchronize to exchange. Events created with text cut and paste from a webpage will throw this error. For example, this little box here: □ Version 11 Exchange Sync does a much better job handling special characters, so errors like these will be seen more in version 9 and 10 Review the Event Viewer Application Log for Errors and Warnings and resolve.

24 23 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Service Stops Responding If you are receiving many “(500) Internal Server” errors, check the event viewer on the exchange server for an error with event ID 9667 This error is caused by exchange. Having assigned a maximum of named properties, exchange cannot create records pushed from the exchange sync. To fix, please reference the following technet articles:

25 24 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Service Stops Responding Resolve orphaned contacts These occur when one-way synchronization is deployed, primarily from Time Matters to Exchange − The user does not have the ability to delete or change contacts within Time Matters from Exchange, or recurring events are translated incorrectly − The user deletes the contact in Outlook or on their phone − The record in Time Matters no longer has it’s twin, therefore it is orphaned Orphan Contacts & Events Resolutions Document

26 25 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Failure of Exchange Sync Service Failed to Perform Sync.System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (440) Login Timeout. This has a tendency to show after long strings of orphan contacts that will not synchronize with Exchange Also can occur after a long string of ignored recurring events trying to update Time Matters from Outlook (not supported) Resolved in past tech support calls by deleting recurring events in Outlook, and having the client enter them from Time Matters If nothing is synchronized then IIS needs to be checked to see is if WEBDAV has been enabled for the “Exchange” virtual directory

27 26 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- Failure of Exchange Sync Service Nightly System Backups: possibly shutting down the SQL Service − Check the Event Viewer Security Error Log for authentication errors Create a script that ties into the Task Scheduler to restart the Exchange Sync Service daily − If you think this is an issue, seek the assistance of Technical Support

28 27 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference What do these error message mean and how do I resolve them? Issue 2D: Error Codes when Setting up the “User Sync” Form

29 28 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- User Sync Form Errors (401) Unauthorized − An error occurred connection to: http://tl2003srv.TEST.local/exchange/tlcesnc01 − Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized − Password or Domain login is incorrect; Validate and attempt again (500) Internal Server Error − An error occurred connection to: − Error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error − Check to see that Exchange has all of its required services running − Set the ‘Domain’ field to match the domain of the internal network, not that of the external email address Example: Use ‘Domain.local’, not ‘’

30 29 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Exchange Sync- User Sync Form Errors (503) Server Unavailable − Typically, the mailbox URL field will look something like this http://server/exchange/testuser − If the email address is different than the active directory user name, try entering the email address at the end of the mailbox url path instead of the username So if the user’s email address is ‘’ try this mailbox url instead http://tl2003srv/exchange/ (440) Login Timeout − This one more often occurs with Exchange 2007; check to see if webdav is enabled and configured with the exchange virtual directory in IIS

31 30 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference How can I improve performance of Time Matters beyond running database maintenance and re-indexing? Issue 3: Workstation Performance Improvement

32 31 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Workstation Performance Improvement Change sublist setting in Time Matters under Program Level settings to a higher number (5000 or 10000) Change Windows visual settings under system properties, advanced, performance; choose adjust for best performance Change Time Matters calendar to Classic View Check Time Matters SQL database for corrupt records (-1 create dates, nulls, blank sysid’s) − Contact CMG Consultants or Time Matters Technical Support (CIC Line) Check specifications and memory of video card on computer Uninstall any unnecessary software − Add exclusions in your antivirus software for SQL Server Each environment will be different, but here are some ideas that you can try:

33 32 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Why isn’t PCLaw updating Time Matters automatically? Issue 4: Time Matters Notification from PCLaw

34 33 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Time Matters Notification from PCLaw In PCLaw, under Options > Connnection Settings, there is an option call “Disable Time Matters Notifications.” If this is unchecked, updates to linked Contacts and Matters should update to Time Matters. The first update to a matter in PCLaw should cause the Time Matters login screen to splash up on to screen before the update goes to Time Matters. PCLaw requires a pointer to find the Time Matters program directory; if this pointer is missing then PCLaw will not update Time Matters There are 2 different locations that contain the pointer to the Time Matters Program Directory

35 34 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Time Matters Notification from PCLaw Location 1: fix these points below First check the registry – I know this is weird because it’s focused in a Time Matters 9 registry hive Validate that ProgDir_E is pointing to the current Time matters program directory Validate that the VerInfo_E key exists with a Version subkey, it does not matter what version is listed

36 35 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Time Matters Notification from PCLaw Location 2: If the registry entries exist and the notifications still do not occur, check the contents of the tmw.ini under C:\Windows. If this file does not exist, add one

37 36 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference How can I resolve issues with macro integration on the workstation? Issue 5: Integration with Microsoft Office

38 37 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Integration with Microsoft Office These issues are due to either registry entries and file location pointers that are incorrect on the workstation, or lack of rights for the user logged into the workstation. TM plugins fail to appear in Office Application − First rule is to open Workstation Level Setup remove integration close. Re-open Workstation Level and add the integration back If you get a message about needing Administrator to enable, then close TM, Right-click and Run application as Administrator If that does not work, then continue to next step

39 38 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Integration with Microsoft Office − Open the registry editor and check the Time Matters and Time Matters 11 hives at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LexisNexis\ − Compare this hive against one from working machine, you may find that some entries are missing. For Version 10, check for the following keys: − Document − Documents − ProgDir_E

40 39 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Integration with Microsoft Office For Version 11, check for the following keys: − ProgDir_E

41 40 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Integration with Microsoft Office "Cannot load Time Matters Integration" when attempting to TMsave a record from Microsoft Word. − Check for the existence of well-formed registry hive under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LexisNexis\Time Matters 11\Settings − If this doesn't exist or if you are not sure what it should look like, compare with a registry from another PC, not having the issue. Export those registry settings and install it onto the problem CPU − Also, do a search on the windows machine for the TMSHIM.dll; compare each instance of the dll with that of the TMSHIM.dll that exists in the current Time Matters program directory. If there is one that has a version number earlier that that from the directory, replace it with the one from the program directory (CIC Dispatch 7/22/11) − In version prior to 11, verify that a valid tm*.ini file exists

42 41 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Integration with Microsoft Office TM Connect in Outlook keeps disappearing − Check the tmconfig.ini file and the adminctl.ini file on the local workstation and verify that the correct path is entered for the server and the SQL Database in the C:\programdata folder − For failed Outlook integration always check the disabled items list Outlook 2003, check Help->About Microsoft Outlook->Disabled Items Outlook 2007, check Tools->Trust Center->Add-ins->Manage: Disabled Items->Go Outlook 2010, check File->Options ->Add-ins->Manage: Disabled Items- >Go − Repair the Outlook Installation on the local workstation and then re-enable the integration through Time Matters at the Workstation Level

43 42 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Integration with Microsoft Office MS Word is installed but the boxes are all grayed out? − First check and see if the version of Office installed was the 32-bit or 64-bit version, a 64-bit version will not register in Word Processor Setup. − Time Matters does not see registry entries that should have been installed by Office, for Word 2007, TM would need to see the following registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\InstallRoot]"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12\\" − For Word 2010: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\InstallRoot]"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\" − The same logic may be applied when troubleshooting the links with other MS Office applications Process Monitor (Procmon) can be very useful when troubleshooting why a link is failing − Use Procmon to compare logs between a CPU that works and one that fails

44 43 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Questions & Answers

45 44 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Love, Andy! (LOL!) Smooches for Andy Bonus Tips for CICs

46 45 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Bonus Tips for CICs Just Because Windows 7, Vista, and UAC (User Account Control) with Time Matters 10 and 11 Mobility Resetting the Data Indexer Helpful Links on the Web Access the Document Here

47 46 2011 Practice Management Annual CIC Conference Thank you for attending! The End!

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