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Presentation on theme: "BEST PRACTICE AÇEV’S FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAMS WORKING WITH PARENTS 8-10 May 2006 -DUBLIN."— Presentation transcript:


2 AÇEV’s Programs on “Family Literacy” MOCEP:Mother Child Education Program PCPEP:Parent-Child Preschool Training Program FSP: Father Support Program

3 Beneficiaries:  186,000 mothers and children in 70 provinces of Turkey  900 teachers trained  Yearly target 35,000 mothers and children Aim of Program: To empower mothers by supporting them in their parenting roles and providing the tools necessary for fostering the cognitive development of their children before they enter school. Target Group: Socio-economically disadvantaged mothers of 6 year olds who do not go to preschool. Main Components and Duration:  Mother Support Program—25 weeks-long Implemented in the form of weekly 3 hour group discussion meetings, facilitated by an AÇEV trained group leader  Cognitive Training Program (for the child)—25 weeks-long Implemented at home daily by mother and child using worksheets, storybooks and other materials  Home visits—3-4 times during the 25 weeks Conducted by group leader to ensure quality and provide one-on-one support to mother at home ‘MOCEP’: Mother-Child Education Program AÇEV’s scientifically-proven, home-based, low-cost preschool and parent education program implemented since 1993

4 Recruitment and Motivation- MOCEP Before the implementation: To hang posters To held introduction meetings with mothers Having been implemented for years, currently the program is locally well-known, so it has a popularity. Awareness of the changes on mothers and children who participated the program before. The motivation of mothers for the development of their children –To grow up their children in better circumstances –To provide a chance for them –To effect positively the success of their children’s school career Participation in the program is free of charge

5 Recruitment and Motivation- MOCEP During the implementation To provide mothers an environment for learning and to encourage them to continue their education. The program facilitates the relation of mothers with their children in daily life. Mothers can easily notice the behavioral change both on themselves and on their children during the implementation. To be listened and respected by their family To be perceived as experts of child rearing by their close environment

6 Recruitment and Motivation- MOCEP During the implementation Encouragement and support of their close environment for their participation in the program To provide them an opportunity as a sphere for social participation To provide them the feeling to be effective individuals To do something for themselves To support mothers’ parenting roles and empower them –Better family cohesion –Better decision making –Better communication with their husband –Better communication with their children

7 Recruitment and Motivation- MOCEP The motivation provided by the program’s structure Mothers are certificated at the end of the program The program is not only for informing; mothers also learn from the group The program creates an atmosphere so that mothers notice the importance of their knowledge and experiences The program provides new information Participation is obligatory according to the academic schedule

8 Approaches- MOCEP Learning from the group Sharing experiences Decision making in the group Role playing

9 Materials Additional texts, Worksheets of cognitive training program, A set of geometric shapes Home bulletin 8 Story Books Certificate

10 Role of parent leaders Assistant Mothers: Mothers assist the group leader in the implementation of cognitive training program with mothers.

11 Home visits Mothers feel themselves esteemed. Due to the interest of the group leader for the mothers, the motivation and feeling of belonging to the group increases. Within the limits of the program content, personel problems which cannot be talked in the group can be shared with the group leader.




15 ‘OVÇEP’: Preschool Parent-Child Education Program ‘OVÇEP’: Preschool Parent-Child Education Program AÇEV’s scientifically-proven, center-based preschool education program which brings the preschool and the parent together, implemented since 1999 Beneficiaries: 18,000 mothers and children in 26 provinces of Turkey 102 teachers trained Yearly target 5,000 mothers and children Aim of Program: To support the preschooler’s literacy and numeracy skills and to ensure the educational support provided to the child is continuous and complementary, through strengthening the school-family collaboration. Target Group: Children attending state-run preschools and their parents. Main Components and Duration: Cognitive Training Program (for the classroom)—28 weeks-long Implemented in class daily by teacher and preschoolers using worksheets, storybooks and other materials Cognitive Training Program (for the home)—25 weeks-long Implemented in the home daily by the parent and the child using a second set of worksheets, storybooks and other materials Parent Support Program—9 sessions Implemented in the form of monthly 3 hour group discussion meetings, facilitated by the ACEV trained preschool teacher

16 Recruitment and Motivation- PCPEP Before the implementation –To grow up their children in better circumstances –To fulfil the duty of ‘parenting’ –Participation in the program is implemented free of charge

17 Recruitment and Motivation- PCPEP During the implementation To have a continuous relation with the teacher. To have the opportunity to share concerns about children with the teacher. Socialization of parents To be informed about the schooling of the child in detail To have the opportunity to meet the parents of their children’s friends To be aware of the development of their children and to follow their development closely. To gain skills for better communicating with their children

18 Recruitment and Motivation- PCPEP The motivation provided by the program’s structure –The program provides school-parent collaboration –The program provides new information

19 Approaches- PCPEP Sharing experiences Learning from the group

20 Materials Additional texts, Worksheets of cognitive training program for class and for home, A set of geometric shapes 8 Story Books Certificate for children


22 Beneficiaries:  13,000 fathers and children in 15 provinces of Turkey  400 teachers trained  Yearly target 6,000 fathers and children Aim of Program: To sensitize fathers to the importance of their role in their child’s life and to equip them with the skills and attitudes necessary for fostering the healthy development of their young children. Target Group: Socio-economically disadvantaged fathers of 2-10 year olds. Main Components and Duration:  Father Support Meetings—13 weeks-long Implemented in the form of weekly 3 hour group discussion meetings, facilitated by an AÇEV trained group leader  Activities for Father and Child—13 weeks-long Implemented at home by father and child using storybooks and other materials ‘BADEP’: Father Support Program One of the only father education programs of this scope and duration in the world, implemented since 1996

23 Recruitment and Motivation- FSP Before the implementation Introduction meetings targeting the fathers of the primary school or/and pre-school class students are held. Fathers are invited to the introduction meeting by an invitiation letter which is taken home by their children. Fathers decide the meeting date and hour which is most convenient for them. At the first session the group leader makes a contract. Participation in the program is free of charge

24 Recruitment and Motivation- FSP During the implementation The group leader is sensitive to the values and beliefs of the fathers. The program gives information and gains skills which improves their relation and communication with their children, and their effectiveness in the develoment of their children. Particulary in the first three weeks, the group leader gives telephone calls to the fathers one day before the session.

25 Recruitment and Motivation- FSP During the implementation The group leader calls the absent fathers and learn their excuses. When there is a common event for the fathers (football game, celebration of.....etc.), group leader changes the date of the meeting according to the group decision. The group leader strengthens the relations by giving fathers name cards, file..

26 Approaches- FSP FSP is a group meeting as well as a training activity Learning is provided through the sharing of different experiences The group makes decisions on the issues concerning the group Fathers gain awareness about the needs of their children and giving them concrete, useful information

27 Materials Files for fathers Invitation letter for the presentation meeting Name cards for fathers “Observation follow-up forms” for recording the improvements in the behaviors which are expected to be developed Skill and information forms to exercise behaviors to be adopted. Additional texts Story Books




31 Thank you.....


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