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{ Beethoven: “Moonlight” Sonata.  “Sonata” originally meant a piece that was played, the opposite was a “cantata,” which was sung.  Beginning in the.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Beethoven: “Moonlight” Sonata.  “Sonata” originally meant a piece that was played, the opposite was a “cantata,” which was sung.  Beginning in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Beethoven: “Moonlight” Sonata

2  “Sonata” originally meant a piece that was played, the opposite was a “cantata,” which was sung.  Beginning in the Classical period, sonatas were solo instrument pieces (usually piano, violin, or cello) with 3-4 movements.  Haydn & Mozart wrote many sonatas and helped solidify their Classical form. Beethoven wrote 32 piano sonatas that served as models for many more during the Romantic and Modern periods. Sonatas

3  Beethoven finished “Moonlight” Sonata in 1801 and dedicated it to one of his piano students, the young Countess Giulietta Guicciard.  It is believed Beethoven was in love with the countess when he wrote the piece: "My life is once more a little more pleasant, I'm out and about again, among people – you can hardly believe how desolate, how sad my life has been since these last two years; this change was caused by a sweet, enchanting girl, who loves me and whom I love. After two years, I am again enjoying some moments of bliss, and it is the first time that – I feel that marriage could make me happy, but unfortunately she is not of my station – and now – I certainly could not marry now." Beethoven Sonata #14, “Moonlight”

4  The sonata has three movements. However, they do not follow the typical tempos:  Mvt. 1: Adagio sostenuto (sustained) C# minor, sonata form  Mvt. 2: Allegretto Db major, minuet/scherzo & trio form  Mvt. 3: Presto agitato (agitated) C# minor, sonata form  5 years after Beethoven’s death, a music critic wrote that the 1 st movement reminded him of moonlight on a rippling lake. The nickname stuck, even though Beethoven probably intended it to sound more like a funeral march. Beethoven Sonata #14, “Moonlight”

5  As you listen to each movement, write a sentence that describes the feeling you think Beethoven is expressing.  Movement 1:  Movement 2:  Movement 3: Listening Assignment

6 {  Movement #1 Movement #1 Movement #1  Movement #2 Movement #2 Movement #2  Movement #3 Movement #3 Movement #3 “Moonlight” Sonata

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