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UNCLASSIFIED Strategies for leading crisis command across organisations for greater interoperability Superintendant Michael Chew AFP ACTP – Counter Terrorism.

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Presentation on theme: "UNCLASSIFIED Strategies for leading crisis command across organisations for greater interoperability Superintendant Michael Chew AFP ACTP – Counter Terrorism."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNCLASSIFIED Strategies for leading crisis command across organisations for greater interoperability Superintendant Michael Chew AFP ACTP – Counter Terrorism and Emergency Management (CT&EM) March 2011

2 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Session outline History of Command Control and Coordination Incident Command and Control System ACTP approach to Command, Control and Coordination and the importance of Unified command Counter Terrorism and unified Command Critical Infrastructure protection

3 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Background of C3 systems INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEMS HISTORY Originated in the USA in the 1970’s for the management of wild fires. Adapted from USA military command systems. Introduced into Australia by the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) in the early 1990’s Incident Command & Control Systems are currently being used by a number of emergency response agencies across Australia. ACTP adopted the Incident Command and Control System (ICCS) 2007

4 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Unified Command A forward command element comprising of all relevant responding agencies focusing on the response/tactical management of the incident. Unified Command directs all incident activities, including: Development and implementation of response/tactical objectives and strategies Approves the ordering and releasing of resources Share information/intelligence Maximise the use of available resources Designed to enhance the efficiency of individual response organisations

5 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Unified Command- C3 Workshops The ACT Policing Command, Control and Coordination (C3) workshop was developed by the AFP Leadership and Management Development team. Changes in the political landscape have seen increased media and judicial scrutiny and review on police operations. Workshops are conducted in partnership with other agencies so AFP members can get exposure to other agency command structures and decisions making processes in a “real time” environment.

6 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management ACT Policing initiatives Funding from NCTC affords ACT Policing to plan, resource and implement exercises to test our ability to respond to major incidents. Exercises are designed to practice unified command and identify agency roles and expectations Exercises are linked to NCTC themes Exercise format may vary depending on the audience, - desktop/working group - discussion/hypothetical - “No Notice” first response (response) - multi agency (response) -Multi jurisdictional (MJEX)

7 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management ACTP: CT&EM Olympic torch relay

8 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Challenges: Managing critical incidents in a unified Command structure Command Location of Command Post Communications Crowd and traffic control Environment Media Politics Planning and training

9 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Incident Command Control and Coordination COMMAND Direction of members and resources of an organisation in the performance of its roles and tasks Relates to ORGANISATIONS

10 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Incident Command Control and Coordination CONTROL Overall direction of activities, agencies or individuals involved in an emergency Relates to SITUATIONS

11 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Incident Command Control and Coordination COORDINATION Bringing resources of organisations together to meet the demands imposed by the threat or hazard impact. Relates to RESOURCES

12 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Crisis & Consequence Management Crisis Management – Deliberate and immediate management for whole of government consideration of policy, decision making and coordination for the prevention and/or resolution of threats or acts of politically motivated violence in order to maintain national security and confidence in government. Consequence Management – Measures to protect public health and safety an provide emergency relief to those affected by the consequence of terrorism.

13 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Incident Command and Control System (ICCS)

14 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management ICCS – Command board

15 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Interoperability in Counter Terrorism Incidents National Counter Terrorism Plan (NCTP) outlines responsibilities, stakeholders and the mechanisms to prevent and/or respond to acts of terrorism and their consequences within Australia. NCTP relies on strong cooperative, coordinated and consultative relationships among the Commonwealth/State/Territory Governments, Government departments and emergency service agencies

16 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Terrorism and Critical Infrastructure: Operational arrangements In the event of an act of Terrorism Police will always be the lead A PFC will be established utilising unified command to minimise loss of life and further risk to the community. PFC will exercise control over, and share information with other responding services and agencies. A POC will be established to manage the overall incident and investigation. In response to a Terrorist incident, relevant agencies LO’s will attend the POC and provide advice on operational requirements to maintain public health and safety.

17 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Mercury 10

18 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Critical Infrastructure Protection Protection of Critical Infrastructure (CI) is a shared responsibility of business and the Commonwealth and State/territory governments State/territory governments identify CI in the jurisdiction Commonwealth government has the responsibility for identifying CI of National importance. The Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) was established by the C’wlth Gov and is a network of groups where owners and operators of CI can share information on security and other related topics.

19 UNCLASSIFIED March 2011Innovative Emergency Management Questions


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