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A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Nicholas May

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1 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Nicholas May

2 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 2 Surveyed five similar approaches to documenting software architecture To identify: Their strengths and weaknesses An optimum approach to documenting software architecture Overview

3 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 3 Background: Software architecture Documentation approaches Survey: Comparison Framework Review of the five approaches Conclusions Questions Contents

4 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 4 What is Software Architecture? Structures= Components and Connectors Styles= Constraints on Composition. Rationale= Non-Functional Requirements Background

5 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 5 Adapted from “IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software Intensive Systems”. IEEE (2000) Background - IEEE Standard 1471-2000

6 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 6 Viewpoint models utilize perspectives to separate the concerns. Perspectives are variously called views, viewtypes, and viewpoints. Different viewpoint models focus on the different uses of documentation. Communication. Design. Re-use. Other frameworks exist for classifying documentation. Background - Viewpoint Models

7 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 7 Framework based on IEEE 1471-2000, IEEE (2000). Viewpoint Models: “4+1” View Model, Kruchten, P. (1997). SEI View Model, Clements, P. et al. (2002b). ISO RM-ODP, ISO (1994). Siemens Four View Model, Soni, D. et al. (1995). Rational ADS, Norris, D. (2004). Survey

8 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 8 Stakeholders eg. Architects, Testers, Managers. from “Documenting Software Architectures: views and beyond” (Clements et al, 2002a, page 10). Concerns eg. Performance, Implementation, Privacy. from “Software Engineering” (Sommerville, 2000, page 101). Structures eg. Decomposition, Layer, Process from “Software Architecture in Practice” (Bass et al., 2003, page 39). Survey - Comparison Framework

9 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 9 Stakeholders Implementers:Programmers and Systems Engineers. Concerns Reliability:Quality of Service, Fault Tolerance, Availability, and Failure Modes. Structures Deployment:Hardware and Software components. Survey – Example Translations

10 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 10 Survey – Summary of Models FocusFeaturesViewpoints SEI CommunicationIndependent viewpoints3 viewpoints “4+1” DesignIterative design process5 views Siemens Design Flow of information through viewpoints 4 views RM-ODP Re-use Defines a common vocabulary 5 viewpoints Rational ADS Design Defined mappings between views 4 viewpoints

11 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 11 Stakeholders Structures Concerns

12 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 12 Conclusions - Viewpoint Groups “4+1” model SEI model Siemens model Rational ADS Functional Logical view Module viewtype Module view - Behavioural Process view C&C viewtype Execution view - External Development view Allocation viewtype Code view Realization viewpoint

13 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 13 Rational ADS - Requirements viewpoint SEI - Module viewtype SEI - C&C viewtype SEI - Allocation viewtype Conclusions - Optimum Set

14 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 14 Map Stakeholders to Concerns Determine Implicit Stakeholders Verify Optimum Viewpoint Set using Case Studies Conclusions - Future Work

15 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 15 Software Architecture can be documented using different approaches Viewpoint models use multiple perspectives based on the separation of concerns Surveyed five viewpoint models Identified their relative strengths and weaknesses Identified an optimum set of viewpoints Finale - summary

16 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 16 Thankyou Questions Finale

17 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 17 Adapted from “Architectural Blueprints – the 4+1 view model of software architecture”, Kruchten, P. (1997) Survey - “4+1” View Model

18 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 18 Module Viewtype Component & Connector Viewtype Allocation Viewtype Survey - SEI View Model

19 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 19 Enterprise View Information View Computational View Engineering View Technology View Survey - RM-ODP

20 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 20 Adapted from “Applied Software Architecture”, Hofmeister, C. et al. (2000). Survey - Siemens Four View Model

21 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 21 Adapted from “Communicating Complex Architectures with UML and the Rational ADS”, Norris, D. (2004). Survey - Rational ADS

22 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 22 Conclusions – Number of viewpoints addressing Structures

23 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 23 Conclusions – Number of viewpoints addressing Concerns

24 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 24 Conclusions – Number of viewpoints addressing Stakeholder Roles

25 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 25 Bass, L. et al. (2003). Software Architecture in Practice. Addison Wesley, Boston, MA, USA, 2nd edition. ISBN 0-321-15495-9. Clements, P. et al. (2002a) Documenting Software Architecture: Views and Beyond. Addison Wesley, Boston, MA, USA, 1st edition. ISBN 0-201- 70372-6. Clements, P. et al. (2002b) A practical method for documenting software architectures. dsa/submitted.pdf viewed on 20th September, 2004. Draft. Hofmeister, C. et al. (2000). Applied Software Architecture. Object Technology Series. Addison Wesley, Boston, MA, USA, 1st edition. ISBN 0-201- 32571-3. IEEE (2000)IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Std 1471-2000. References

26 Tuesday, 29 th March 2005 A Survey of Software Architecture Viewpoint Models Slide 26 ISO (1994)Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP). International Organization for Standardization. Technical Report 10746. Kruchten, P. (1997)Architectural Blueprints - The “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture. IEEE Software, 12(6):42–50. Norris, P (2004) Communicating Complex Architectures with UML and the Rational ADS. In Proceedings of the IBM Rational Software Development User Conference, 2004. Copyright 2004 IBM Australia. Sommerville, I. (2000) Software Engineering. Addison Wesley, Boston, MA, USA, 6th edition. ISBN 0-201-39815-X. Soni, D. et al. (1995) Software architecture in industrial applications. In International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 196–207. References - Continued

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