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New York Comic-Con 2009 Jacob Javitz Center Guests are also permitted to dress up as their favorite characters from films and comic books. Here both.

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Presentation on theme: "New York Comic-Con 2009 Jacob Javitz Center Guests are also permitted to dress up as their favorite characters from films and comic books. Here both."— Presentation transcript:


2 New York Comic-Con 2009 Jacob Javitz Center

3 Guests are also permitted to dress up as their favorite characters from films and comic books. Here both Stormtroopers (Left) and Princess Leia (Right) represent the 501st Legion.

4 Not only can people dress up as characters that they know and love, they are also able to perform live for audiences.

5 With all the entertainment that is featured at Comic Con, sometimes even Superheroes need to get a drink of water at the refreshment counter. Refreshments ranged from Dasani Water to Chinese Food.

6 When leaving the autograph area, Humans and Wookies are able to meet members of the 501 Legion. A group that dedicates themselves to the Galactic Empire of the Star Wars Saga.

7 Not only does Comic Con welcome superheroes, they also permit villains to enter the premises. Even the likes of the Joker, Two -Face, and Penguin can stay to entertain fans.

8 Comic Con has a section that is dedicated to fans who wish to learn the art of using a lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi or Sith.

9 Fans who are dedicated to their favorite characters care about the smallest detail of their costume. It includes wearing a slave outfit (left), to changing the color of their hair to look like X-Men Rogue (right), or putting in blue contact lenses to look like Superman (middle).

10 GOHAN Dragon Ball Z Son of the Sayan warrior Goku who has been destined to save the world from vile forces including Vegeta, Freeza, Cell, and Majin Bu

11 Republic Clone Trooper Once considered to be allies of the Jedi Order, they were instructed under Order 66 to seek out and exterminate the Jedi.

12 Jedi Knight Keepers of the peace in the old republic that were guided by a mystic energy known as the Force

13 Freddy Kruegar “ Bastard Son of a Hundred Maniacs” Child Killer that was burnt by the parents of his victims. Yet he has returned from the grave to kill the children in their dreams

14 Chucky “Charles Lee Ray” Deranged killer that has transferred his soul into the body of a Good Guy Doll.

15 Not only do fans dress up like charcters from films and comics but also from video games

16 Boba Fett

17 Cobra Commander Leader of a terrorist organization that is bent on destroying all members of an elite military group known as G.I. Joe

18 Spider-men

19 The power of the Green Lantern is a responsibility that is bestowed from an elite counsel that is determined in providing peace and order throughout the entire universe.

20 “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” (Jedi Master Yoda)

21 Who we gonna call?

22 Batgirl and little Dick Grayson (Robin).

23 Spider-man and Spider-girl (she likes him better than the other Spider-men).

24 Darth Vader’s helmet was originally designed around a Japanese samurai’ head piece

25 Nurse’s are standing by in case anybody suffers a panic attack while playing the Fear video Game

26 Donatello and Michelangelo ready to try their new video game. Amazing that they have been around for 25 years.

27 Life size replica of Spiderman (Peter Parker)

28 Guests to Comic Con are able to associate with many groups of people. Comic Con plays as host to many hundreds of comic book fans including a giant marshmallow man.

29 Life size Republic Clone Trooper Bobble Head

30 Terry McGinnis After Bruce Wayne retired from being Batman, he enlisted young Terry McGinnis to fulfill the night to night responsibilities of being The Dark Knight of the future.

31 Some costume characters are hired by companies that advertise at New York Comic Con


33 If Skeletor is unemployed, then he won’t have to worry about being Master of the Universe anymore.



36 Psyloche Rare character from the X- Men that is rarely ever seen.

37 Ever since the early 1990’s, Harley Quinn has been the Joker’s primary henchwench and side kick.

38 This year’s Comic Con was filled of many people dressed up as characters from the Naruto series

39 B A T M A N B E G I N S

40 The Joker and an Imperial Storm Trooper

41 Han Solo Trapped in Carbonite Trapped by Darth Vader, Boba Fett transported Captain Solo to Jabba the Hutt.

42 Two-Face The law is chance

43 tHE jOKeR wHY sO SEriOus

44 Nightwing Once Dick Grayson stopped wearing the Robin suit, he began to don the suite of Nightwing.

45 The New York Comic Con at New York’s Jacob Javitz Center brings together all groups of the comic book world. Here guests are able to purchase comic books, merchandise, and meet celebrities such as Stan Lee, creator of characters such as X- Men and the Amazing Spiderman.

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