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Northwestern Memorial Hospital

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1 Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Yttrium-90 Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Comprehensive Analysis of Long-term Outcomes in 291 Patients Robert J. Lewandowski, Ahsun Riaz, Robert K. Ryu, Ramona Gupta, Vanessa L. Gates, Kent T. Sato, Reed Omary, Riad Salem Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago, IL 1

2 Consultant, Advisory Boards, Research Support
Disclosures Consultant, Advisory Boards, Research Support MDS Nordion, Sirtex Medical 2

3 Y90 Radioisotope 100% pure beta emitter, 0.9367 MeV
Physical half-life of 64.2 h Irradiates tissue with average range of 2.5 mm Maximum penetration of approx. 1.0 cm A constituent of an insoluble glass matrix Microsphere diameter 25µ - 35µ 3

4 Methodical Approach to Y90: 10 year experience
Investigated each concept Safety Angiographic Technique Dosimetry Niche Applications Portal vein thrombosis Radiation Lobectomy Radiation Segmentectomy Lung dose, Distribution Liver Metastases CRC NET Cholangiocarcinoma Imaging criteria Pathologic analyses  comparison with TACE Biomarkers Long term Survival Combination with Systemic Agents Capecitabine Sorafenib 4

5 Northwestern 5-yr Experience 291-Patient Cohort
December 2003  December 2008 Open label protocol: Y90 glass microspheres All baseline CT/MR 1250 CT/MRI scans, total 4.3 scans per patient Strict imaging definition of metastases at baseline Comprehensive review at each stage in time for development of metastases (CT chest, bone scans) Prospectively followed all patients

6 RECIST (Uni-dimensional) Guideline
System Classification Definition Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) CR 100% decrease in maximum diameter of target lesion PR ≥30% decrease in maximum diameter of target lesion SD <30% decrease to ≤20% increase in maximum diameter of target lesion PD >20% increase from maximum response of target lesion 6

7 Clinical Outcomes TTP: Progression defined as any of the following: progression by WHO, EASL, UNOS stage or appearance of new lesions Survival: from first treatment Univariate (Kaplan-Meier with Logrank) and Multivariate (Cox Regression Model) were used

8 Baseline Demographics
Age (years) < 65 138 (47) ≥ 65 153 (53) ≥ 75 63 (22) Gender Male 223 (77) Female 68 (23) Ethnicity Caucasian 208 (71) African American 37 (13) Asian 29 (10) Hispanic 17 (6)

9 Etiology N (%) Etiology HCV 100 (34) Alcohol 56 (19) Cryptogenic
54 (19) HBV 26 (9) HCV + Alcohol 23 (8) NASH 6 (2) Autoimmune 4 (1.3) Hemochromatosis HCV + HBV 3 (1) PBC 1 (0.6) Unknown 14 (5)

10 Imaging Characteristics
Distribution Solitary 78 (27) Multifocal 213 (73) Tumor location Bilobar 139 (48) Unilobar 152 (52) Morphology Uninodular & <50% 73 (25) Multinodular & <50% 180 (62) Massive or >50% 38 (13) Tumor Burden 0-25% 223 (76.6) 26-50% 48 (16) 51-75% 19 (7) 76-100% 1 (0.4)

11 Imaging Characteristics
PVT None 166 (57) Branch 58 (20) Main 67 (23) Metastases 245 (84) LN 29 (10) Other 17 (6)

12 Tumor Size N Mean (Range) Size Overall 291 7 (1.2-22) < 5 cm
116 (40) 3.4 ( ) 5-10 cm 123 (42) 7.1 (5-10) > 10 cm 52 (18) 14.9 ( )

13 Baseline Stage N (%) Child Pugh A 131 (45) B 152 (52) C 8 (3) BCLC
3 (1) A2 22 (8) A3 8 (2) A4 6 (2) 66 (23) 178 (61) D

14 Treatment Characteristics
Location Number of Treatments (N) Median dose (Gy) Mean dose (Gy) [Range] Liver 526 103 112 ( ) Lung (per treatment) 5.4 8.8 ( ) Lung (cumulative) 291 9.3 15.7 ( )

15 Clinical Toxicities Adverse Event No. of Patients % Fatigue 167 57
Abdominal Pain 67 23 Nausea/Vomiting 20 Anorexia 45 15 Fever/Chills 10 3 Diarrhea 7 2 Weight Loss 4 1

16 Overall Survival Median
Liver-only disease Child’s Class PVT UNOS N EASL PR N (%) WHO PR TTP Median (95% CI) Overall Survival Median A Overall CP A 116 (113) 78 (69) 59 (52) 10.8 (7.4-14) 17.2 ( ) PVT Absent Overall 81 (79) 61 (77) 42 (53) 15.5 ( ) 22.1 ( ) T1/T2 27 (25) 22 (88) 13 (52) 27.1 (8, -) 20.5 ( ) T3 27 (27) 24 (89) 17 (63) 21.9 ( ) 35.7 ( ) T4a 15 (56) 12 (44) 8.6 (6, -) 14.9 ( ) PVT Present T4b 35 (34) 17 (50) 5.6 ( ) 10.4 ( ) B Overall CP B 122 (114) 44 (39) 8.4 ( ) 7.7 ( ) 65 (64) 43 (67) 30 (47) 13.0 ( ) 14.8 ( ) 22 (22) 15 (68) 8 (36) 13.0 (6.3-25) 29.1 (17.1, -) 21 (21) 18 (86) 12 (57) 17.4 ( ) 38.3 ( ) 22 (21) 10 (48) 8.8 ( ) 11.8 (6.2-19) 57 (50) 16 (32) 14 (28) 5.9 ( ) 5.6 ( )

17 Northwestern 5-yr Experience 291-Patient Cohort
Significant findings: 273/291 (94%) of patients had FU imaging All as outpatients 58% downstaged T3 T2 32 transplanted No GI ulcers

18 AFP 8.0 AFP 800 18

19 6 months post treatment AFP  4.5
Pre treatment AFP  2200 6 months post treatment AFP  4.5 19

20 After 2 treatments 20

21 Pre treatment 22 months 21

22 Pre Tx: AFP 1368 36 months post Tx: AFP 9.5

23 Northwestern 5-yr Experience 291-Patient Cohort
Continues to be evolving role of Y90 in HCC Cohort data permits Exploratory subgroup analyses Who benefits Who doesn’t Where should research be focused? Downstaged to potential cures (transplant/resection) Treatment in portal vein thrombosis patients Next considerations Y90 vs chemoembolization Y90 +/- Sorafenib (various combinations)

24 Acknowledgements Radiology: Robert Lewandowski Reed Omary Bob Ryu
Kent Sato Paul Nikolaidis Frank Miller MR Physicists: Andrew Larson Post-Doc Fellows: Saad Ibrahim Ahsun Riaz Nurses: Karen Marshall Sharon Coffey Krystina Salzig Peggy Gilbertsen Jennifer Karp Elizabeth Gonda Hepatology/Oncology: Laura Kulik Mary Mulcahy William Small Al Benson Michael Abecassis Daniel Ganger Steve Flamm 24

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