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Modernization of Data Dissemination: the European Statistical System experience Mariana Kotzeva, Advisor Hors Classe, Eurostat Eurostat International Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Modernization of Data Dissemination: the European Statistical System experience Mariana Kotzeva, Advisor Hors Classe, Eurostat Eurostat International Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modernization of Data Dissemination: the European Statistical System experience Mariana Kotzeva, Advisor Hors Classe, Eurostat Eurostat International Seminar on Modernizing Official Statistics: Meeting Productivity and New Data Challenges Tianjin, People’s Republic of China 24 - 26 October 2013

2 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Objectives for dissemination and communication at Eurostat and in the European Statistical System (ESS): Serving the needs of users by providing high-quality official statistics; Making statistics available to all actors in an open way; Helping all users to understand statistics and to use them correctly; Making users aware of the added value of statistics from the ESS.

3 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Strategic areas for improving dissemination and communication of European statistics: Permanent dialogue with users; Free access and reuse of statistics; Modernisation of dissemination products and services towards visualisation and interaction; Combining statistics and geographical information; Improved access to microdata especially for research purposes; Educating people about statistics; Communicating about the European Statistical System.

4 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Make the difference in the ocean of information Free access to and re-use of data: cornerstone of Eurostat’s dissemination policy.

5 Latest news realeases Euro indicator’s calendar Most requested statistics Main access to the databases (navigation tree) Latest publications Change language to French and German

6 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Statistics explained: an entry point for user-friendly statistics

7 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Statistics explained: an entry point for user-friendly statistics

8 ESTAT Eurostat Data explorer:

9 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Mobile applications Dissemination of the Eurostat data on smartphones: Press releases (still under preparation); Apps for iPhone and Android; Mini “Country profiles”; Data updated twice per day.

10 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Mobile applications

11 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat User support

12 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat New tools for a modern statistical communication Social media: we have to go where the users are... Social media usage is growing rapidly (more than 550 million active Twitter users). Social media are very present in mobile devices. Social media become entry point to online information. Social media allow quick and spontaneous reaction to issues raised in society. Social media help reach and get in contact with more people.

13 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat New tools for a modern statistical communication “The goal of social media is to turn customers into a volunteer marketing army.” - Jay Baer, Convince and Convert Participating in social media can help foster reputation and strengthen the brand of statistical agencies by increasing brand associations, increasing information availability and increasing the use and reputation of statistics in a positive way.

14 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Eurostat on Twitter

15 ESTAT Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Eurostat Under-utilised potential of regional and urban statistics: People are concerned about local phenomena; Citizens want statistics to assess their personal situation and to compare themselves/their region/their country with their neighbours; Visualisation tools as powerful enablers to users who wish to understand the geographic dimension of socio- economic trends. Modernisation of dissemination of regional and urban statistics

16 ESTAT Eurostat

17 ESTAT Eurostat Simple visualisation tools to be embedded in any website:

18 ESTAT Eurostat Flexible dashboards and interactive tools

19 ESTAT Eurostat

20 Thank you for your attention!   ESTAT Eurostat

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