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Modern U.S. History II Capstone Project. For the next week and a half we will be working on your semester capstone project. This will count as your semester.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern U.S. History II Capstone Project. For the next week and a half we will be working on your semester capstone project. This will count as your semester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern U.S. History II Capstone Project

2 For the next week and a half we will be working on your semester capstone project. This will count as your semester test (10% of your grade) You will be doing an independent research project on a modern issue in the USA and how it has effected recent U.S. history. You will then discuss the different directions it could develop in the near future, based on your research findings.

3 Capstone Project Selecting a topic: It can be any modern issue that effects the USA. Check out this website for some general ideas: You will select a general topic, I would like you to start general and go to specific issue within that topic. Example: “I want to do education  Are Charter Schools Effective in the USA?”

4 Project Requirements You may present it in various acceptable formats (Prezi, website, PowerPoint). You need 8 credible sources, properly cited You should have some images Presentation should be well-researched, and attractive Since this is your semester final, grading, presentation, and research expectations are high. I expect you to demonstrate the research and presentations skills you have developed over this semester.

5 Project Requirements Your project must answer… What is your issue? What is it’s the background/context? Why is your issue important? How has it effected recent U.S. history? (It’s recent history and it’s effects) What directions could it develop in the near future? What might the effects of these different courses be?

6 Time Table Monday, May 6: – Email Mr. Kelly with project proposal. – What is your topic? What is your specific issue Friday, May 8: – Email Mr. Kelly a rough draft of your Works Cited Page, which includes at least 6 credible, properly cited sources Tuesday, May 14: Last Day of Regular Class for Seniors May 15-16: Finals for Seniors – Depending on how they make this schedule, this will be the dates for presentations. I need your final project emailed to me before this.

7 Sources – Username: – Password: student My suggested media resources: My research resources: ml ml

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