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Set and Achieve Your Goals for 2012 Linnea Blair Advisors On Target.

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Presentation on theme: "Set and Achieve Your Goals for 2012 Linnea Blair Advisors On Target."— Presentation transcript:

1 Set and Achieve Your Goals for 2012 Linnea Blair Advisors On Target

2 Agenda  Clarify Your Goals for 2012  Set Measurable Goals  Keep Yourself Accountable  Self Management/Time Management to keep you on target

3 Clarify Your Goals  What do I want to achieve in 2012?  What do I want my business to look like by the end of the year?

4 Types of Goals  Income Goals  Size of Organization Goals (number of people on your team/downline)  Infrastructure Goals  Lifestyle goals (hours worked, time off, vacations to exotic places)  What else?

5 Where’s the Gap?  What’s the difference between where I am now and where I want to be by the then of 2012?

6 Set Achievable, Measurable Objectives  Set objectives that both excite you AND are actually achievable  Use the SMART criteria

7 SMART Objectives The SMART criteria for objectives:  S – specific  M – measurable  A – attainable  R – realistic  T – time bound

8 Strategies and Actions  How are you going to go about achieving your goals?  What are the actions steps to carry out your strategies?  What are your time frames for these?

9 Keep Yourself Accountable - to your own goals!  It’s easier to be accountable if your goals are exciting to you!  Having goals, even SMART goals, is a waste of time if you don’t then actually track your progress towards those goals in some way

10 Monitor Progress Toward Goals  Divide into smaller chunks Monthly, Weekly, Daily Project Phases  Find a tool that works for you Action Plan Outlook Tasks / Google Tasks GQueues To Do Lists  Set time to review and evaluate

11 Achieve Peak Performance  Focus on what’s most important – prioritize  Overcome Procrastination  Don’t allow perfectionism to hold you back  Learn to Delegate  Take Breaks

12 Ideas for Peak Performance  Create Time Blocks for specific activities  96 minute Concept  Implement a Closed Door period  Turn off your email!  Do focused “sprints” of 25 minutes with 5 minute breaks – set a timer!

13 Are your Key Activities on the Calendar?  Marketing Plan with Target Dates  Action Plan with Due Dates  Pre-planning for events and meetings  Pre-planning upcoming week  Block time to work or plan  Put everything on your calendar

14 Time Management = Self Management  Give yourself support  Add structure until you don’t need any more Use tools Implement planning and review time each week Get a buddy or accountability partner and check in with them weekly Join an accountability mastermind group

15 Conclusion  Clarify your goals  Set measureable and achievable objectives  Chunk down goals Action steps Monthly, Weekly, Daily  Put structure in place to help you stay accountable

16 Connect with me for tips on you can get your business On Target for success! 4 Free Things You Can Do Today 1. Go to and Sign Up for our Email Updates 2. Click On Member Portal and Sign up as a Free Member to have access to our Free Tools 3. Go to Facebook and “Like” our Business Page at 4. Follow us on Twitter at AdvisorOnTarget

17 17 Free Resources @ Get Handouts (and other free tools) at Click on “Member Portal” Click on “Free Resources” under “Community” Sign up as a free member – then log in to access

18 Advisors On Target Business Coaching & Consulting Contact: Linnea Blair  Office: 619.291.3700  Email:  Web:  Twitter: AdvisorOnTarget   18

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