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Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Business Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Business Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Business Plan

2 1 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Introduction Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Originate Ventures. We at Originate feel Business Plans are interactive and ever evolving. Given this, we subscribe to keeping Plans clear and simple. For entrepreneurs giving us consideration of their ideas/businesses, we ask that your presentation hits the points outlined. Thank you

3 2 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Topic Areas 1.Company History 2.Purpose 3.Team Background 4.Need Being Solved 5.Why Now 6. Product/Service 7.Market Fit/Size 8.Go-to-Market Plans 9.Competition 10.Business Model 11.Funding Sought 12.Financials – Slides w/each Section Header

4 3 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Executive Summary Company Name –Type of entity –Contact Name & Information –Web Address Value Proposition –How does it solve the customer problem? –What makes your value proposition unique? –How can this be sustained/insulated? Funding Request –Dollar level of funding requested

5 4 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Management Team –Key personnel (as a group) –Highlight collective industry experience –Past successes –Summarize key equity ownership –Capital contributed by management team

6 5 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Customers & Needs Who Is Your Customer (User)? –Demographics –What are their needs or unmet needs? –Motivations (why buy product?) Market Research –Any market research or independent validation –Key findings / takeaways

7 6 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Markets & Channels Market Definition & Size –Describe market –Current product/service choices –Market size & potential Growth rate Channels –Where are products/services available? –How are they distributed?

8 7 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Competition / Barriers to Entry List Competition –Market Share Describe their Unique Value Proposition Barriers to Entry

9 8 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Sales Process & Product Pipeline Describe the Sales Process –Sales cycle end-to-end? –Decision makers and influencers? –Entry / launch strategy What alliances or partnerships have you entered? –Joint ventures / marketing alliances / licenses / distribution agreements –Channel leverage Product Pipeline –What other products are in development? –Technology –Time to market –Cost to complete development

10 9 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Intellectual Property Legal Counsel –Name, key contact Trademarks or Copyrights –Name, date issued Patents –Brief description, status –Patent counsel Know-how –Briefly describe unique know-how

11 10 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Infrastructure –Existing sales force –Accounting & financial systems –Office or production space –How do you plan to expand your workforce? Manufacturing –Where is product manufactured? –Cost of goods analysis Quality & Regulatory –Quality control/assurance requirements/status –Regulatory/permit/license approvals required?

12 11 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Financial Overview Projected Revenues and Expenses –Table format – past 3 years, 3-5 years projected –Gross margins, operating margins (% of revenues) –When will company breakeven in terms of profitability and cash flow? Balance Sheet –Cash on hand –Debt Capital Requirements –Equipment (internal or outsourced) –Intellectual property (patents or other)

13 12 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Funding Sought - Use of Proceeds Funding Request –$ Level requested –Use of proceeds –Pre-money valuation Previous Funding –$ Level received –Types of equity/debt financing in place Shares Outstanding –# Shares outstanding – fully diluted –Describe any option plans

14 13 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Exit Strategy What are your probable exit scenarios? –IPO –M&A possibilities –Potential targets –Timing –Price

15 14 Proprietary and Confidential © ORIGINATE VENTURES 2010 Thank you! Email completed Business Plan to: Shannon Morin Originate Ventures T: 610-866-5588

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