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 Week 2 - CEELP. The most delicious chocolate cake in the world is baked by Mary. What picture do you have in your mind? or.

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1  Week 2 - CEELP

2 The most delicious chocolate cake in the world is baked by Mary. What picture do you have in your mind? or

3 The most delicious chocolate cake in the world is baked by Mary. Subject (receiver of action) + verb + agent (be + past participle) In passive voice, we change the focus of our sentences:  The subject is not the agent (person/thing that does an action);  Instead, we focus on the receiver (person/thing that was affected or created as a result of the action)

4  The shirt I’m wearing was made by _________________.  When I’m in my country, my dinner is usually made by ____________.  Our grammar textbook was written by _____________.  My favorite book was written by _________________.  My favorite movie was directed by ________________.

5  The shirt I’m wearing was made by _________________.  When I’m in my country, my dinner is usually made by ____________.  Our grammar textbook was written by _____________.  My favorite book was written by _________________.  My favorite movie was directed by ________________.

6 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief

7 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief

8 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief

9 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief

10 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief

11 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief

12 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief The bicyclewas found

13 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief The bicyclewas foundin the thief’s house

14 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief The bicyclewas foundin the thief’s house Titanticwas directedby James Cameron.

15 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief The bicyclewas foundin the thief’s house Titanticwas directedby James Cameron. Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for Best Actor.

16 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief The bicyclewas foundin the thief’s house Titanticwas directedby James Cameron. Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for Best Actor. Is the subject doing any action?

17 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief The bicyclewas foundin the thief’s house Titanticwas directedby James Cameron. Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for Best Actor. The agent is doing the action

18 subjectBe + past participle(by + agent)complement The bicyclewas stolenby the thief The bicyclewas foundin the thief’s house Titanticwas directedby James Cameron. Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for Best Actor. In passive voice, the agent is not the subject of the sentence. Sometimes, we don’t even know who the agent is.

19  Most of the time in English we use active voice: o The students study their grammar books every day. o John calls his mother every night. o We have taken 2 tests so far this semester. *Who is responsible for these actions? *Active voice = focus on the agent

20  Sometimes we need to use passive voice when the agent is unknown, or we are focusing on the receiver of action o My wallet was stolen yesterday. I’m so mad! (agent = a thief) o This beautiful dress was designed by Ralph Lauren. Do you like it?

21  Even though in most sentence, you can change between active and passive voice and keep the same meaning, there are reasons to use the passive voice. 1. We want to focus on the receiver of action (not the agent) 2. The agent is unknown or unimportant for meaning (we don’t need to mention it) *Active voice is more common than passive voice. However, knowing the difference and when to use passive voice is important for reading and for sounding like a native English speaker.

22  We will watch a clip from a movie called Hachiko. We will meet a dog, “Hachi”, and another man, played by Richard Gere. Answer these questions: 2 of them will use active voice, and 2 of them will use passive voice. Give as many answers as possible. What happened to Hachi? What did Hachi do? What happened to Richard Gere? What did Richard Gere do?

23  The focus is on the receiver, not the agent of the action The most delicious chocolate cake in the world is baked by Mary. Active: Mary bakes the most delicious chocolate cake in the world. Look at those beautiful paintings! They were painted by a very talented artist. Active: Look at those beautiful paintings! A very talented artist painted them. Note: The active sentences are not grammatically incorrect, but the passive sentences are preferred for their meaning.

24  Sometimes, the agent is obvious, unknown, or unimportant for meaning, and we still want to focus on the receiver. This book was written by a terrible author. The ICC building was built in the 1970s. Coffee hour will be held in ICC 450. My wallet was stolen yesterday! I’m so upset.

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