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The EBU Digital Strategy Group. Continuing our contract with the people David Wood EBU.

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1 The EBU Digital Strategy Group. Continuing our contract with the people David Wood EBU



4 No 1: Don’t believe the hype… but don’t ignore it either.but don’t ignore it either. Hype is similar to a ‘stereotype’. It is usually based on some degree of truth.Hype is similar to a ‘stereotype’. It is usually based on some degree of truth. New media add to, but do not replace older media.New media add to, but do not replace older media.

5 No 2: There are three cardinal rules for public service broadcasters Define your roleDefine your role Communicate your roleCommunicate your role Regularly Review your role.Regularly Review your role.

6 No 3: We need to try to measure success using ‘public value’ To what extent is the world a better place because of what we do?To what extent is the world a better place because of what we do? Success should be measured not entirely by what happens on the screen, but also by what happens afterwardsSuccess should be measured not entirely by what happens on the screen, but also by what happens afterwards

7 No 4: There are four pillars of public service media UniversalityUniversality Editorial IndependenceEditorial Independence AccountabilityAccountability High Programme Values.High Programme Values.

8 No 5: Public service broadcasters need to be on ‘all significant platforms’ Reach is a measure of the success of the public service mission.Reach is a measure of the success of the public service mission. Reach can only be achieved by ‘following the people’.Reach can only be achieved by ‘following the people’. People must find public service media where they are - not where we or politicians find it convenient.People must find public service media where they are - not where we or politicians find it convenient.

9 No 6: Digital radio and TV will only be successful if there are new programme channels Better quality and ease of use are welcome - but they alone are not enough.Better quality and ease of use are welcome - but they alone are not enough. Archives and repackaging can make new channels inexpensive.Archives and repackaging can make new channels inexpensive.

10 No 7: Podcasting is more significant than it looks It is a new ‘paradigm’. It by-passes the broadcasters and the network operator.It is a new ‘paradigm’. It by-passes the broadcasters and the network operator. ITunes dominates the market, and Apple may become extremely powerful.ITunes dominates the market, and Apple may become extremely powerful. The popularity of podcasting may tell us something about our own services…The popularity of podcasting may tell us something about our own services…

11 No. 8 It is not clear which kind of broadband will win…. Broadband is just a ‘pipe’ through which media flows.Broadband is just a ‘pipe’ through which media flows. IPTV networks are ‘walled gardens’ paid for by subscriptionIPTV networks are ‘walled gardens’ paid for by subscription Open Internet is not.Open Internet is not. Both IPTV and Open Internet can provide interactive TVBoth IPTV and Open Internet can provide interactive TV Who will win?Who will win?


13 No 9: There are two ways to organize you company Programme production according to channels.Programme production according to channels. Programme production according to genres.Programme production according to genres. Each has advantagesEach has advantages The second is gaining momentum.The second is gaining momentum.

14 No 10: PSBs must lead the national funding debate The value of spot advertisements may diminish in the years ahead.The value of spot advertisements may diminish in the years ahead. Government grants may be a Trojan horse.Government grants may be a Trojan horse.

15 No 11: The Director General must be the first to say “we are a cross media organization” Changing to an IT-based, cross media organization is challenging but necessary.Changing to an IT-based, cross media organization is challenging but necessary. The greatest problems are often changing attitudes and practices – the staff dimension.The greatest problems are often changing attitudes and practices – the staff dimension.

16 No 12. The steps to the future Discovery technology: search engines, EPGs, Programme alerts, ‘try this’, e-mail, bookmark, blog,Discovery technology: search engines, EPGs, Programme alerts, ‘try this’, e-mail, bookmark, blog, Cross Media technology: cross media, photo galleries, downloadable, applications, quizzes, links, video galleriesCross Media technology: cross media, photo galleries, downloadable, applications, quizzes, links, video galleries Participation technology: commenting, voting, recommending, discussing, community.Participation technology: commenting, voting, recommending, discussing, community. Creation technology: making music, making video, remixing, bloging, media literacy.Creation technology: making music, making video, remixing, bloging, media literacy.

17 The ‘to do’ list…. Share knowledge on ‘public value’ – what it is, and how can it be measured?Share knowledge on ‘public value’ – what it is, and how can it be measured? Share knowledge on company organization - what works/fails?Share knowledge on company organization - what works/fails? The EBU should prepare ‘good practice’ guides on new media such as IPTV broadband, iTV, podcasting, mobile TV, DAB, HDTV.The EBU should prepare ‘good practice’ guides on new media such as IPTV broadband, iTV, podcasting, mobile TV, DAB, HDTV.

18 The ‘to do’ list…. Develop strategies to cope with emerging environment for spot advertising.Develop strategies to cope with emerging environment for spot advertising. Develop a strategy for broadcasting to PVRs and in- home networksDevelop a strategy for broadcasting to PVRs and in- home networks Evaluate the future impact of ‘user generated content’.Evaluate the future impact of ‘user generated content’. Evaluate the future relationship of broadcasting to games and d-cinemaEvaluate the future relationship of broadcasting to games and d-cinema


20 To sum it up.. Change is permanent. ‘Management for change’ is needed.

21 Thank you for your attention David Wood EBU Skypename: davidinnov

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