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Presentation on theme: "Calligrams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calligrams

2 Calligrams In 1918 French poet Guillaume Apollinaire published a book of poems that did not look like poems.

3 Calligrams He named the book Calligrammes which means "beautiful writing". He used words and lines to form his poems. Sometimes the shape related to the subject of the poem. 

4 Calligrams The calligram style of poem was written before then.
It was called "shaped poetry" or "pattern poetry

5 Word Art can be used to draw calligrams…

6 arched bridge

7 Waves of sea water

8 You could make the word shiver tremble!

9 Fat could be the word fat looking fat!

10 Or thin looking thin! thin

11 Now you try writing a calligram in your books
Use crayons to neatly colour it

12 Suggested words for calligrams
ghost rainbow giant spooky growth bubble

13 Or perhaps…… shaky circle rain spin small stairs Slide
Remember you can change one letter at a time or the whole word

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