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Auditory Neuroscience - Lecture 6 Hearing Speech

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2 Auditory Neuroscience - Lecture 6 Hearing Speech

3 Vocalization in Speech and Animals

4 Articulation Articulators (lips, tongue, jaw, soft palate) move to change resonance properties of the vocal tract.

5 Can other animals speak? Other mammals have similar vocal tracts and use them for communication. However, they have only very limited use of syntax (grammar) and very much smaller vocabularies than humans.

6 Acoustic features of vocalizations: modulations – harmonics & formants

7 Speech as a Modulated Signal Elliott and Theunissen (2009) PLoS Comput Biol Launch SpectrogramSpectrogram

8 AN Figure 4.2 Modulation spectra of male and female English speech. From figure 2 of Elliott and Theunissen (2009) PLoS Comput Biol 5:e1000302.

9 Pitch changes done with Hideki Kawahara’s “Straight” Pitch changes done with Hideki Kawahara’s “Straight” ??? I come in peace! Rising Falling

10 “Spectral Modulation” Harmonics & Formants Harmonics Formants

11 Formants determine vowel categories AN Fig 4.3 Adapted from figure 7 of Diehl (2008) Phil Trans Royal Soc B formant-artificial-vowels

12 Formant Tracking & Synthesis

13 Visual Influences

14 Visual / Auditory Interactions: The McGurk Effect

15 Neural Representation of Vocalizations in the Ascending Pathway

16 Frequency modulations are poorly resolved on the tonotopic axis Aud Neursci Fig 4.4, Based on data by Young & Sachs (1979)

17 Speech and Cochlear Implants Since tracking a small number of formants is all that is required to extract most of the semantic information of speech, cochlear implants can deliver speech even though they have only few effective frequency channels. /drupal/?q=prosthetics/noise_vo coded_speech /drupal/?q=prosthetics/noise_vo coded_speech

18 “Modulation tuning” in Thalamus and Cortex AN Figs 4.5 & 4.6 From Miller LM, Escabi MA, Read HL, Schreiner CE (2002) Spectrotemporal receptive fields in the lemniscal auditory thalamus and cortex. J Neurophysiol 87:516-527.

19 Which Temporal Modulations are the Most Important? Elliott and Theunissen (2009) PLoS Comput Biol modulated-signal

20 Cat cortical modulation transfer functions seem not particularly well matched to the most important modulation frequencies of speech signals. Species differences? Different (“higher order”) cortical areas?

21 Cortical Specialization for Speech?

22 Putative Cortical “What” and “Where” Streams AN Fig 4.11 Adapted from Romanski et al. (1999). Nat Neurosci 2:1131-1136

23 Human Cortex

24 Hemispheric “Dominance” for Speech and the Wada test Broca first proposed that the left hemisphere is “dominant” for speech, based on examinations of post-mortem brains. Nowadays “dominance” is usually assessed with the “Wada test” (intracarotid sodium amobarbital procedure): either the left or right brain hemisphere is anesthetised by injection of amobarbital into the carotid through a catheter. The patient’s ability to understand and produce speech is scored.

25 Left Hemisphere Dominance Dominates Wada test results suggest that: Ca 90% of all right handed patients and ca. 75% of all left handed patients display “left hemisphere dominance” for speech. The remaining patients are either “mixed dominant” (i.e. they need both hemispheres to process speech) or they have a “bilateral speech representation” (i.e. either hemisphere can support speech without necessarily requiring the other). Right hemisphere dominance is comparatively rare, and seen in no more than 1-2% of the population

26 Hierarchical levels of speech perception Acoustic / phonetic representation:- Can the patient tell whether two speech sounds or syllables presented in succession are the same or different? Phonological analysis:- Can the patient tell whether two words rhyme? Or what the first phoneme (“letter”) in a given word is? Semantic processing:- Can the patient understand “meaning”, e.g. follow spoken instructions?

27 Human Cortex - Microstimulation AN Fig 4.8: Sites where acoustic (A), phonological (B), or lexical-semantic (C) deficits can be induced by disruptive electrical stimulation. From Boatman (2004) Cognition 92:47-65

28 Where in the Brain does the Transition from Sound to Meaning happen? We don’t really know. “Ventral vs Dorsal stream hypothesis” of auditory cortex connectivity would suggest that anterior temporal and frontal structures should be involved. This fits with neuroimaging studies (e.g. Scott et al (2000) Brain 123 Pt 12:2400-2406) http://www.auditoryneuroscience. com/?q=node/46 But other electrophysiological and lesion data do not really fit this picture.

29 Marmoset Twitter Calls as Models for Speech Tokens 1 2 3 NR

30 “Twitter Selectivity” in Marmoset, Cat and Ferret A1 from Wang & Kadia, J Neurophysiol. 2001 cat marmoset ferret from Schnupp et al. J Neurosci 2006

31 Cortical representations of vocalizations AN Fig 4.9

32 Mapping cortical sensitivity to sound features Neural sensitivity Timbre Nelken et al., J Neurophys, 2004 Bizley, Walker, Silverman, King & Schnupp - J Neurosci 2009

33 Summary Human speech signals carry information mostly in their time-varying formant structure. Formants are initially encoded as time varying activity patterns across the tonotopic array. It is rather difficult to pin down which parts of the brain might translate sound acoustics to “meaning”. There is a clear left hemisphere bias, but evidence for cortical areas with very clear specialization for speech or vocalization processing remains elusive.

34 Further Reading Auditory Neuroscience – Chapter 6

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