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Presentation by Dr. Yudhbir Singh IAS Deputy Commissioner, Sirsa Based on his research work for PhD on the topic “Management of Safe Blood Transfusion-A.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Dr. Yudhbir Singh IAS Deputy Commissioner, Sirsa Based on his research work for PhD on the topic “Management of Safe Blood Transfusion-A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Dr. Yudhbir Singh IAS Deputy Commissioner, Sirsa Based on his research work for PhD on the topic “Management of Safe Blood Transfusion-A Study of Haryana” Voluntary Blood Donation Program & Database of Voluntary Donors

2 INDIA A Land of cultural diversity embossing unity and people symbolizing passion for oneness…

3 Haryana A Northern State of INDIA In a corner of this state, an effort was initiated to achieve 100% Voluntary Blood Donation …..

4 Sirsa The place where people are now aware of the importance of Blood Donation even in far flung areas for achieving …. 100% Voluntary Blood Donation.

5 Vision Safe blood should be waiting for the patient and not the patient waiting for the safe blood

6 Mission To achieve 100% Voluntary Blood Donation

7 Objectives  To create awareness of safe blood.  To create awareness of need to donate blood regularly.  To create awareness of Healthy Lifestyle and maintaining Healthy Hb levels.  To ensure adequate availability of safe blood

8 Objectives To ensure active participation of the community.  By motivating people to become Blood Donors.  By motivating Blood Donors to become Motivators.  By motivating Motivators to become Camp Organizers.

9 Strategies 1. Classification of Areas – Urban & Rural. 2. Motivational Workshops & CMEs. 3. Formation of Rakt Daata Samitis in villages. 4. Blood Donation Camps in Rural/Remote Areas. 5. Due Recognition to Blood Donors, Motivators and Organizers. 6. Creation of a Database and publishing it on a website.

10 Classification of Areas The whole district was divided into two segments : 1. Urban Area: Institution wise - awareness through Educational Institutions, Social Organizations, NGOs, Professional and Religious Organizations. 2. Rural Area: Territory wise - awareness in villages through Educational Institutions, Sakshar Mahila Samooh, Panchayats, Youth Clubs & NGOs.

11 Training Programs We have been holding CMEs, Workshops, Conferences and Orientation Programs for Volunteers, Blood Bank Staff & Clinicians to ensure Safe and Judicious Blood Transfusion.

12 Motivation Motivation through Community Participation

13 Camps in Rural Areas Blood Donation Camps were organized in villages. Non-donor villagers were invited in the camps to see people donating blood. Seeing others donating blood, villagers were motivated automatically to donate blood.

14 Samitis Motivated Villagers Rakt Daata Samitis formed in all the villages. Members of these Samitis reached each & every family in the villages to motivate to donate blood. Women and children were the most active groups of these Samitis.

15 Motivation through Children Children were given badges:

16 Motivation through Success Stories Blood Donors, Motivators and Camps Organizers were invited in the Workshops & Orientation Programs to share their Success Stories & Ideas.

17 Preparation of Database of Donors, Motivators and Camp Organizers The data regarding Names, addresses, contact numbers and blood groups of Donors, Motivators and Camp Organizers along with photographs (in most of the cases) has been recorded.

18 Publishing of Database A website has been developed to make this database accessible to all in need.



21 Achievement As a result of the strategies adopted, we have been able to achieve 100% Voluntary Blood Donation in District Sirsa and its neighboring areas.

22 Keys to Success  Participation of Women/Children  Leadership of Women  Cheerful & Enthusiastic Motivator with a natural smile on her/his face.  Due recognition & projection of Donors in media.  Courteous Services to Donors, Motivators and Organizers by Blood Banks.

23 Reaching out to other Districts of the States Having accomplished this feat in Sirsa and neighboring areas of Punjab and Rajasthan, we have planned to cover other districts of Haryana & nearby States. For this, a Workshop “Haemcon 09” was organized at Sirsa on October 24-25 for Training of Motivators, Camp Organizers, Blood bank staff and Clinicians from all over Haryana & neighboring States.

24 Jai Rakt Daata A slogan was given as a way to greet each other… “Jai Rakt Daata”

25 Nayaa Saal - Nayaa Savera A campaign was launched with an objective to achieve 100% Voluntary Blood Donation in the State. This campaign named “Nayaa Saal Nayaa Savera” is to accomplish the target in New Year 2010.

26 Contribution/Participation of Community in organisation of Conference  Number of participants approximately 3,000  Tent services courtesy Sirsa Tent Association  Food courtesy Halwai Union of Sirsa  Hoardings and Banners provided by the persons in the business  No Registration or Accommodation Charges  Rapt attention by the participants. No whispering in the sessions  A separate area provided for exchange of views and personal chats.

27 the wish to begin with … We made a beginning from a village, moved from village to village, town to town & successfully achieved 100% Voluntary Blood Donation in the District. We wish it should cover the State…. the Country…. and finally the Whole World…. To make this World a better Living Place for all Human Beings.

28 COMMITMENT My Commitment increases the level of my Energy My Energy increases the level of my Action My Action increases the level of my success My Success increases the level of my commitment Energy Action success Commitment


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