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SATs A Parents’ Guide SATS week: Monday May 11 th – Thursday 14 th 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "SATs A Parents’ Guide SATS week: Monday May 11 th – Thursday 14 th 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 SATs A Parents’ Guide SATS week: Monday May 11 th – Thursday 14 th 2015

2 ‘What’ and ‘why’? SATs are ‘Statutory Assessment Tests’. SATs are ‘Statutory Assessment Tests’. They are compulsory. They are compulsory. National initiative to raise standards in English, maths and science. National initiative to raise standards in English, maths and science. No SAT paper in Writing this year – teacher assessment only No SAT paper in Writing this year – teacher assessment only Science sampling tests take place every two years for a selection of schools. No science test this year. Science sampling tests take place every two years for a selection of schools. No science test this year.

3 English Daily English lesson. Daily English lesson. Targeted teaching to give children confidence. Targeted teaching to give children confidence. Careful tracking of individual progress. Careful tracking of individual progress.

4 English Tests There are two English tests: Reading – 1 hour Reading – 1 hour English grammar, punctuation and spelling. This consists of: English grammar, punctuation and spelling. This consists of: Paper 1 – Short answer questions (45 minutes) Paper 2 – Spelling task (15 minutes; not strictly timed)

5 English Reading Test Texts in the reading booklet are not linked by a theme. The booklet will contain three or four texts. The least demanding text will come first with the following texts increasing in level of difficulty. Instead of 15 minutes reading time and 45 minutes to answer the questions (as has been the case previously), children will have a total of one hour to read the texts and complete the questions at their own pace.

6 ‘Find and copy’ questions in the English reading test will now ask pupils to retrieve a ‘word or group of words’ rather than a ‘word or phrase’. ‘Find and copy’ questions in the English reading test will now ask pupils to retrieve a ‘word or group of words’ rather than a ‘word or phrase’.

7 Maths in Year 6 Daily maths lesson Daily maths lesson Higher focus on mental strategies Higher focus on mental strategies Tracking of individual progress and targeted groups. Tracking of individual progress and targeted groups. Targeted support Targeted support

8 Maths Tests All of the maths lessons in Year 6 will prepare our children for the tests. All of the maths lessons in Year 6 will prepare our children for the tests. There are three maths Tests: Paper 1 – 45 minutes Paper 2 – 45 minutes Mental Maths – 20 minutes (approx.) No calculators allowed in any test.

9 How can I help my child? How can I help my child? Reassure your child that as long as they do their best that is what is important. Work with your child in short, sharp bursts Remain positive – remember they are 10 – 11 years old and still have a lot of learning to do. Provide a place where they can do their homework without distraction. Ask questions about what they have to do for homework so they are clear before they start.

10 Encourage them to complete homework to a ‘good’ standard and praise them when the have completed work well. Encourage them to READ every night! Allow recreational time.

11 What can I do to help my child? Support daily lessons by ensuring pupils complete their homework Discuss maths generally and encourage children to do maths at home. Look for examples of maths in everyday life and while you are out and about. Short, sharp bursts are ideal! A helpful website:

12 SATs Week Timetable Monday English reading test Tuesday English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday Mental Mathematics Test Wednesday Mental Mathematics Test Mathematics Paper 1 Mathematics Paper 1 Thursday Mathematics Paper 2

13 What else can I do to support my child? Ensure your child gets a relaxing weekend prior to SATs week, (NO REVISION) Ensure your child gets a relaxing weekend prior to SATs week, (NO REVISION) Listen to your child’s recount of their test day, but don’t resurrect the test Listen to your child’s recount of their test day, but don’t resurrect the test Make sure your child has a bottle of water with them each day Make sure your child has a bottle of water with them each day Make sure she/he gets plenty of sleep Make sure she/he gets plenty of sleep Make sure he/she gets to school on time Make sure he/she gets to school on time

14 What does my child need each day? Bring a bottle of WATER in a transparent bottle Bring a bottle of WATER in a transparent bottle No other equipment is needed – test papers will be marked on screen for the first time this year, and so a dark pencil/pen must be used. Pupils will be provided with all the necessary equipment for each test. No other equipment is needed – test papers will be marked on screen for the first time this year, and so a dark pencil/pen must be used. Pupils will be provided with all the necessary equipment for each test. ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/391771/2015_KS2_Notes_for_t eachers_on_how_to_prepare_for_on screen_marking.pdf ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/391771/2015_KS2_Notes_for_t eachers_on_how_to_prepare_for_on screen_marking.pdf ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/391771/2015_KS2_Notes_for_t eachers_on_how_to_prepare_for_on screen_marking.pdf ads/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/391771/2015_KS2_Notes_for_t eachers_on_how_to_prepare_for_on screen_marking.pdf

15 SATs week 8:20am each day- SATs breakfast for all Year 6 pupils. 8:20am each day- SATs breakfast for all Year 6 pupils. It is a good opportunity to relax and have quality time together. It is a good opportunity to relax and have quality time together.

16 What should I do if there is a problem during SATs week? Inform the school immediately and ask for help or support Inform the school immediately and ask for help or support Telephone 01384 818895 Telephone 01384 818895

17 …..and a few words of reassurance! As a school, we are here to support you and your child through the SATs process. As a school, we are here to support you and your child through the SATs process. Although they are an important part of Year 6 life, the tests represent a ‘snapshot’ of what your child can do! Although they are an important part of Year 6 life, the tests represent a ‘snapshot’ of what your child can do! Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any concerns. Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any concerns.

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