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Parent Engagement Career Development Workshop November 5, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Engagement Career Development Workshop November 5, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Engagement Career Development Workshop November 5, 2010

2 Parent Engagement Presented by Vanessa Lewis Ideas adapted from many sources including: – A Career Development Resource for Parents CCIP resource (Canada Career Information Partnership) – Career Planning With Teens: A Guide for Parents, Guardians, and Counsellors Prince Albert Catholic Schools – Career Coaching Your Teens: A Guide for Parents Guiding Youth Resource – Future Paths Resources by SIEC – PursueOnline – Colleagues many of you!

3 A World of Possibilities

4 Parent Engagement “Although adolescents become progressively independent from parents in the high school years, they depend heavily on parents in the area of career development.” “…parents impact career choice more than students’ counsellors, teachers, friends, other relatives, or people working in the field of interest…” “Parents want to help their teens and the resources need to provide this assistance can be developed and enhanced through counselling.” (Trusty, Watts, Erdman, 1997, Journal of Career Development, Vol. 23(3))

5 Common Myths Young people should know what they want to do with their life. There is a perfect job that will reveal itself. A wrong choice now will ruin a young person’s life. University is essential to career success.

6 Current Trends It may be important to help parents become more aware of current trends… Technology Information Global Marketplace Change Cultural and Lifestyle Diversity Changing Demographics How do these trends impact youth? How can parents can assist their children in preparing for these current trends? Can we, as career-development professionals, help?

7 Career Planning Model SIEC Future Paths Website

8 Career Conversations

9 Parent Engagement Things we have tried… Career Counsellors meet with students/parents. Career Counsellors attend parent/teacher/student conferences. Career Counsellors circulate information home to parents. Division support for Take Our Kids To Work Day Regional Career Development Parent Workshops Career Development Website for students/parents Career Development Website Parent Survey It will be great to hear about what school divisions are doing/could be doing as we engage in discussion around this HOT TOPIC. We have much to learn from successes and struggles.

10 Parent Engagement Parents are the greatest influences of teens in their planning their life/career path. (As reported by teens interviewed for the CIIP publication)

11 Parent Engagement Table Talk (possible discussion questions) How important is parent engagement in career development? Why? Are there some common myths we, as career counsellors, could help to dispel in discussions with parents? How can parents support their children in preparing for their futures and in dealing with current trends? How do we inform parents of current educational practices with regard to career development? How do we share ministry initiatives and new resources with parents in our division? In your division, what role do parents have and how is their voice heard?

12 Parent Engagement Thank you for your discussion around this “HOT TOPIC”

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