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Presentation on theme: "HOSA STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE INFORMATIONAL MEETING 4/07/15."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA 1.Basic information (what,where, when...) 2.Competitive Events 3.Fees 4.Rules/ expectations 5.Dress code 6.Activities/ workshops 7.Other general conference information 8.Fundraiser Opportunity

3 WHERE:WHEN: The Portland Doubletree Hotel April 16 th (Thursday)- April 18 th (Saturday) Students will be excused from class Friday to attend the conference/stay in Portlandhotel (if

4 DROP OFF AND PICK UP TIMES Thursday, April 16th parent drop off at Doubletree in Portland by 4 PM. No student cars allowed. I can take 2-3 people with the paperwork. Saturday April 18 th pick up students by 2:15 pm at the Doubletree. If you would like to attend the closing ceremony you are welcome to come at 1 pm.

5 ><

6 FEES AND OPTIONS (ALREADY PAID) ● Attend the conference AND stay at the hotel- This means you will be at the conference and stay at the hotel for TWO nights. If you can only stay for one of the nights, you MUST still pay for both. Fee- 85.00 + 76.15 (hotel for both nights) = $161.15 ( a portion was covered by a state grant so only $134 was collected) ● Attend the conference ONLY- This means you will be excused from school Friday BUT you will be dropped off AND picked up by a (PARENT ONLY) each day of the conference. Fee- $85.00

7 FOOD SITUATION Breakfast together, provided by grant money. Lunch on your own with others at Lloyd Center. Check out and back in with Mrs. Gorka Dinner on your own April 16 th, as a group on April 17 th. Bring money for lunch and dinners and bring snacks for your room.

8 RULES Follow Curfew each night, no leaving room after nightly check. Buddy system- And let Mrs. Gorka/ chaperone know whenever you are leaving the conference atmosphere. Take off name badge when out of conference, BUT must be worn at any conference related events. Punctuality to all Chapter meetings, conferences, workshops, etc. Boys + girls in the room? Prop open door! Stay OFF balconies! Don’t gather in hallways-- DO NOT SLAM THE DOORS Consider non HOSA hotel guests with courtesy School rules travel with us--- make good choices or get sent home!

9 EXPECTATIONS There will be a lot of free time. Students are expected to manage their time productively and attend all conference workshops required. Present themselves professionally and formally, both in dress and behavior.

10 HOSA SLC DRESS CODE ● Men- Shirt and Tie, Dark Slacks, Dress Shoes, Belt, Socks, (shirt tucked in; shoes, socks and belt must match) ● Women- Suit; Blouse and Skirt (knee length); dress slacks and blouse/ sweater; (sheer hosiery, dress shoes) *All dresses/skirts must be knee length* ● Dress jackets are suggested but not required. ● HOSA casual for social events. Scrubs ok for some competitions. REMEMBER! *Modesty is Key*


12 ACTIVITIES AND WORKSHOPS Thurs: Arrival 4:00 pm Check in to rooms and settle. Dinner on your own with a buddy. 6 pm Opening Session 8:15-9 pm HOSA session and campaign speeches 9:15-10 pm Competitive Event Orientation 11:00 pm Curfew/ all in rooms for night Friday: 7:30-8:00 am Breakfast in Gorka’s room 8:15 am- 5 pm Competitive Events 10-12 Leadership Sessions 12-1 Lunch at Lloyd Center 1:00-2:00 Leadership Sessions

13 Friday Cont. 2:00-3:00 Competitive Event Showcase 3:00-4:00 Business meeting 5:00-6:30 pm Dinner as a group, location TBD 7:00-10 pm Bowling/ Social as a group 11:00 pm Curfew and all in rooms for night. Total required: 2 Leadership Sessions and all competitions, watch and cheer for TuHS HOSA bowl teams, Chapter Dinner 5:00 (TBD)- casual Saturday: Breakfast in Gorka’s room 7:30 am 8:00-12:00 pm Symposiums and Professional Demos 12:00-1:00 pm Check out, and lunch on your own. 1:00-2:00 pm HOSA Grand Awards Session 2:15 pm Parent pick up

14 REGISTRATIONS: NAMECategory 1II,III,IV,VHosa Bowl Oregon Tests Chase CottonPharmacologyHB Skeletal/Muscle Mariana DiazCourtesy CorpsSkeletal LilyAna FolkHuman G&D, Med TermCPR/First AideHB Spencer Hayashi Pharm, Med MathBiomedical Lab SciSkeletal Rachel KahnHuman G&D, Med TermsCPR/First AideHBSkeletal/Muscle Sharon KimCPR/First AideHB Zoe LinfordSports MedicineHB Allison MoCourtesy CorpsCPR/First Aide Anthony NguyenPharm, Med Term, Med Math HBSkeletal Shvetank PrakashMed MathSports Medicine Corrine Togiai NutritionSports MedicineHB My TranMed Math, Med TermMed Assist. HB

15 COMPETITION SUPPLIES Provided: Gowns, gloves, masks, scrubs tops, biohazard bags, tape, scissors, First Aide Trauma kit. Competitor must provide anything underlined. Sports Medicine: Guidelines, pens and pencil, athletic tape, elastic wrap, tape scissors, pad (heel and lace pad), underwrap Medical Assisting: Guidelines, pen and pencil, red pen, gloves, gown, goggles, mask, sterile surgical gloves Biomedical Lab Science: pencil, gown, mask, gloves, face shield, guidelines CPR/First Aide: 5-10 Cravats (strips of cloth or triangular bandages), sterile gauze squares, roller bandages, trauma dressing, non-stick sterile dressing, mouth to mask device, bag-mask device, biohazard bag, hand sanitizer, cell phone, scissors, adhesive tape, 10 pairs of gloves and 2 sets of goggles or safety glasses, guidelines, pen and pencils.

16 REMEMBER... Personal toiletries charger snacks, one cooler per room! Housekeeping tip: $1 per person per night= $2 per person Check weather for rain gear cards, games pair of comfortable shoes

17 NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Students placing in the top 3 places in each competition qualify for Nationals. ( 13 students qualified last year) They can only compete in one event at Nationals. Anaheim California June 23-28, Hilton Price around $500 but still to be determined based on travel expenses. Deadline for decision and deposit will be April 23 rd. (deposit $100) Remainder due in May.

18 FUNDRAISER OPPORTUNITY This coming Sunday 4/12 from 6 am to noon. Portland Waterfront, Bridges to Brews 10K Adults desired! Sign up with Mrs. Gorka. They will donate $25 per person that comes to help towards our club. We will use these funds to help cover costs for those going to Nationals.


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