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1 Nigeria


3 Think… “It’s all about the cleavages”

4 Overview: The Big Picture
System of Government: Presidential System Distribution of Power: Federal System Electoral System: Single Member District Plurality Constitution: Constitution of 1999 Legislature: Bicameral—Senate and House of Rep. Current Head of State: President Muhammadu Buhari Head of Government: President Muhammadu Buhari Current Ruling Party: All Progressives Congress Major Political Parties: People’s Democratic Party (PDP) All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP), Action Congress (AC)

5 Big Ideas to Keep in Your Head !
No Cross Cutting Cleavages Ethnic, Regional, and Religious Coincide…yikes! No National Identity! Nigeria is only 50 years old Country created because of colonialism Parliamentary system failed…why? Presidential system is working…why?

6 Why Study Nigeria? Nigeria is a megastate
Its importance is derived from its large population, oil reserves, and centrality to the study of Africa Nigeria embodies the much of the variety of African political experience.

7 Why Study Nigeria? Nigeria embodies of the variety of African political experience. varied heritage colonial rule Achievement of independence Political parties = ethnic cleavages Social welfare state/responsibility Pattern of violence and military dominance

8 Why Study Nigeria? Provides useful insights into the challenges of developing nations Major challenges facing Nigeria Maintaining the balance of civil/military relations Managing ethnic diversity Transitioning from autocratic/military rule to democracy Exploiting natural resources for public good Determining role of religion in politics

9 Cleavages Ethnicity Region Religion Hausa-Fulani North Muslim Yoruba
Central (West) Both Igbo South (East Christian


11 Political Culture and Subculture
Ethnic Identity Hausa-Fulani Mostly northern half of Nigeria Predominately Muslim Legacy of emirates Indirect colonial rule Subsistence farming, rural, generally undeveloped villages Yoruba Southwestern Nigeria Lagos—former capital Oba and lineage chiefs and the British Fragmenting effect of multiple ethnic identities Igbo (lbo) Southeastern part of Nigeria—OIL RICH REGION (tried to secede) Predominantly Christian. Responsive to western culture—Western educated Developed for market agriculture

12 Cleavages The importance of ethnicity, religion, and region in the political life of Nigerians cannot be underestimated. Most contentious political issues influence and/or are influenced by these three identities. Biafran Civil War Explicit ethnic overtones Eastern Igbo attempted to secede from the country NO CROSS-CUTTING CLEAVAGES!

13 Political Culture: Modern political culture characterized by ethnic diversity and conflict, corruption, and politically active military Patron-Clientelism (prebendalism) State control yet rich civil society Tension between modernity and tradition Religious conflict Ethnic diversity Geographic influences

14 Political Culture and Subculture
Nigerian Nationalism Three major sources Freed slaves from N.A. others of African descent from the Caribbean Nigerians who fought for the British in WWII Frustration with lack of recognition for service Nigerians who studied in U.K. and U.S. Today: comes from military

15 Political Culture and Subculture
Democratic Norms and Values Alternated between democratic and military rule Had both parliamentary and presidential system Maintaining stable democracy is challenge

16 Political Culture and Subculture
Democratic Norms and Values Cycle of Rule: Democracy Military rule with promise to return to democracy Majority party would pass policies very easily and “funnel” resources of the state to its own ethnic group. The Presidential system has been somewhat more successful b/c of separation of powers

17 Political Culture and Subculture
Political Role of Women Position of women varies immensely Igbo and Yoruba allow women to hold jobs and elected office. Hausa-Fulani restrict role of women (Islam) and have low rates of literacy and education and jobs In general Nigerian women vote in similar numbers as men but are underrepresented in government.

18 Public Policy Challenges
Ethnic/Religious Tensions Civil/Military Relations Regional Instability Corruption Financial transparency Poverty alleviation Quality health care Education Oil extraction HIV/AIDS

19 Current Policy Challenges
Key Transition Year of1999: Nigeria returned to formal civilian rule when Olusegun Obasanjo was elected president. Test of Current Government: How can a potentially wealthy country fail to provide basic human needs, education, potable water, reliable transportation and communications, and engage in politics without corruption? $ 1B a week from oil…. Yet Still ranked as one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world

20 Environmental Potential and Limitations
Disease Malaria is a disease that affects most Nigerians HIV/AIDS: Pull on economy Population Growth 45% of Nigeria is under 15 years of age. Children considered a valuable resource in agricultural societies Population is growing rapidly = negative impact on econimic growth Shifting from rural to urban = smaller portion of labor force available for food production = drop in food production per capita


22 Environmental Potential and Limitations
Urbanization Quickly becoming urban society Urban infrastructure is strained as a result Petroleum The curse of oil! Nigeria has relied on oil to finance imports and large scale development projects, thus fluctuations in markets control the ability of Nigeria to pay its debts This has caused high rates of inflation The location of the oil and the distribution of benefits have had political consequences, most notably in Biafra Biafra Igbo population frustrated with central government for not distributing a greater share of oil wealth-thus their attempt to secede Oil was main cause for Biafran Civil War

23 Environmental Potential and Limitations
Dist. Natural resources: Political Effects Eastern region of country holds oil reserves National government view: national resource Eastern citizens (Igbo) have yet reap full benefits of their treasure Individuals who own oil in east tend to be non-Igbo minorities Environmental degradation: east pays price while handing over most of the benefits. MEND (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta) The International Environment Biggest problem: debt it owes Western creditors Government spends a high percentage of national budget repaying debt—at the expense of social programs.

24 Political Recruitment
Northerners have dominated the leadership of the country under military and civilian rule. Military power Educated Igbo's have held leadership positions Civil service No recruitment of “strangers” Federal character of appointments of military personnel Ethnic politics still dominate

25 Political Structure Constitution of 1999 KEY POINT!
Calls for independently elected president Dual chamber of national assembly at the federal level 3 Senators from each of 36 states, plus one from Abuja Representatives determined by population All legislators elected to four year terms KEY POINT! Nigerian pluralism; lack of trust by subcultures No institutional structure can overcome this roadblock.

26 Political Institutions
Executive branch of government has been the most powerful Current system is a federal system closely modeled after the U.S. presidential system

27 Executive Branch Popularly elected to four-year term with maximum of two terms Head of Government Commander-in-Chief of armed forces Head of State Appoints government ministers (confirmed by Senate)—must come from all 36 states President and ministers not allowed to serve in National Assembly

28 Legislative Branch National Assembly
Bicameral with Senate and House of Representatives Popularly Elected All bills must pass both houses and be signed by President Senate 109 members: 3 from each state and one from Abuja House of Representatives 360 members

29 Political Structure Judiciary: Constitution of 1999 Supreme Court
Court of Appeal State and Federal High Courts Ten northern states maintain shari’a law courts Overlapping system of judiciary has caused conflict

30 State Government Governor who is popularly elected
State House of Assembly Unicameral Comprised of popularly elected representatives from local government areas

31 The Military You cannot study Nigerian politics without recognizing the importance of the military in all aspects of political life. Well disciplined, organized, with the ability to make decisions efficiently and effectively One of only sources of national unity

32 The Bureaucracy As with many “developing nations”, the bureaucracy has been the source of employment for large numbers of people not engaged in trade or agriculture. Major corruption, lack of accountability, and massive cash from oil production.

33 The Parties People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
Hausa-Fulani and North Obasanjo and Umar Musa Yar’adua All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP) 2003 Formally the All People’s Party APP 1999 Igbo and East/Southeast Main opposition party Action Congress (AC) Yoruba and West/Southwest

34 Parties and Elections (History)
1975 Elections controlled by Federal Elections Commission (FEDECO) All parties must register with FEDECO “Federal Character” of parties Parties had to have at least two-thirds of all states to be able to run candidates Obasanjo was elected under this system PDP PDP: People’s Democratic Party As a northerner and a Hausa, he is a Christian and his candidacy received broad popular support

35 Political Participation
Great range in activity Voting Civil war Violence; thugs Without census data hard to assess Mobilization of patron-client networks key to victory

36 Policy Formation and Implementation
Standard of living has not improved in recent years Oil revenue has had little impact on GDP Nigeria spends large portion of budget on military Increased number of children in schools Poor performance on providing basic health care Income gap between rich and poor increased “national cake”: Federal gov. spends between two- thirds three fourths

37 Policy Formation and Implementation
Dealing with Debt Borrowed heavily from foreign banks in 1970s High interested caused debt trap World Bank and IMF restructured much of the debt Spending to repay debt highest item in annual budget The problem of how to deal with debt is one of highest items of priority

38 Policy Formation and Implementation
The Census Issue Major source of political conflict!...that’s right counting people More People = More Federal Money This is because each ethnic group fears that the count will inaccurately reflect larger opposing groups and that the state’s resources will be directed accordingly Also, in a country where federal subsidies make up the lion’s share of budgetary allocations at all levels, the distribution of population directly effects the distribution of resources.

39 Nigeria Videos Oil crisis G0
Crisis in Nigeria ( oil) J8 Havoc in Nigeria Riots and Religion 8

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