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B E T H A N Y ’ S A D O P T I O N P R O G R A M I N H A I T I Began in 2006 Partnership with God ’ s Littlest Angels (GLA) orphanage in Petionville (in.

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Presentation on theme: "B E T H A N Y ’ S A D O P T I O N P R O G R A M I N H A I T I Began in 2006 Partnership with God ’ s Littlest Angels (GLA) orphanage in Petionville (in."— Presentation transcript:


2 B E T H A N Y ’ S A D O P T I O N P R O G R A M I N H A I T I Began in 2006 Partnership with God ’ s Littlest Angels (GLA) orphanage in Petionville (in Kenscoff mountains above Port-au-Prince)

3 G O D ’ S L I T T L E S T A N G E L S  GLA founded in 1994 by John & Dixie Bickel  Non-denominational, nonprofit ministry to reduce infant mortality rate  Dixie — pediatric RN who moved her family to Haiti  Center for premature, malnourished & orphaned infants under age 2

4 G O D ’ S L I T T L E S T A N G E L S  Main nursery house holds 80+ children from newborns to 2-year-olds  Toddler house holds 60+ children from 2 - 6 years old  Haitian staff cares for the children; 2 nurses in the nursery 24 hours a day  Volunteers from around the world provide love and attention  For details, visit

5 W A I T I N G C H I L D R E N  Gender: Boys & girls  Age: Many children under age 6; most are less than 2 years old  Special Placement Needs: Older, siblings, children with medical, emotional, or behavioral challenges  Common Special Need: Malnutrition; Infants test positive for HIV



8 A B O U T H A I T I  Discovered by Columbus in 1492  Former French colony  In 1804, known as the “ Pearl of the Caribbean ”  Poorest country in Western Hemisphere; third-world country  Plagued by political violence

9 H A I T I ’ S P O P U L A T I O N  8.3 million people in country about the size of Maryland  95% - African descent; 5% - European descent  80%+ live in poverty; 67%+ unemployment; 45%+ illiteracy  Majority - Catholic; 20% - Protestant; influence of tribal religion  Primary language: Creole; some Haitians speak English and/or French

10 P R O G R A M R E Q U I R E M E N T S (excluding travel)  Must have Bethany office in your state  Adoptive parents must be 30+ years old  Adoptive mother must be 30 - 45 for infants to 2-years-old  Adoptive mother must be 30 - 50 for a 2 to 7-year-old child  Couples must be married 5+ years (10+ preferred)  Maximum of 2 biological children without Haitian government pre-approval  1 divorce per adult is permitted (2+ must be reviewed)  Infants are usually reserved for childless couples

11 G E N E R A L T I M E L I N E & P R O C E S S  Control over the process  Limited or no birthparent history  12 - 16 months after referral has been accepted

12 D E T A I L E D T I M E L I N E & S T E P S I N T H E P R O C E S S  Formal application & entire Dossier are sent to Haiti (4 - 6 weeks)  GLA prepares Dossier for legalization; sends Dossier to Haitian government (3 - 4 weeks)  Approval from Haitian government (4 - 6 months)  Parquet/District Attorney approval (2 - 4 months)  Legalization/approvals of Minister of Justice Department and Minister of Foreign Affairs (3 - 4 weeks)  Application for Passport & Visa (3 - 5 months)  Adoption finalized in Haiti  Travel to Haiti and take your child home  Apply for child ’ s U.S. citizenship

13 P O S T - A D O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N  You must keep GLA & Haiti updated for 3 years  Year 1: Quarterly report from social worker + photos  Years 2 and 3: Family sends informal report 1 - 2 times/year + photos

14 T R A V E L I N F O R M A T I O N  1 trip required for at least 3 working days  2-hour flight south of Miami, Florida  Both adoptive parents encouraged to travel (escorting is possible)  Fly into Port-au-Prince (capital with 1.3 million people)  Met by GLA driver for the 1 - 1.5 hour drive  Stay at GLA; 20 miles from airport  Sightseeing opportunities (limited)  Learn more about Haiti ’ s food, money, culture, etc., at:

15 C O S T T O A D O P T F R O M H A I T I  $6,350 - $10,750: Bethany fees (varies by state) ~ Includes Formal Application ~ Home Study ~ Adoption Fees ~ Post-placement Fees  $9,000: Country Fees ~ Includes all adoption expenses in Haiti  Airfare + $475 in travel and accommodations Total: $15,825 to $20,225 + Airfare

16 A F F O R D I N G A D O P T I O N  Tax credits (federal up to $10,630)  Bethany loan programs  Employer benefits  Shaohannah ’ s Hope & other foundations  Creative financing  Learn more at:

17 P O S T - A D O P T I O N C O M M U N I T Y R E S O U R C E S  For local support groups, call your Bethany office  Informal gatherings with other adoptive families  Look for local Haitian people  Subscribe to Adoptive Families magazine

18 M O R E R E S O U R C E S A B O U T H A I T I  Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder  Listen to Paul Farmer ’ s presentation of Public Health & Social Justice about Haiti at Calvin College at  General information at

19 N E X T S T E P S  Attend local Bethany international adoption information meeting  Complete a Preliminary Application at  Contact your local Bethany office  Pray and visit with family & friends

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