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Copyright © The OWASP Foundation Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the OWASP License. The OWASP.

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1 Copyright © The OWASP Foundation Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the OWASP License. The OWASP Foundation OWASP A new approach to XSS Detection using JavaScript Modeling Ofer Rotberg David Movshovitz IDC September 2009

2 OWASP 2 Agenda  Background and Motivation  Current Solutions…and drawbacks  Our Approach  Evaluation and Results  Conclusion & Further Work

3 OWASP 3 Standards (?)  HTTP  Stateless  GET, POST  HTML  Blends together code (e.g., JavaScript, Flash) & data.  4 prevailing HTML rendering implementations:  Trident (MSHTML) - used in MSIE6, MSIE7, MSIE8.  Gecko - used in Firefox and derivates.  WebKit - used by Safari, Chrome, Android.  Presto - used in Opera.  Different “forgiving policy” among implementations.

4 OWASP 4 Web Application Vulnerabilities Source:IBM Internet Security Systems X-Force® 2008 Trend & Risk Report

5 OWASP 5 Closer Look Source: “WhiteHat Website Security Statistic Reports”, Dec 2008

6 OWASP 6 Attackers Prefer the Application Layer  The application layer is the weakest link – no generic defense mechanism.  The application layer leads the attacker directly to the data.  A plethora of freely available web applications.  Very simple to perform.  Every input has the potential to be an attack vector.  In order to (really) fix must change code (On average, 60 days to repair XSS vulnerability).

7 OWASP 7 virus (a.k.a Samy worm)  Date: October 5, 2005.  Target: force users to become my friends.  Samy inserted raw HTML into his profile.   The payload adds Samy to visitor’s friends and copy itself to visitor’s profile.  MySpace was forced to shutdown its website, fix the vulnerability, and perform clean up. Source: XSS WORMS AND VIRUSES The Impending Threat and the Best Defense, APRIL 2006, Jeremiah Grossman.

8 OWASP 8 XSS in Details  Three known types:  Reflected (Non-Persistent)  Stored (Persistent)  DOM Based (Local)  The target is to run hostile JavaScript on the victims browser.  JavaScript malware can:  Steal Cookie  Map internal networks  Spread like a worm ……

9 OWASP 9 Reflected XSS RRequest h index.php?name=Jim RResponse <html> <body> Hello, Jim... RRequest h<script>alert(" XSS")</script> RResponse <html> <body> Hello, Jim <script>alert("XSS")</script>...  Browser – assumes server doesn’t send malicious content  Parse HTML – build DOM  Fetch resources and execute them.  Browser – assumes server doesn’t send malicious content  Parse HTML – build DOM  Fetch resources and execute them.

10 OWASP 10 Stored XSS

11 OWASP 11 Stored XSS  Trudy posts the following text on a message board: Great message! var img=new Image(); img.src= " "+document.cookie;  When Bob views the posted message, his browser executes the malicious script, and his session cookie is sent to Trudy

12 OWASP 12 DOM-Based XSS  First published by Amit Klein (  http://victim/promo?product_id=100&title=Last+Chance  http://victim/promo?product_id=100&title=Foo# alert('XSS') var url = window.location.href; var pos = url.indexOf("title=") + 6; var len = url.length; var title_string = url.substring(pos,len); document.write(title_string); poslen Last Chance ! xss

13 OWASP 13 Current Solutions  XSS is a sub-problem of Insufficient Input Validation.  Server-Side Application  Static/Dynamic code analysis (white box)  Web application scanners (black box)  Server-Side Proxy  Input validation  Escaping\Output encoding (‘<‘  &lt)  HTTP-request anomaly detection  Client-Side  Disable JS.  Noxes - a web proxy that fetches HTTP requests and can either block or allow based on current security policy.

14 OWASP 14 Problems with current solutions  Escaping -  Good practice ! But,  Many web-application permit and return HTML tags (, …)  What about URI scheme like javascript:  Blacklisting (negative logic) is difficult   …and 100+ more attack vectors in RSnake’s XSS Cheatsheet.RSnake’s XSS Cheatsheet  An effective filter must also ensure that is does not introduces new scripts  Before:  After: 14

15 OWASP 15 Problems with current solutions (cont.)  Focusing only on HTTP-request is problematic  Even if an attack was detected, it doesn’t mean it will actually occur (false positive).  What about Stored XSS attacks ?  Client-side solutions  Deployment  Browser modifications/integration. 15

16 OWASP 16 Problems with current solutions (cont.) GET Main() echo (“ ”) echo (“Document.write( “Hello” + $uName);”) echo (“ Hello Jack Document.write(“Hello” + “Jack”);

17 OWASP 17 Problems with current solutions (cont.) GET”);alert(‘xss!’) Main() echo (“ ”) echo (“Document.write( “Hello” + $uName);”) echo (“ Hello Jack Document.write(“Hello” + “Jack”); alert(‘xss’); xss!

18 OWASP 18 Our Approach  Positive security logic  Anything is illegal unless known to be legal  Focus on HTTP response  Model – code-script elements in HTML web- pages  Assumption: the set of all instances of code-script elements is bounded and can be learned in a relative short period.  1st try – JavaScript code is static.  2nd try – JavaScript code is static under some transformation.

19 OWASP 19 Detector Architecture

20 OWASP 20 XSS Attack Detection  Learning mode  For each extracted JS:  Learn regular form.  Learn canonicalized form.  Three concerns  Coverage  Updating –Deploy detector in testing environment. –Perform deeper inspection.  Learning data-set should be with no malicious JS  Detection mode  For each unknown JS do:  Further inspection.  Strip out  Inform web-admin

21 OWASP 21 Deployment options  Web proxy  Protect a single web-application  Integration with the browser  JS extraction is done by browser.  Defend against DOM-based XSS.  Improved performance. Web Application Web Proxy Client

22 OWASP 22 Evaluation Methodology  FP  Choose top-ranked 40 web-application.  Crawl each web application  Learn each web-page & build code-elements DB  Perform 2 tests:  Convergence test: #pages to needed to learn all JS.  FP test: FP = (#pages causing alarm)/(#pages).  FN  Test detector against RSnake’s cheat-sheet.  Choose vulnerable application from  Generate benign-input and attack-input.  Learn with benign.  Detect with attack. Each result was also checked manually.

23 OWASP 23 Results  Zero FP  FN – all attacks were detected.

24 OWASP 24 Conclusion  Zero FP under canonicalization  Generic - targets all types of XSS  Even DOM-Based could be mitigated if web proxy is deployed on client side.  Fast convergence – short learning period  Number of canonicalized JS nodes is bounded.  Most JS nodes appear in every page (“building blocks”).

25 Copyright © The OWASP Foundation Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the OWASP License. The OWASP Foundation OWASP Thanx ! Ofer Rotberg IDC September 2009

26 OWASP 26 Some More Related Work  Vulnerability analysis: find vulnerable source-sink pairs e.g., saner: Livshits et al. Usenix 2005, Pixy N. Jovanovic et al. S&P2006, Y. Xie et al. Usenix 2006, D. Balzarotti et al. CCS 2007...  Useful but limited to detection  Server side solutions: filter based or track taint & disallow at sink : W. Xu et al. Usenix 2006, …  Centralized defense but do not know all scripts  Client side solutions: Firewall like mechanisms to prevent malicious actions at client  Noxes E. Kirda, et al. SAC 2006, P. Vogt et al. NDSS 2007  User controlled protection but do not know intended scripts  Client-Server collaborative solutions: Clients enforce application specified policies  BEEP T. Jim, et al. WWW 2007, Tahoma R. Cox et al. S&P 2006, Browsershield C. Reis et al. OSDI 2006  Can determine intended and all scripts but deployment issues 26

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