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7 th and 8 th Grade Math Stetson Hills School Miss Gilbert Welcome Back!

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Presentation on theme: "7 th and 8 th Grade Math Stetson Hills School Miss Gilbert Welcome Back!"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th and 8 th Grade Math Stetson Hills School Miss Gilbert Welcome Back!

2 Please stand on the tile and wait for your new seats.

3 Announcements! Your next quiz is this THURSDAY, January 6 th. It will be over Percents and Proportions (material we went over the last two weeks of 2 nd quarter).

4 New Policies for 3 rd Quarter We WILL NOT be going over homework answers as a class. –I will give you 3-5 minutes at the beginning of class to get help from classmates. After you have discussed answers, I will explain 5 of the homework problems.

5 New Policies for 3 rd Quarter You WILL NOT be gluing your HW into your ISN –Before you make retake a quiz or test, you will be turning all of your HW into me. All of the problems must be done and corrected before you may retake.

6 New Policies for 3 rd Quarter Retakes –First attempt: True/False, Multiple Choice –Second attempt: Multiple Choice, Short Answer –Third (and Final!) attempt: Short Answer

7 Benchmark Test You took this test on the second day of school. Hopefully you get a lot more right this time! You MAY write on the test.

8 When you are finished… Please turn off your clicker and put it away. Turn your test into the first bin. Start working on your study guide for the test on Thursday. Math 7: Page 385 –#11 – 19 –#27 - 32 Math 8: Page 296 –#11 – 29

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