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Tag Questions because + S + be/V + O because of + NP.

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2 Tag Questions because + S + be/V + O because of + NP

3 Tag Questions A. Positive (+) to Negative (-): Improvements can be made in plants raised for food, can’t they?

4 Tag Questions A. Positive (+) to Negative (-): The insects will be deprived of a food supply, won’t they?

5 Tag Questions A. Positive (+) to Negative (-): Some examples follow the definition, don’t they?

6 Tag Questions A. Positive (+) to Negative (-): There are plenty of people against genetic engineering, aren’t there?

7 Tag Questions A. Positive (+) to Negative (-): Scientists have placed certain genes in tomato plants, haven’t they?

8 Tag Questions B. Negative (-) to Positive (+) : Insects will not eat genetically modified plants, will they?

9 Tag Questions Genetic engineering is not a good thing, is it? B. Negative (-) to Positive (+) :

10 Tag Questions The debate on genetic engineering doesn’t go on, does it? B. Negative (-) to Positive (+) :

11 Tag Questions There are no laws to limit GMOs, are there? B. Negative (-) to Positive (+) :

12 Tag Questions Genetic engineering has not been used to clone humans, has it ? B. Negative (-) to Positive (+) :

13 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. Genes establish an organism’s characteristics, don’t they?

14 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. There are some studies that show genetic engineering can be a way to cure cancer, aren’t there ?

15 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. To kill the AIDS virus is not easy, is it?

16 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. It is not acceptable for us to change the makeup of living things, is it ?

17 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. They have GM foods on the shelves, don’t they?

18 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. Opponents of genetic engineering do not think it should be promoted, ?do they/shouldn’t it

19 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. Because of genetic engineering, plants that produce more fruits and resist disease can be grown, can’t they ?

20 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. Insects will not eat vegetables that have been genetically engineered, will they?

21 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. These insects will be deprived of a food supply, won’t they ?

22 Add a question tag to each of the sentences below. Genetic engineering can not be used to kill the virus that causes AIDS, can it?

23 One day, on a farm, a cock was arguing with a hen. To find out what happened, complete the following dialogue by forming sentences with the given words first, then changing them into tag questions. C: How do you explain this THING? I've never seen such an ugly chick! __________ (it/elephant) __________ (you/have/affair/with/Elephant) It is an elephant, isn't it? You have had an affair with the Elephant, haven't you?

24 H: No, I have not. There is nothing to do with the Elephant. It's the GM food. __________ (you/said/GM food/amazing) __________ (it/can/make/stronger) And, __________ (there/no/side effect) You said this GM food was amazing, didn't you? It can make me/us stronger, can't it? there is no side effect, is there? C: I did tell you so. But...the chick really looks like an elephant.

25 H: I know, but it is still our son.__________ (you/will/love/son) __________ (you/will not/turn one's back on) You will love our son, won't you? You will not turn your back on him, will you? C: I'll try my best. I think we'd better not eat the GM food anymore. I am afraid you might give birth to a dinosaur next time.

26 Ok, it’s the end of sentence patterns 1. BACK

27 because + S + be/V + O because of + NP Because we have genetic engineering, plants can be grown to produce more fruits. Because of genetic engineering, plants can be grown to produce more fruits.

28 because + S + be/V + O because of + NP Because it rained heavily, we stayed home all day. Because of the heavy rain, we stayed home all day.

29 Use “because of” to rewrite each of the following sentences. Because you helped me, I was able to finish my report on time. Because of your help, I was able to finish my report on time.

30 Use “because of” to rewrite each of the following sentences. Because he was lazy, he failed his test again. Because of his laziness, he failed his test again.

31 Use “because of” to rewrite each of the following sentences. Because there was a traffic jam, I was late for school. Because of the traffic jam, I was late for school.

32 Use “because of” to rewrite each of the following sentences. Because the water is polluted, we can’t swim in the river. Because of the water pollution, we can’t swim in the river.

33 Use “because of” to rewrite each of the following sentences. Because there was noise, I couldn’t fall asleep. Because of the noise, I couldn’t fall asleep.

34 Choose a noun phrase from the box on the left and a sentence from the box on the right to make a new sentence, using “because of.” 1. genes 2. growth hormone 3. genetic engineering 4. the HIV virus 5. the loss of food supply ‧ The balance of nature might be upset. ‧ People get AIDS. ‧ Dairy cattle give more milk. ‧ The insects may die out soon. ‧ An organism's characteristics are formed.

35 1. Because of genes, an organism's characteristics are formed. 3. Because of genetic engineering, the balance of nature might be upset. 4. Because of the HIV virus, people get AIDS. 5. Because of the loss of food supply, the insects may die out soon. 2. Because of growth hormone, dairy cattle give more milk.

36 Ok, it’s the end of sentence pattern 2. BACK

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