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 1st c. AD – 4th c. AD  Sources: Depictions on monuments  All males  Mithraic cult is a mystery religion  Mithras = Indo-Persian deity Mitra?  Roman.

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Presentation on theme: " 1st c. AD – 4th c. AD  Sources: Depictions on monuments  All males  Mithraic cult is a mystery religion  Mithras = Indo-Persian deity Mitra?  Roman."— Presentation transcript:


2  1st c. AD – 4th c. AD  Sources: Depictions on monuments  All males  Mithraic cult is a mystery religion  Mithras = Indo-Persian deity Mitra?  Roman origin?  Christian?

3  Mithras was born from a rock.  Slaughters a bull, bows to the Sun, Sun and himself eat parts of the bull together.  On Latin monuments = Mithras  On Greek monuments = Mithra

4  Rock cave with central aisle and podiums.  Centrepiece depicting relief of tauroctony.  400+ temples throughout the Roman Empire  Close to streams or springs

5  Mithras killing a bull.  A bit different in style, same concept.  Some reliefs have depictions of the myth of Mithras

6  Relief on opposite side of tauroctony relief.  Mithras and Sun dining.  Strictly Mithraic Art  Arimanius = deus = god

7  Only holy ones can be initiated into the cult.  5 step ritual

8  Raven (Mercury)  Nymphus (Venus)  Soldier (Mars)  Lion (Jupiter)  Persian (Moon)  Heliodromus (Sun)  Father (Saturn)

9  Pearce, Roger. “The Roman Cult of Mithras.” The Tertullian Project. N.d., Web. 4 Nov. 2013. splay.php?page=main  “Mithraism.”Religion Facts. N.d, N.p. Web 4 Nov. 2013. roman/sects/mithraism.htm  Speidel, Michael P. Mithras-Orion. Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1980, 1-13. Print.

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