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Effective Committee Training Steve McIlvain 913.515.1218 YOUNG LIFE.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Committee Training Steve McIlvain 913.515.1218 YOUNG LIFE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Committee Training Steve McIlvain 913.515.1218 YOUNG LIFE

2 AGENDA Young Life Anywhere Committee Meeting May 3, 2008 1.Spiritual time-How has God blessed you since our last meeting? 2.Review Golf Tournament-Groups 3.Ministry Update-Area Director 4.Provide Input on Wyldlife Proposal-All 5.Update on Fall Banquet-Member 6.Prayer Time Upcoming Events: May 11-Volunteer Leader Appreciation Dinner, May 21-All City Club, Meetings-June 2, August 5, September 6, October 3

3 CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE COMMITTEES 1.Are built on the right foundation 2.Have goals and action plans for success 3.Are structured to accomplish goals and plans and support the ministry 4.Ensure adequate financial support 5.Understand authority and decision making in YL 6.Plan and hold effective meetings 7.Appreciate, celebrate, and say thanks 8.Evaluate themselves

4 Building Relationships Area Director/Committee Chair Be Intentional 1.Meet regularly-have a personal sharing time, discuss ministry issues, plan committee agendas 2.Develop mutual accountability 3.Give each other regular and clear feedback 4.Share decision making 5.Meet informally

5 Planning Effective Meetings Monthly meetings are best Set day, date, time 90 minute meeting Plan with Area Director Develop agenda and send out ahead of meeting Think about the design of the meeting: spiritual or devotional time, ministry update, review prior projects, preview upcoming projects or events Take minutes and send them out Special meetings may be necessary

6 Holding Effective Meetings Start and end meetings on time-Chair leads Set goals and work in teams or sub- committees Let members talk and share ideas Balance time between building relationships & tasks Keep the meeting moving Utilize process strategies

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