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Chapter 3, Section 1 Distinguish between latitude and longitude.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3, Section 1 Distinguish between latitude and longitude."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3, Section 1 Distinguish between latitude and longitude.
Standards IE 1h. Read and Interpret maps. Objective 1 Distinguish between latitude and longitude. Assessment Latitude/Longitude Sheet, Daily Quiz, Chapter Test Review Daily Bellwork, Science Starters, Standards Practice

2 Key Terms Create a flash card for the following key terms (p. 53 in textbook): Parallel Latitude Meridian longitude If you finish early, study your flash cards!

3 Latitude Circles or lines north and south of the equator are called lines of latitude or PARALLELS. Latitude is the angular distance north or south of the equator.

4 Measuring Latitude Latitude is measured in degrees, it is the angular distance North or South of the Equator Equator is starting point: 0 Degrees Each line of latitude increases by 15 degrees. North of the equator = N South of the equator = S

5 Measuring Latitude Each degree of latitude consists of 60 equal parts called MINUTES (‘) Each Minute is divided into 60 SECONDS (“). Precise Latitude for Washington D.C. = 38˚53’23” North

6 Quick Check! Circles of Latitude are _______ and _______ of the equator. Latitude is measure in ________, ______, and ________. Each line of latitude is _____ degrees north or south of the previous line.

7 Longitude Longitude shows a location East or West of the PRIME MERIDIAN, 0 degrees. It is angular distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. Lines of Longitude are in 15 degree increments and are composed of minutes and seconds.

8 Longitude At the equator the distance between each line of longitude is 111 km. All meridians meet at the poles, so the distance between each line of longitude (meridian) decreases as you move toward the poles. Insert

9 Animated Latitude and Longitude
Ch 3 html animated

10 Quick Check!! Lines of longitude are also called ____________.
The ________ __________ is zero degrees longitude. Distance between meridians _______ as you travel to the poles.

11 Great Circles A GREAT CIRCLE is any circle that divides the globe in half. A GREAT CIRCLE can run in any direction. A GREAT CIRCLE is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Show with string on a globe.

12 Brain Pop- Latitude and Longitude

13 Assessment Finding Longitude and Latitude Activity Sheet
Find a worksheet

14 Daily Quiz Put into Responders and/or project using SMART notebook. 3 Questions a day. Oral and on small papers??

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