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ITALIAN DAY at our school 08.05.2013. Our students’ government planned to do: A special edition of the school newspaper Italian Language Survival Kit.

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Presentation on theme: "ITALIAN DAY at our school 08.05.2013. Our students’ government planned to do: A special edition of the school newspaper Italian Language Survival Kit."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITALIAN DAY at our school 08.05.2013

2 Our students’ government planned to do: A special edition of the school newspaper Italian Language Survival Kit Quiz about Italy The colours of the Italian flag in our clothes-a school competition Italian song contest

3 ITALY- questions for the quiz 1. Geographical situation 2. The flag 3. The capital 4. Population 5. The currency 6. Main rivers, seas, islands 7. The nature: - The mountains - volcanoes 8. Art- famous painters 9. Italian cuisine 10. Tourism- why shoud we go there?

4 The colours of the flag in clothes- kids


6 Class II a in Italian colours

7 Class 6c – the winners

8 Quiz about Italy in primary school


10 Quiz about Italy in middle school


12 Italian song contest class 3c

13 Italian song contest 4e

14 Italian song contest 6d

15 The finalist – Marta Szermelek IIIc Click the photo below to hear the song

16 Italian song contest- the audience

17 Can our teachers and students speak Italian?




21 An Italian dish in our canteen – rizzotto

22 Thank you for watching! Grazie molte!

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